植树节在四月英语怎么说 2022年的三月和四月英语怎么说

1四月 英语 怎么说
4月是阳历年中的第四个月,是全年第一个小月,共有30天 。在北半球,4月是春季的第二个月,本月的节气:清明、谷雨 。英文中的4月(April)来源于单词aperire,表示“开”,可能意味着植物在春天开始生长 。接下来小编告诉你四月英语怎么说 。
fourth month
Your deposit matures on April 3rd.
你的存款四月三日到期 。

植树节在四月英语怎么说 2022年的三月和四月英语怎么说


Is it feasible to finish the work by April?
I met Harry in Los Angeles on April 17, 1962, and on April 23 he was in Beatrice, Nebraska, running Dempster.
我在当年四月去洛杉矶拜访他,一个礼拜后,他就被请到内布拉斯加州来管理Dempster 。
In mid april
The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth.
婚礼在四月十五日举行 。
n. 四月
When were you born? The first of April/April the first/(US) April first.
The peach trees blossom in April.
桃树在四月开花 。

植树节在四月英语怎么说 2022年的三月和四月英语怎么说


April is the time to plant trees.
四月是种树的时候 。
I enclosed my resume in response to your advertisement in …on Sunday, April 6.
我想应征4月6日(星期日)……上所刊登的招聘广告随函寄上我的履历表 。
On April 9, Kuwait has marginally beaten qatar in basketball with a score of 97:93 and won this year's championship.
在9日进行的球类项目比赛中,科威特篮球队以97:93的微弱优势战胜劲敌卡塔尔队,荣登本届西亚运动会篮球比赛的冠军宝座 。
What a coincidence! My birthday's april 18, too!
好巧!我的生日也是四月十八日 。
n. 第四,月的第四日;四分之一
adj. 第四的,第四个的;四分之一的
num. 第四
She was but just the fourth.
她只得了第四名 。
Thailand is the fourth largest exporter of chicken.
泰国是世界第四大鸡类出口国 。
Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension.
时间有时候被称作第四维 。
The fourth division of the stomach in ruminant animals,such as cows,sheep,and deer,in which digestion takes place.
The fourth, a tall, thin, deeply tanned man with barn-door ears and a hooked nose, held an automatic pistol
第四个人是个晒得很黑、长着一对招风大耳和鹰勾鼻子的瘦高个,手里拿着一支自动手枪 。
On Saturday, January 20,1945, the fourth inauguration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt was conducted without fanfare
1945年1月20日,星期六,富兰克林·D·罗斯福的第四任就职仪式没有大排场 。
n. 月,月份;一个月的时间
month of Sundays
It was a scene which was enacted month after month for these years.
这些年里,那一情况每个月都会发生 。
Their dictionary was printed last month.
他们的字典已于上个月出版发行 。
Another beautiful goddess, Juno, the wife of Jupiter, give us the names of the month of June.
另外一个美丽的女神朱诺(JUNO)是丘比特的妻子,她给了我们JUNE(六月)的名字 。
"When I have achieved $2,000 a month cash flow from my assets, then I will be wealthy."
当我每月从资产项可得2000美元时,那我就有财富了 。
Wherever the P.L.A. went, the enemy dispersed, and in less than a month, the whole province was liberated
解放军所向披靡,不到一个月就解放了全省 。
"Several months later Fred and Burns Cody, two old friends of mine, gave a party for me."
【植树节在四月英语怎么说 2022年的三月和四月英语怎么说】几个月以后,我的两位老友弗雷德和伯恩斯·科迪为我举行了一个宴会 。