英语句子省略动词 省略英文动词

动词通常是用来表达动作或状态的词 。基本上,每个完整的句子都有一个动词 。下面小编给你讲讲英语的动词的省略用法.让我们来看看吧!
■在口语中,有时可省略句中的连系动词 。如:
How you doing? 近况如何?
说明:you 前省去了are,特别是在美国英语中 。
Your sister dead? 你的妹妹死了?
说明:句首省去连系动词is 。
Everybody gone? 人都走了吗?
说明:句首省去连系动词is 。
Everything in good condition. 样样东西都完好无损 。
说明:everything之后省去连系动词is 。

英语句子省略动词 省略英文动词


■在比较结构中,than和as后的主语+系动词,通常可省略系动词 。如:
Sally is as intelligent as Bill. 莎莉和比尔一样聪明 。
说明:Bill后省略了is 。
He is as quick in answering as his sister. 他回答得和他妹妹一样快 。
说明:sister后省略了is 。
His sister is quicker than he. 他妹妹比他敏捷 。
说明:he后省略了is 。
I’ m not as old as you. 我没有你年龄大 。
说明:you后省略了are 。
■承前省略连系动词 。如:
To know is one thing, and to teach quite another. 知道是一回事,教又是一回事 。
说明:to teach后省去了is 。
Our flat is on the first floor and theirs on the third. 我们的公寓在一楼,他们的公寓在三楼 。
说明:theirs后省去了is 。
He is a millionaire and his father without a cent. 他是百万富翁而他父亲却不名一文 。
说明:his father后省去了is 。
■在报纸标题中也通常省去连系动词 。如:
Arrests up for Economic Crimes 因经济犯罪而被逮捕之人数上升
说明:arrests后省去连系动词are 。
Johnson Ready for Tokyo Meet 约翰逊准备参加东京运动会
说明:Johnson后省去连系动词is 。
I refuse, however favourable the conditions. 不管条件如何有利,我都不干 。
说明:conditions后省去了are 。
In our company, every body is well taken care of, no matter what his position (is). 在我们公司,每个人都得到很好的照顾,不管他地位如何 。
说明:his position后省去了is 。
Whatever her faults, she’s Arnold’s mother. 不管她有什么缺点,她总是安诺德的母亲 。
说明:her faults后省去了are 。
■省去连系动词的用法还见于富有诗意的文体中 。如:
She in tears. He gloomy and down-looking. 她泪流满面 。他脸色阴沉而低垂着眼 。
说明:she和he之后皆省去连系动词was 。
How quick, how easy, the transition from despair to rapture. 从悲观失望到欣喜若狂,转变得多么快、多么轻易啊 。
说明:非省略结构应是How quick and how easy is. . .。
当状语从句的主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语包括有动词be时,有时可省略从句中的主语和动词be 。如:
Phone me if (it is) necessary. 必要时给我打电话 。
Start when (you are) ready. 准备好了就开始 。
He danced about as if (he was) in search of something. 他向四周望望,仿佛在找什么似的 。
Though (he was) intelligent, he was very poorly educated. 虽然他很聪明,受的教育却很差 。
注:有时省略的可能是 there is, it is 等 。如:
There is few if (there is) any. 如果有也很少 。
Fill in the application as (it is) instructed. 按照要求填好表格 。
As (it is) scheduled they met on January 20. 他们按照计划在1月20日碰头 。

英语句子省略动词 省略英文动词


so that, so…that, such…that 引导结果状语从句时,有时可省略that 。如:
I am so busy (that) I have no time to write a letter. 我是那样忙,写信的时间都没有 。
He was so drunk (that) he could barely stand. 他喝醉了,勉强能站立 。
The girls are so close (that) they’re like sisters. 女孩们亲如姐妹 。
There was such a lot of rain (that) we couldn't go out. 雨那么大,我们没法出去 。
She spoke with such sincerity (that) he felt greatly touched. 她说得那样诚恳,他深受感动 。
as, than等引出的比较大状语从句通常省略谓语 。如:
I know you better than he (does). 我比他更了解你 。
He is as quick in answering as his sister (is). 他回答得和他妹妹一样快 。
He answers as quickly as his sister (does). 他回答得和他妹妹一样快 。
He is not so / as quick in answering as his sister (is). 他回答得不如他妹妹那样快 。
His sister is quicker than he (is). 他妹妹比他敏捷 。
He moves more slowly than his sister (does). 他行动起来比他妹妹慢 。
1. 为避免重复,有时可用不定式符号to来代替整个动词不定式(短语) 。如:
“Will you come?” “I’d love to. ” “你来吗?”“我愿意来 。”
You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你愿意可以这样做 。
2. 在某些情况下省略不定式符号 to(如在let, make, have等使役动词后用作宾语补足语的不定式必须省略to,在see, hear, observe, notice, feel, watch 等表示感官的动词后必须省略to等) 。如:
If you want help, let me know. 如果你需要帮助,可以告诉我 。
You have made me feel secure. 你使我感到安全 。
Did you notice me pause? 你注没注意我停顿了一下?
这类省略结构最重要的有 if so, if not, if you must三个 。如:
Is the book available, and if so where? 有没有这本书?如果有的话,在哪里?
Are you a student with a knack for coming up with great ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you. 你是那种能想出好主意的学生吗?如果是,我们倒想听一听 。
I hope to see you tomorrow, but if not, leave me a message. 我希望明天跟你见面,不过如果不行的话,请给我留个口信 。
I think I can fix it tomorrow. If not, you’ll have to wait till Friday. 我想我明天就可以修好它,如果不行,你就只好等到星期五了 。
The snow was now two feet deep, making it difficult, if not impossible, to get the car out. 雪有两英尺厚,要把汽车拉出来很困难,尽管不是不可能 。
“I’m just going to finish this off first.” “Go ahead then, if you must.” “我只是打算先把这件事做完 。”“如果你非得要做的话,那就继续吧 。”
这类省略比较重要的是由从属连词if, when, where, whenever, wherever等,后接形容词necessary, possible等构成 。如:
Taste the soup and add salt and pepper if necessary. 尝尝这汤,需要的话加一点点盐和胡椒粉 。
It is always best to choose organically grown foods if possible. 如果可能,最好还是挑选有机食品 。
They are not afraid to tackle the issues or let the sparks fly when necessary. 他们不怕应对这些问题,也不怕必要时来一番激烈的争论 。
I recommend that you avoid processed foods whenever possible. 我建议你尽量不要食用加工好的食品 。
Changes can easily be made where necessary. 在需要的地方可以很容易地进行修改 。
They believed in the application of force wherever necessary. 凡属必要的地方他们都主张使用武力 。
Researchers try to quote primary sources wherever possible. 研究人员尽可能地引用原始资料 。
这类省略比较重要的是由从属连词as if, as though, once, when, while 等后接现在分词构成,注意此时现在分词的逻辑主语通常应与句子主语一致 。如:
He paused as if expecting Lanny to speak. 他停了停,仿佛等待兰尼说话 。
He rubbed his eyes and yawned as though waking up after a long sleep. 他又揉眼睛又打哈欠,好像睡了一大觉刚醒似的 。
On the other hand, once having seen this apartment, who’d have the courage to complain? 另一方面,一旦看过这套公寓房,谁还会有勇气发牢骚呢?
They were surprised by her openness when talking about her private life. 她谈起私生活时非常坦率,大家都很吃惊 。
He had jumped bail last year while being tried on drug charges. 去年他在因涉毒被控告期间弃保潜逃 。
If the TV was built into the ceiling, you could lie there while watching your favourite programme. 如果把电视嵌入天花板,你就可以躺在那里欣赏你最喜欢的节目了 。
这类省略比较重要的是由从属连词although, as, as if, as though, if, once, unless, until, when, while 等后接过去分词构成,注意此时过去分词的逻辑主语通常应与句子主语一致 。如:
Although never married, they lived together as husband and wife for fifty years. 虽然从未结婚,但他们像夫妻一样在一起生活了50多年 。
I am sending you information on holidays as promised. 正如所许诺的那样,我现在给你寄去关于度假的资料 。
He was speeding down the motorway as if pursued by a demon. 他在公路上高速行驶,就像有魔鬼在追赶他似的 。
If accepted for this post, you will be informed within a week. 如果你被接受担任这个职务,将在一礼拜内给你通知 。
Once exposed to light, the film will be damaged and get useless. 一旦曝光,胶卷就要被损坏而不能用了 。
The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless accompanied by an adult. 校规规定,除非有成年人的陪同,孩子在白天不允许出学校 。
Grill for 15 to 20 minutes, turning occasionally until cooked. 烧烤15分钟至20分钟,不时翻转直到烧熟为止 。
When asked for your views about your current job, on no account must you be negative about it. 被问及你对自己目前工作的看法时,无论如何不要流露出消极情绪 。
有些由when, where, who, which, how等引导的从句,如果上文的语境清楚,可以从句省略,而只保留wh-词 。如:
I’d like to help in some way, but I’m not sure how. 我想帮点忙,但不知道该怎么做 。
Be very clear about what jobs should be completed, and by when. 对哪些工作应该要完成和应该什么时候完成必须非常明确 。
I’ll call you ahead of time to fix up exactly when and where. 我会提前打电话给你,确定时间和地点 。
I’ve left my keys somewhere and I don’t know where. 我把钥匙放在某个地方了,但不知道是哪个地方 。
Miranda was sure it was one of them, but was not sure which. 米兰达确定是其中的一个,但不敢肯定是哪一个 。
It’s either Spanish or Portuguese that she speaks, but I’ve forgotten which. 她说的要么是西班牙语,要么是葡萄牙语,但我忘记是哪一种了 。
【英语句子省略动词 省略英文动词】“Who told you?” “Oh, somebody or other, I’ve forgotten who.” “谁告诉你的?”“啊,有个人,我忘了是谁了 。”
He’s angry with me and I don’t know why. 他生我的气了,但我不知道是为什么 。
She gets periodic headaches, but she doesn’t know why. 她时不时地感到头疼,但不知道为什么 。