汤圆英文 汤圆英文介绍简短

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。汤圆英文介绍简短,汤圆英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Glutinous rice ball/Tangyuan is made from glutinous rice flour. First prepare glutinous rice flour in a bowl and add hot water slowly until they mix into dough. Then you can pinch off the dough and roll them into small balls.汤圆是由糯米粉做成的 。
2、首先在碗内准备一些糯米粉 , 然后慢慢地加入热水 , 直到二者混为一个面团 。
3、将面团搓成长条并掰成一段一段,将每段揉搓成一个小圆球 。
【汤圆英文 汤圆英文介绍简短】4、Secondly you can fill Glutinous rice ball with either sweet or savoury fillings. Sweet fillings are often made from peanut butter, black sesame seeds or red beans. 其次你就可以在汤圆里内加入甜的或咸的馅料啦 。
5、甜的馅料通常由花生酱(这可是英语君的最爱)、黑芝麻或红豆制成 。
6、But some people prefer the savoury fillings made from meat, mushroom and green ***.then you can try to enwrap all the fillings into glutinous rice dough.但也有人喜欢由肉、香菇和青菜做成的咸味馅料 。
7、然后将选择的馅料包进一个个面团里 。
8、Finally you can drop these Glutinous rice balls into boiling water and cook them for about several minutes until they float.最后将这些汤圆倒进开水里面,煮几分钟后,等汤圆浮在锅里就熟了 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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