n御寒美食指南:冬天吃啥更扛冻? Nutritious Foods to Keep You Warm In Cold Weather( 二 )

n御寒美食指南:冬天吃啥更扛冻? Nutritious Foods to Keep You Warm In Cold Weather
[Photo/Pexels]Drink Water喝水
A simple way to help your body stay warm this winter is to drink water. Water keeps your body functioning at its best and helps regulate your internal temperature. Dehydration causes your core temperature to drop, which may lead to hypothermia. People are less likely to drink water when it’s cold outside because they don’t feel as thirsty, according to Summit Medical Group. You may want to carry a water bottle with you to serve as a reminder.在冬天保暖的一个简单方法就是喝水。水使身体保持最佳状态,并帮助调节体温。脱水会导致核心体温下降,这可能导致体温过低。据Summit医疗集团称,天气寒冷时,人们就不太喝水,因为他们感觉不那么渴。你可以随身携带一个水瓶提醒自己喝水。
Avoid Alcohol避免饮酒
You may follow the old adage that a shot of whisky can keep you warm. However, whisky and other kinds of alcohol actually lower your body’s core temperature. You may feel warm at first but it will be hard to stay warm over time. Alcohol also impairs your ability to shiver, which is a natural response to raise your body temperature. 你可能会相信老话说得那样,喝杯威士忌让你热乎乎。然而,威士忌和其他种类的酒实际上会降低你身体的核心温度。一开始你可能感觉很温暖,但过段时间就不行了。酒精还会削弱你的颤抖能力,这是一种升高体温的自然反应。