skewed distribution,Skewed to the left

skew,spew区分法怎么记skew是偏,歪斜,记K不对称,歪的,spew,记p,pen喷出来,呕吐 skew的意思、解释 过去式:skewed;过去分词:skewed;现在分词:skewing;复数形式:skews;adj.1. 歪, 偏, 斜 n.1. 歪, 偏, 斜 vt. & 。
Positively skewed是什么意思Positively skewed 正偏 skewed[英][skju:d]v.歪曲( skew的过去式和过去分词 ); 曲解; 使不公允; 影响…的准确性;例句:1.Returns in financial markets are skewed.金融市场的回报率将会被扭曲 。
2.The skewed interes 。

skewed distribution,Skewed to the left

skewed 的英文翻译出来英语翻译 1,Focus group 2,Skewed sample 3,User profile 请帮我用英文 。1,Focus group ( a group of people that everyone interests)1、焦点团体 2,Skewed sample (Improper examples )2、不恰当的例子 3,User profile (The user configuration files)3用户配置文件,
Positively skewed是什么意思Positively skewed 正偏;正偏态;正偏斜 中文名 正偏态 外文名 positive skewness 含义 如平均数大于众数 相反 则称为负偏态 (negatives kewness)偏态(或者偏度)就是次数分布的非对称程度,是测定一个次数分布 。
skewed distribution,Skewed to the left

left-skewed,right-skewed如何翻译比较妥当?【skewed distribution,Skewed to the left】统计学中,当均值小于中位数时,称为left-skewed;当均值大于中位数时, 。right-skewed 右偏 left-skewed distribution 左偏态分布(统计学用语)相关例句:In the 80th minute he spun at the edge of the box and skewed a shot wide of McGregor's left-hand post.在第80分钟他在禁区边缘 。