小学英语时态训练题 小学英语时态专项训练题

在语法中,时态或时态表示动作发生的时间和说出的时间之间的关系 。英语考试中经常会遇到时态题 。以下是边肖收藏的小学英语时态练习题及参考答案 。我们来看看吧!
1. His uncle usually _________ to work by bus. (go)
2. Sorry, I’m busy. I ______to a friend of mine in Hangzhou. (write)
3. Lin Tao and his classmates ______ on a farm next week. (work)
4. We ______ to the Great Wall if it _______ fine tomorrow. (go, be)

小学英语时态训练题 小学英语时态专项训练题


5. Mary _______thirteen next year. (be)
6. Today is Monday. Tomorrow ______ Tuesday. (be)
7. There _______ no hospitals here ten years ago. (be)
8. He _____you to the station tomorrow morning. (see)
9. It _____ very hard. We’d better stay at home. (rain)
参考答案:1. goes 2. am writing3. are going to work/will work 4. are going to /will go, is 5. will be 6. will be 7. were 8. will see 9. is raining
(1) 表示客观真理:客观真理是一种永恒的“习惯”,它比一般的“经常性”更经常——可以看成是一般现在时基本用法的延伸,你说这样理解有道理吗?如:
The earth turns around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转 。
Summer follows spring. 春去夏来 。
Gases expand when heated. 气体受热即膨胀 。
以上三句说的都是客观真理,永远如此,所以都要用一般现在时 。
另外,一些格言或谚语由于其客观性很强,所以通常是用一般现在时 。如;
Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量 。
Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过言辞 。

小学英语时态训练题 小学英语时态专项训练题


(2) 表示计划或安排:即表示在现阶段已经计划好或安排好要发生的情况,或表示时间表上所安排的并且一定要做的事情 。如:
The train leaves at six o’clock. 列车6点钟开出 。
The concert begins at 7:30 and ends at 9:30. 音乐会定于7:30开始,9:30分结束 。
【小学英语时态训练题 小学英语时态专项训练题】火车几点开出这是根据时刻表的安排进行的,必须如此;音乐会几点开始和几点结束是事先安排好的,具体执行时必须照办 。
现在进行时表示将来意义,主要用于谈论已经计划或安排好的动作,所涉及的动词有些是表示位置移动的,有些不一定是表示位置移动的,但总的说来,能这样用的动词比较有限,主要有arrive, come, dine, do, drive, fly, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, sleep, spend, start, stay, travel, wear, work等 。如:
I’m leaving tonight. I’ve got my plane ticket. 我今天晚上就要动身了,已经买好了机票 。
I’m meeting Peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre. 今天晚上我要跟彼得会面 。他要带我去看戏 。
“What are you doing this evening?” “I’m washing my hair.” “你今晚打算做什么?”“我要洗头 。”
I hate to trouble you, but Aunt Lina’s birthday is coming up and I would like to buy something nice for her. 我真不愿打扰您,但莉娜阿姨的生日就要到了,我想给她买点好东西 。
现在进行时表示将来与be going to表将来的区别:
(1) 当主要动词为go和come时,最好不用be going to结构,而改用go和come的现在进行时 。如:
The engineer is coming to repair our phone tomorrow morning. 修理工明天上午来修我们的电话 。
(2) 若用现在进行时表将来会引起误解(如让人误认为是进行时态),则最好用be going to结构 。如:
I don’t think that it’s going to rain, but I’ll bring a raincoat just in case. 我想不会下雨,不过为以防万一,我要带件雨衣 。(如用it is raining,则会让人误解为正在下雨)