雅思口语描述童年学校 童年学校雅思口语

口语考试是雅思考试的重要组成部分 。为了方便学生复习,北京金桥国际学校边肖为您准备了优秀的雅思口语模板,希望能为您的雅思复习提供帮助 。这篇文章是关于童年活动的雅思口语模板 。.
Describe an activity (not a sport) you used to do in your childhood.You should say:what was itwho did you play withhow did you play itand why did you still remember the activity.
Back to my childhood, I used to play many games. Hopscotch, was my favourite game. When I was a little boy,most afternoons I used to play hopscotch with my friends in our neighbourhood.
回忆我的童年,我会玩很多游戏,跳房子是我喜欢的游戏 。当我还是个小男孩儿的时候,大多数的午后我都会和我的伙伴在家附近玩跳房子 。
It' s pretty easy. We draw grids (squares most often) on the sidewalk or on the ground.After that, you have to hop into each square, from one end of the grid to the other. For example, we draw 8 squares on the floor. You start with square 1 and end in square 8.
这个游戏相当简单,我们在路边或地面上划格子(通常来说是方格) 。然后,你需要从格子的一个尽头跳到另一边,每个格子都要跳 。比如,我们在地上划了8个格子,你需要从格子1开始跳到格子8结束 。
【雅思口语描述童年学校 童年学校雅思口语】If there are 2 squares together, you jump landing with one foot in each square; but if there is only 1 square, you must hop on one foot.
如果有两个格子在一起,你要在每个格子上都跳下一只脚,但如果只是一个格子,你必须用单脚跳 。
The game has some rules. If the player breaks the rules, he has to stop and another player takes a turn.
这个游戏有一些规则,如果玩的人违反了规则,那么他必须停下来,轮到另外一个人上 。
It is nice to remember playing games like hopscotch because it reminds me that I had a happy childhood surrounded by special people who always loved me.
记住玩跳房子这样的游戏是一件很好的事情,因为它使我想起被一群爱着自己的人包围着的快乐童年 。以上就是北京津桥国际学校为您整理的关于童年活动的雅思口语模板,对于想要提高雅思口语的同学来说,可以看看这些雅思口语模板,学习其中的答题方式和英语句子的使用,以及回答技巧,希望能够帮助到雅思考生们 。