我们生活的方方面面都需要绿色健康 。远离污染,创造绿色生活,可以从生活细节做起:减少室内有害气体(禁止发胶)、悬浮颗粒物、电磁辐射的污染 。所有的天然植物提取物都不健康,你可以自己做护肤品 。杜绝加工食品、含有各种添加剂的食品或经过辐射处理的食品,选择绿色食品 。把自然带回家,但不是所有的物种都适合你的家 。用肥皂水而不是洗发水洗车 。用简单无毒不残忍的方法解决蟑螂蚂蚁苍蝇 。儿童衣物的巧妙清洗 。用英文写如何绿色生活?怎么样
What is green life
Green lifestyle, also called sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resource and his/her own resources. Practitioners of green lifestyle often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet. Proponents of green lifestyle aim to conduct their lives in manners that are consistent with sustainability, in natural balance and respectful of humanity’s symbiotic relationship with the Earth’s natural ecology and cycles. The practice and general philosophy of ecological living is highly interrelated with the overall principles of sustainable development.
Lester R. Brown, a prominent environmentalist and founder of the Worldwatch Institute and Earth Policy Institute, describes green lifestyle in the 21st century as “shifting to a renewable energy-based, reuse/recycle economy with a diversified transport system.”
Green lifestyle is fundamentally the application of sustainability to lifestyle choice and decisions. Sustainability itself is expressed as meeting present ecological, societal, and economical needs without compromising these factors for future generations. Green lifestyle can therefore be described as living within the innate carrying capacities defined by these factors.
Sustainable design and sustainable development are critical factors to Green lifestyle. Sustainable design encompasses the development of appropriate technology, which is a staple of green lifestyle practices. Sustainable development in turn is the use of these technologies in infrastructure. Sustainable architecture and agriculture are the most common examples of this practice.
There are a number of ways to reduce waste in sustainable living. One method is reducing paper waste, such as by taking action to cancel junk mail and move paper transactions to an online document. Another method to reduce waste is to buy in bulk, which reduces packaging materials. Preventing food waste is an alternative to organic waste compiling to create costly methane emissions. Food waste can be reintegrated into the environment through composting. Composting can be carried out at home or locally, with community composting. An additional example of how to reduce waste is being cognizant of not buying materials with limited use in excess, such as paint. Reduction aides in reducing the toxicity of waste if non-hazardous or less hazardous items are selected.
【怎样绿色生活英语 绿色生活用英文怎么说】绿色生活(green lifestyle)指通过倡导居民使用绿色产品(green product),倡导民众参与绿色志愿服务(voluntary service),引导民众树立绿色增长、共建共享的理念,使绿色消费(green consumption)、绿色出行(green transport)、绿色居住(green livings)成为人们的自觉行动,让人们在充分享受绿色发展(green development)所带来的便利和舒适的同时,履行好应尽的可持续发展(sustainable development)责任的方法,实现广大人民按自然、环保(environmental protection)、节俭(economical)、健康的方式生活 。
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