雅思口语话题 最新雅思口语话题

当雅思口语出国类话题,被问到“你为什么出国?”,如果考生回答“为了学习”,考官是不会放弃的 。对出国的期待,刺激出国的导火索,对异乡生活的向往和恐惧,都可以变成谈资,既保证了你回答的个性化,也让你的回答更有人情味 。

雅思口语话题 最新雅思口语话题


Do you think it's necessary to go abroad?What foreign culture or custom do you know?Do you think it's necessary to go abroad?What foreign culture or custom do you know?What is the difference between Chinese education and Western education?Is there anything you worry about going abroad?What change do you want to have during overseas study?Besides language, what is the most difficult thing while living abroad?
Why are you going abroad?
At the beginning, my intention was triggered by many of my classmates. They were all busy with going abroad out of sudden. I was just panic and wanted to catch this trend. Now, I make my mind because I see a wider world out there, and I want to experience something different from that of China.
亮点1 intention was triggered by…:我的动机被……给触发了 。trigger作动词时的意思是触发,发动 。
亮点2 make my mind:下定决心,老外一般不说I decide it,相反地,他们经常把这句话挂在嘴边 。
Do you think it's necessary to go abroad?
For 80s or 90s baby, it's absolutely necessary. We are living in earth village now. We need to travel around to make friends and see different cultures. It's a shame if we don't get our horizon widened or outlook extended before we get to the society.
亮点1 80s or 90s baby: 80后或90后 。这个表达相信很多同学都已经找了很久了 。
【雅思口语话题 最新雅思口语话题】亮点2 get our horizon widened:拓宽我们的眼界 。horizon的原意是地平线,在这里是视野的意思 。