不用了 英语怎么说 不用英语怎么说呢

有时候,如果我们不想给别人带来太多的麻烦,我们会说不 。不用了英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

不用了 英语怎么说 不用英语怎么说呢


need not
Don't mention it!
Needless to say, the sight of this incongruously attired trio walking at such a time and in such a place attracted a certain amount of attention
在这地点,这时间,又加以是服装不相调和的三个青年,不用说,就有点惹人注目 。
Weeds want no sow.
杂草不用播种,歹人不须培养 。
He knows algebra, still more arithmetic.
他懂得代数,更不用说算术了 。
With a caravan,you can stop at your own convenience;you're not dependent on hotels.
开着一辆大篷车,可以随意停下来, 不用住旅馆.
Needless to say, he kept his promise.
不用说,他信守了他的诺言 。
Needless to say, learning without thinking is useless.
不用说,学而不思则罔 。
He can hardly run a mile, much less the marathon.
他连一哩都跑不了,更不用说马拉松了 。
"Herophilus first laid the factual groundwork for gross anatomy, the study of structures large enough to see without a microscope."
希罗菲卢斯是进行实地大体解剖的第一人,大体解剖是用解剖刀剖切和肉眼观察(不用显微镜)的方法来研究有机体的各种结构 。
There is no hurry; when conditions are ripe, success will come.
不用着急,事情会水到渠成 。
at need adv.困难之时,紧急时
if need be 如果需要的话
need for 需要…
be in need of v. 需要
in need 在急需时,在贫困时,在危难中
need to vi.需要,必须
no need 用不着
need not 不必
in need of 需要,急需…
with no need for 不需要…
need v.[T] 1.需要 v.[I] 1.(表示应该或不得不做)有必要 n. 1. 需要,需求 2. 责任,必要 3. 需要的东西 4. 贫穷;困窘
C/need 预备人 见case of need.
need based 1. 建立在需求上的经济资助(是大多数美国大学的主要政策,也就是不看申请者的学术成绩或其他方面的特长,只看他们的家庭经济状况)
fuel need 燃料需要
need to know 需知
不用 need
不用的 unused
不用心 mindlessne
开始不用 fall
停止不用的 work
不用声音 nosound
不用马的 horseless
不用理智的 unreasonin
不用客气 mention
废而不用 fall
do without
have no use for
with no need for
It is often organised by gangs, but does not require huge investments.
这种贩私通常由一伙人组成,但并不需要巨额的投资 。

不用了 英语怎么说 不用英语怎么说呢


During transmission, they employ special collision -avoidance and arrival-acknowledgment techniques that are not required in wired Ethernet LANs
在传输过程中,他们采用有线以太网不需要的、特殊的避免碰撞和到达应答技术 。
Go to other Web pages similar to the one you are viewing, without even doing a search. Just use the Show Related Links feature.
甚至不需要进行搜索,就能进入与您要查看的页面近似的其他网页 。只需使用“显示相关站点”功能 。
"Since streamlining is not needed in the high vacuum of this environment, a spacecraft's shape is designed according to its mission."
由于这种环境的高度真空,流线型并不需要,航天器的外观便根据它的任务来设计 。
If one is enough, a second although useful is needless.
如果一个够了,那么第二个即使有用,也是不需要的 。
"Nothing extra is needed, except the floor mounting bolts which will vary depending on the floor construction "
除此之外不需要其他数据,但是地面安装螺栓可以根据地面结构进行变化 。
"Non-Hold-Open Integral Solenoid Operator, Fixed Metering Bypass and No External Volume adjustment to Ensure Water Conservation"
I hate to see men overdressed;a man ought to look like he's put together by accident,not add up on purpose.
我讨厌看到一些男人穿的过分讲究;男人的衣着应该是随意和自然的,不需要刻意装扮的 。
Do not buy what you want, but what you need; what you do not need is a dear at a farthing. ——Benjamin Franklin
不要买你想要的,买你需要的;你不需要的东西哪怕一分钱也是贵的 。——加图
If you do not want to password protect your profile, leave both fields blank.
如果不需要使用口令来保护简要表,请把这两个字段都留空 。
Bill at no time gambles.
比尔从不赌博 。
He is never brusque with his comrades.
他对同志从不疾言厉色 。
That weirdo never bathes or changes his clothes.
He never attempts to placate his enemy.
他从不企图与敌人和解 。
He is frank and outspoken and never beats about the bush.
他有意见就坦率地提出来,从不转弯抹角 。
She was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry or upset.
He never came up with a concrete proposal to end the war.
他从不提出结束战争的具体建议 。
She had perfect poise and never seemed embarrassed.
她非常沈着,从不显得窘迫 。
His father, a virginian, was a restless man
他的父亲是弗吉尼亚人,从不安于现状 。
He's so good at speaking to a large crowd that he never gets the slightest stage fright
don't bother
Don ' t bother . 59 . give my best to your family
不用麻烦了 。代我向你们全家问好 。
Oh , none for me , thanks . i don ' t eat breakfast
B : why bother ? i ' ll see her at dinner
不用麻烦了,我晚饭时会看见她的 。
Why bother ? i ' ll see her at dinner
不用麻烦了,我晚饭时会看见她的 。
Don ' t bother . i ' ll show myself out
Don ' t bother . i can help myself
不用麻烦了 。我自己来吧 。
Please don ' t bother . i think i can manage . thanks all the same
不用麻烦了 。我想我自己可以应付的 。仍然很感谢 。
Don ' t go to anytrouble , noriko
Would you mind if i open the curtains ? yes , i would . no , not at all
您介意我拉开窗帘吗?不用麻烦了 。好的,请便 。
Don ' t bother
【不用了 英语怎么说 不用英语怎么说呢】不用麻烦了 。