

英文的个性签名会不会让你有伤感的感觉呢?英文爱情个性签名短句伤感 , 同样是爱情的伤 , 英文所表达的痛苦不会比中文少 , 和小编一起看看英文爱情个性签名吧!
1、爱不起 , 又为何偏偏爱上你 。
Love can not afford, why are you in love with you.
2、时光在消逝 , 承若却在沉睡 。
Time is passing, but if the bear is sleeping.
3、既然不爱 , 为何还要来招惹我?
Since you don't love me, why come to me?
4、恋爱不必多 , 但愿一爱就永恒 。
Love does not need to be more, I hope a love will be eternal.
5、我爱你不是任何人可以代替的 。
I love you not for anyone.
6、站在一个角落里 , 悄悄的看着你 。
Standing in a corner, watching you quietly.
7、得不到的付出 , 要懂得适可而止 。
Not to pay, to know not overdo sth..
8、生命为你提的字 , 谱成摇滚乐的诗 。
Life for you to mention the words, the spectrum into rock music.
9、我的生命里不是朋友 , 便是生疏人 。
My life is not a friend, it is a stranger.
10、试着接受另一个人 , 换另一种生活 。
Try to accept another person, change another life.
11、所有的快乐 , 都不能粘贴到我身上 。
All the happiness, can not paste to me.
12、各自奔各自的前程 , 各自听各自的歌 。
Each run their own future, each listening to their own songs.
13、秋叶飘飘 , 落落地;我心恍惚 , 死了心 。
Autumn leaves fall, fall; my heart a dead heart.
14、短暂的爱情 , 只会换来噩梦一般的尘埃 。
Short of love, only in exchange for the nightmare of the general dust.
15、我们的每次吵架 , 都是一个故事的开始 。
Every time we fight, it's the beginning of a story.
16、原来当他不需要你了 , 就是他离开的时候 。
When he didn't need you, that's when he left.
17、不开心的时候 , 就自己用手撑起一个微笑 。
When you are not happy, you can use your hand to hold up a smile.
18、时光就像个万花筒 , 让你的眼睛丢失方向 。
Time is like a kaleidoscope, let your eyes lost direction.
19、我想有一个人明白我 , 即使我什么都没说 。
【英文爱情个性签名短句伤感】I want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.
20、爱情上 , 有些人宁愿疼死 , 也不愿意放开 。
Love, some people would rather die than let go.