
1、What are a pair of entrepreneurs planning to do?
2、What does Guy Wilson say his cafe aims to do?
3、What happens when people start to know each other according to Guy Wilson?
4、How do children acquire the skills needed for the 21 st century?
5、What does the news report say about Christine Marshall’s family?
6、What does the author advise disadvantaged schools and communities to do?
7、What are the speakers mainly talking about?
8、What did the restaurant, Number 4, do?
9、Who comes to help with the event of the year?
10、What do we learn about the Loinbo's friend from the conversation?
11、Why do a lot of people come to the village of Takotna every March?
12、What does the author say about educators?
13、What did Joe’s parents decide to do?
【20216月英语四级真题第一套精选25条】 14、What does the man recommend the woman do?
15、Why are wild pigs a threat to humans?
16、What is the village of Takotna famous for?
17、What does the woman say about the new supermarket?
18、What can we do to help children learn the basics of math and geometry?
19、What does the woman say about German cars?
20、How can educators better develop students’ STEM skills, according to the author?定位:根据题干关键词STEM skills可以将答案定位至文章的第二段第一句 。
21、How can educators better develop students’ STEM skills, according to the author?
22、What does the passage say about the native foxes on a U.S. island?
23、What is Christine Marshall trying to do?
24、What does the passage say about coffee beans roasted on earth?
25、What does the news report say about eggs and bread cafe?