良好的家风和家庭每个人都应该严格遵守的行为准则,家规对良好家风的形成具有重要意义 。还有关于用英语写家规的作文 。你想知道写家庭规则的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里是边肖收集的一些关于家庭规则的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
In my family,to make sure my school results look good my mother has set up a series of family rules.
The first one is I have to do my homework afterschool and to finished it by 9:00. I have to go to bed before 10:00 and get up at 6:00.
I must have at least one egg as part of my breakfast and some milk as well.I can never buy food from food stand in street.I cannot visit my classmate's home during the weekend even it doesn't happen often.
I know it may be good for me but I have got fed up with the family rule.

In order to help me grow healthily, my parents make some family rules. First, we must honest to others. Honesty is the basic character of a person. Second, we should take our responsibilities. My duty is study now, so I must work hard for it. Third, we should be thankful to the life. It will help us to love ourselves and others. My parents always tell me to remember these rules. And I will remember them always.
There are many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o'clock and be home at 6:30pm.I have to finish my homework after school.I can't watch TV and play computer games on school nights. I have to stay at home on school nights . Also,I have to do some housework.
My parents don’t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because they think teenagers may let their friend talk them into doing bad things . I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,although it is good for me ,I think it is a good way to have a rest . Though I don’t agree with some ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.
The family is the family atmosphere, family atmosphere is good or not will affect the future generations of a family or clan, the family should be positive, the first is to pay attention to the Drake family home, with the rule of virtue. Family is divided into several, at home to do housework at home, and so on, doing things at home is a good family tradition. The tradition is also called family, is a family or a family tradition.
The rules are very strict, so the rules of the house must strictly abide by the norms of behavior under a family, is inherited by a family by education standard criteria for future generations. The rules also called family laws, state laws, family rules, is that a country has a national law, a family has a family rule, this rule is equivalent to the law of the country. Refers to the family rules, must know how to do anything about the rules.
Finally, I think a good family tradition and family everyone should strictly abide by the norms of behavior, also, they comply with the good rules to our students, to justice.
【写家庭规则的英语作文初中 家庭的规矩英语作文】写家庭规则的英语作文篇五:
Family rules
My parents are very strict. So I have too many rules in my family.
Firstly,I must ask permission beforeI go out somewhere.Secondly, I can’t argue or talk back to my parents in a disrespectful way. Then, I have to help with the housework when I am free. finally, I should be polite and respectful at all times and listen quietly while others are speaking.
I think it’s necessary to have family rules.On the one hand, family rules help keep things in order. On the other hand, they help develop a good relationship between family members.
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