描述一个名人雅思口语 雅思个人陈述范文

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【描述一个名人雅思口语 雅思个人陈述范文】雅思描述一个人范文篇一:对你影响巨大的人
A person who has influenced you
Please describe a person who has greatly influenced you
You should say:
Who the person is (was)
How you came into contact with this person
How he/she has influenced you and why
And you have you say whether this person has influenced others
To talk about a person who has influenced me the most, I think there is none other but my father. Working as a government official, he doesn’t appear to be extraordinary in any way, but just working faithfully and peacefully raising his family, never putting his family or children aside. Yet however regular he may look, he is never ordinary to me, because I’ve learned many of the most basic and important life lessons from him: family, responsibility, accountability, faithfulness, vision and fulfilling goals, etc.—he is the first and best teacher in my life. As to influence, people all influence one another in one way or another during their contact. But as to whether my father has influenced other people as much as he does to me, I am not sure. Nevertheless I always hear people in the neighborhood talking about him as a model husband and family head. He must have touched some lives.

描述一个名人雅思口语 雅思个人陈述范文


Describe someone you know who is good at cooking.
You should say:
who this person is ①
how you know him or her ②
what kinds of food they cook ③
and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking.④
①The person who's good at cooking – My Mom. Her cooking isequivalent tothe top cooks of the world in my eyes.
②Now, I have been living on my own for over a decade, I really miss my mom's cooking. Whenever one of the family members has a birthday, we gather at my parent's home for dinner.www.wdnos.blog.sohu.com
. She cooks terrific Cheesemacaroni,lasagna,ravioli. Thepastryshe made isheavenly, it really is somethingto die for.
④Actually, my mom was not much of a good cook several years ago. She even thought theheightof cooking was browning some hamburger meat, addingoreganoandbasil- that was Italian food. If it was Mexican food, she addedchili powderand a tiny bit ofcayenne. Things changed after she completed the courses inBeijing New Oriental School. It was a nice school offers3 days free trialand, there, my mom had a chance to step into the demo kitchen and to get to participate as much as she liked. She got all many informative and helpful hints in the Cooking School.
Food just really isn't much of a focus for me other than tofuel up. But I really do enjoy my mom's homemadeappealingmeal. My mom's an awesome cook, much better than I am.
Describe a person that you admire .
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What you like to do together
Why you admire this person
In China ,the most significant Agriculture outcome in recent decades was hybrid rice , which was developed by a group of scientists whom led by Yuan longping in central China's Hunan province.This outstanding contribution already has been written in the textbooks of my generation.
During the year 1959 to 1961,the most mainland Chinese suffered for a nationwide drought along with serious food shortage and famine. Yuan longping found a special kind of natural hybrid rice, which
brought him the idea of cultivating a bran-new super hybrid rice for the entire country. With 40 years studies ,his creative team finally developed the super hybrid rice ,which was especially suitable for inland regions.
Surprisingly he still continues his research even nowadays.His creativity and continuity deeply remind me that to be constantly reflect on some little things, do not quit easily for everything ,catch every tiny sparks in my mind ,and always try to find out other methods to solve a problem. The influence makes me become much positive when difficulties came ,and reminds me that be patient all the time on what I am doing. In order to giving the best outcome ,I also review the work I did several times and ask others for opinions before I turned in.
Describe a well-known person. You should say:
Who he/she is.
What makes him/her famous?
Why you admire him/her.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) The most important person that I would like to talk about, is a man called Confucius.
b) I am sure you have heard or read about him before.
a) He is known as the greatest philosopher and writer of all times in China.
b) For example, he is regarded as the founder of the Chinese literature.
a) He lived about 500 BC in the region that is known as Shan Dong province today.
b) The site of his tomb was later developed by his followers into the first university in China.
As to why I would like to talk about him, there are several reasons. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them shortly.
a) First of all, I firmly believe that he was a very gentle and easy-going person.
b) In other words, he did not believe that problems and conflicts should be solved by violence.
a) Secondly, he obviously was a man who possessed great wisdom.
b) You just have to read his writings, and listen to his sayings to agree with me.
a) Lastly, he is my favorite famous person because of the influence that his teachings have in Asia to this day.
b) For instance, countries like China, Japan, and Korea, still use his teachings as the basis to arrange their societies.
7. So, that in brief, was my favorite famous person.