《飞屋环游记》讲述了一个老人,曾经和妻子约好去遥远的南美的一个瀑布旅游,和他遇到的小胖子拉塞尔进行了一次冒险 。你想了解飞屋环游记用英语怎么说?吗接下来,边肖告诉你如何用英语说“飞行屋之旅” 。让我们来看看!
中文名 飞屋环游记
原版名称 Up
飞屋环游记专辑 Up
飞屋环游记艺术设定集 Art Of Up
飞屋环游记英文影评 Up English Review
![飞屋环游记英文怎么写 飞屋环游记的主要内容用英语](http://img.hubeilong.com/230526/22531WH1-0.jpg)
“飞屋环游记”被命名为动画片,同时阿根廷的“谜一样的双眼”赢得了外语片 。
"Up" was named best animated movie, and Argentina's "The Secret in Their Eyes" won best foreign language film.
Is the movie good? How does it hold up to other Pixar movies?
他是利用集束气球飞跃英吉利海峡的第一人,如今他用一簇气球将一个房子升入了天空,就像是现实版的迪斯尼动画《飞屋环游记》 。
A cluster-balloonist who became the first person to fly the English Channel has launched a house into the sky just like in the Disney movie 'Up'.
2010年,乔布斯在推广iPad时,展示了皮克斯公司制作的电影“飞屋环游记” 。
Steve Jobs shows a scene from "Up", a Pixar film, during his speech introducing the iPad in2010.
一串不同颜色的热气球在大地投出气泡状的阴影,惊喜和幸福感,和《飞屋环游记》的卡尔相似 。
A string of different colors of balloon in the cast shadows of bubbly venting, surprise and happiness, and "fly house around to record" Carl similar.
2010年,乔布斯在推广iPad时,展示了皮克斯公司制作的电影“飞屋环游记” 。
Steve Jobs shows a scene from “Up”, a Pixar film, during his speech introducing the iPad in 2010.
据佐拉迪说,上映《飞屋环游记》的影院中只有40%放映3D版,却有约51%的观众看的是这个版本 。
About 51% of theatergoers saw the movie in 3-D even as only 40% of the theaters showing 'Up' offered the format, according to Mr. Zoradi.
《飞屋环游记》是皮克斯制作的3-D动画片,去年五月份控制了多家(常有6个以上银幕的)多放映场影剧院,几个星期之前有垄断奥斯卡的动画片奖的趋势 。
“Up, ” Pixar’s 3-D flying-house adventure, dominated the multiplexes last May and seemed to have the animation Oscar sewn up as recently as a few weeks ago.
詹姆斯卡梅隆执导的《阿凡达》票房收入已超过10亿美元,证明它是有史以来最卖座的3D电影,而皮克斯公司的《飞屋环游记》则赚取了6.8亿美元的全球票房 。
Meanwhile James Cameron's Avatar is proving the most successful 3D movie ever made, with takings that have topped over bn, and Pixar's Up took 0m globally.
But “Up, ” which has been estimated to cost 5 million and cruised to a 3 million gross in North America, lost two influential awards to “Fox.”
由于扩大了候选电影的范围,同样被提名的还有动画电影《飞屋环游记》以及《严肃的男人》、《无耻混蛋》和英国电影《成长教育》 。
Rounding out the list of best film nominees were animated movie "Up, " "A Serious Man, " "Inglourious Basterds" and "An Education."
电影工业轻声嘀咕,称《飞屋环游记》是皮克斯的第十部老于世故的电影,艺术上的另一个楷模 。
The movie industry cooed that “Up, ” Pixar’s sophisticated 10th feature, was another artistic triumph.
一鸣惊人的《飞屋环游记》(Up 2009)获得了动画片奖 。
The blockbuster Up won best animated film.
由于有着直观的震撼效果,3D电视和其他三位的家庭娱乐设备是展会上最抓眼球的产品类别 。随着《阿凡达》和《飞屋环游记》等3D电影的热映,索尼和松下等电视生产商已经表示,将于2010年面向市场推出3D电视机 。
In the wake of hit 3-D movies like "Avatar" and "Up," several TV makers including Sony and Panasonic have announced plans to sell 3-D television to consumers in 2010.
一串不同颜色的热气球在大地投出气泡状的阴影,惊喜和幸福感,和《飞屋环游记》的卡尔相似 。
A string of different colors of balloon in the cast shadows of bubbly venting, surprise and happiness, and "fly house around to record" Carl similar.
很多奖项预测人士认为《飞屋环游记》有望被提名为电影,尤其是今年提名名额扩充到了10个 。
Many awards strategists consider “Up” a strong candidate for a best picture nomination, especially with that field expanded to 10 nominees this year.
It's got talking dogs piloting fighter planes and a house that floats to South America on the strength of a thousand balloons, but the most outrageous thing about Up?
《飞屋环游记》由彼得·道格特导演,依然引领着奥斯卡动画片奖的竞争,这个奖皮克斯已经赢得了四次 。
And “Up, ” directed by Pete Docter, remains very much the lead contender for the best animated feature Oscar, a prize Pixar has won four times.
《飞屋环游记》是《怪兽公司》(2001年)的导演彼得·道格特的新作品,它也是皮克斯向《玩具总动员》的回归之作 。
“Up, ” director Peter Docter’s first outing since “Monsters, Inc.” (2001), is a return to “Toy Story” form for the Disney-backed masterpiece factory.
《飞屋环游记》至今已经赢得了14个电影奖项团体的动画片称号,包括国家评论协会奖 。
“Up” has so far taken top animated honors from 14 awards groups, including the National Board of Review.
皮克斯工作室的《飞屋环游记》在众望所归之下,由导演皮特·道格特捧回了2010奥斯卡影片奖 。
Pixar’s Up, the favorite to win, took home the 2010 Oscar for best picture for director Pete Docter.
如果一切顺利,不久后Skylifter的飞碟就把整座大楼运送到偏远地区,或者来一把“飞屋环游记”了 。
If all goes well, before long, Skylifter’s flying saucer could be delivering whole buildings to remote locations, or just acting as a flying hotel.
或许最有趣的情形是皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar)的《飞屋环游记》(Up)同时获得影片和动画片提名 。
Perhaps the most interesting development was Pixar's 'Up' being included in both the Best Picture and Best Animated Film categories.
在俄罗斯,《飞屋环游记》票房约为420万美元,是皮克斯在该国首映周末票房高的影片 。
Outside the U.S., 'Up' brought in about .2 million in Russia, Pixar's biggest opening in that country.
动画电影赢得电影提名并非,迪士尼影业的《飞屋环游记》(Up)在去年也获得了影片提名 。
【飞屋环游记英文怎么写 飞屋环游记的主要内容用英语】Disney’s Up was also nominated last year so it’s not unprecedented for an animated film to earn a Best Picture nomination.
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