
只有你的英语:only you 。you是什么意思:pron. 你,您;你们 , 您们;各位,大家 。Only you can wake up Snow White!只有你能唤醒白雪公主!
Only you can wake up Snow White!
“Most importantly, don’t forget the fact that you are not the only one with acne.”
最重要的是,并不是只有你一个人有痤疮 。
I’ll lay down the tracks sandbag and hide.
你留下只有你自己认识的记号 , 建起堡垒,然后隐藏的无影无踪 。
I shall often play upon the piano. It was like you to send it.
我以后会常弹纲琴的,只有你才会想到把它送给我 。
We’re all going to be Japanese collaborators.Even the dogs you Fangs keep stand by justice and righteousness.”
我们全要做汉奸,只有你方家养的狗都深明大义的 。”
【onlyyou是什么意思?释义例句】Don t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you.
别人认为重要 , 并不能作为你确定目标的根据 。只有你自己知道,什么东西对你最好 。
She threw her hands into the air. ‘That is just typical of you, isn’t it?’
Now now! Don’t take so many biscuits; You are not the only pebble on the beach.
好了!别拿那么多饼干,不是只有你一个人((还有其他很多人)) 。
“With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you and only you have the power to determine your destiny. “
随着每一美元钞票流入你的手中,你,且只有你才有权决定你自己的前途 。
pron. 你,您;你们,您们;各位,大家