



洛杉矶湖人队英文名:Los Angeles Lakers洛杉矶湖人队是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的篮球俱乐部,1947年成立于明尼阿波利斯,1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶 。湖人名字来源于明尼阿波利斯的别称——千湖之地,为美国东北五大湖工作或者居住的人 。洛杉矶湖人队主场馆斯台普斯球馆是全美最受欢迎的体育中心之一,是NBA洛杉矶湖人队、WNBA洛杉矶火花队、NHL洛杉矶国王队、洛杉矶快船队、AFL洛杉矶Avengers和NBDL洛杉矶防御者队的共同主场,是NBA两支队共用的球馆 。扩展资料湖人队于1948年加入美国职业篮球联赛(NBA),在乔治·迈肯的带领下,明尼阿波利斯湖人队在6年之间夺得5次总冠军成为了NBA的豪门球队 。1960年代,埃尔金·贝勒与杰里·韦斯特使湖人队在整个19世纪60年代没有缺席过季后赛 。1976年,卡里姆·阿布杜尔-贾巴加入 。1979-80赛季,新秀埃尔文·约翰逊在该赛季总决赛中带领球队夺冠 。1996年,“大鲨鱼”沙奎尔·奥尼尔与科比·布莱恩特两人带领湖人队于2000-02年取得了三连冠 。2007年,保罗·加索尔加入湖人队,球队于2008-10年三度进入总决赛并2次夺冠 。截至2017-18赛季结束,湖人队共56次进入季后赛、31次获得西部冠军、16次获得总冠军,最高连胜纪录为33场(NBA历史最高) 。参考资料来源—百度百科—洛杉矶湖人队

From the George Mikan-led Minneapolis Lakers teams of the ‘40s and ‘50s to the “Showtime“ era Magic Johnson teams of the late 1980s to Shaquille O‘Neal and Kobe Bryant‘s dynasty of the early 21st century, one thing has been consistent about the Lakers: winning. The franchise has boasted a host of Hall of Famers and has compiled a string of championships which has scarcely been rivaled in the history of American sports.

Wilt Chamberlain retrospective

A Tribute to Chick Hearn

Lakers Retired Numbers

Lakers Season-by-Season Records

1947-48: The Game‘s First Star | 1948-49: Minneapolis Jumps to BAA | 1949-51: Lakers Win First NBA Finals | 1951-52: NBA Tries To Slow Down “Big George“ | 1952-53: Basketball‘s First Dynasty | 1953-54: Lovellette Comes To The Rescue Of Ailing Mikan | 1954-58: New Rules Are Bad News For Lakers | 1958-60: Baylor Ushers In A New Era | 1960-62: A Double Dose Of West | 1962-65: The Start Of A Trend: Celtics Clip Lakers For NBA Title |1965-68: Cooke Purchases Lakers For $5 Million | 1968-69: L.A. Acquires A Supercenter | 1969-71: West Cans Miracle Shot, But Reed Is The Real Hero | 1971-73: 33 In A Row! | 1973-75: Wilt Retires, West Shortly Follows Suit | 1975-79: Los Angeles Trades For Jabbar | 1979: The Beginning Of The Buss Era | 1979-82: “Showtime“ Arrives | 1982-83: A Worthy Draft Pick | 1983-84: Abdul-Jabbar Becomes NBA‘s All-Time Leading Scorer | 1984-86: Finally! Lakers Beat Celtics In Finals | 1986-87: A Very Magic Year | 1987-88: Lakers Fulfill Riley‘s Prophecy | 1988-90: Kareem Calls It A Career | 1990-91: Riley Steps Down, But L.A. Still Advances To Finals | 1991-92: Magic Shocks The World | 1992-93: Not A Very Pfun


湖人队所有员的中英文名对照科比-布莱恩特Kobe Bryant
保罗-加索尔Pau Gasol
拉玛尔-奥多姆Lamar Odom
弗拉迪米尔-拉德马诺维奇Vladimir Radmanovic
德里克-费舍尔Derek Fisher
卢克-沃顿Luke Walton
特雷沃-阿里扎Trevor Ariza
克里斯-米姆Chris Mihm
安德鲁-拜纳姆Andrew Bynum
萨沙-武贾切奇Sasha Vujacic
乔丹-法玛尔JoIra Newble
伊拉-纽贝尔Ira Newble
DJ-姆本加DJ Mbenga
罗尼-图里亚夫Ronny Turiaf
考比-卡尔Coby Karl



Los Angeles Lakers 。洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers)是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的篮球俱乐部,1947年成立于明尼阿波利斯,1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶 。湖人这个名字来源于明尼阿波利斯的别称——千湖之地,指在美国东北五大湖工作或者居住的人 。由于球衣颜色的关系,湖人队又被称为“紫金军团” 。湖人队于1948年加入美国职业篮球联赛(NBA) 。球队的最大特点是总有巨星跟他们联系在一起 。乔治·迈肯是球队早期主力中锋,在他的带领下,明尼阿波利斯湖人队在6年之间夺得5次总冠军,很快成为了NBA的豪门球队 。扩展资料:发展历程1947年湖人队成立,加入NBL联赛并夺得总冠军,当时他们还叫明尼阿波利斯湖人队 。1948年,湖人队跳槽至NBA的前身BAA(全美篮球协会) 。1949年,湖人队击败华盛顿国会队,夺得BAA总冠军 。该赛季结束后,BAA与NBL合并成NBA 。1954年麦肯宣布退役,湖人队史首个王朝落幕 。后来麦肯还曾于1955-56赛季短暂复出,但也无法帮助湖人重塑辉煌 。1971-72赛季,埃尔金·贝勒因伤病原因中途退役 。该赛季,湖人队聘请比尔·沙曼作为球队主教练 。沙曼带领湖人队取得了69胜13负的战绩,包括赛季中途33连胜的NBA历史纪录 。参考资料来源:百度百科-洛杉矶湖人队
洛杉矶湖人队英文是?Los Angeles Lakers

洛杉矶湖人队:Los Angeles Lakers,简写L.A. Lakers

洛杉矶湖人队的英文简介给你湖人多所有的历史,在给你个网站http://www.nba.com/lakers/因为字数限制我删了好几年的HISTORY OF THE LAKERSFrom the George Mikan-led Minneapolis Lakers teams of the '40s and '50s to the "Showtime" era Magic Johnson teams of the late 1980s to Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant's dynasty of the early 21st century, one thing has been consistent about the Lakers: winning. The franchise has boasted a host of Hall of Famers and has compiled a string of championships which has scarcely been rivaled in the history of American sports.LAKERS HISTORY FEATURES Wilt Chamberlain retrospectiveA Tribute to Chick HearnLakers Retired NumbersLakers Season-by-Season Records1947-48: The Game's First Star | 1948-49: Minneapolis Jumps to BAA | 1949-51: Lakers Win First NBA Finals | 1951-52: NBA Tries To Slow Down "Big George" | 1952-53: Basketball's First Dynasty | 1953-54: Lovellette Comes To The Rescue Of Ailing Mikan | 1954-58: New Rules Are Bad News For Lakers | 1958-60: Baylor Ushers In A New Era | 1960-62: A Double Dose Of West | 1962-65: The Start Of A Trend: Celtics Clip Lakers For NBA Title |1965-68: Cooke Purchases Lakers For $5 Million | 1968-69: L.A. Acquires A Supercenter | 1969-71: West Cans Miracle Shot, But Reed Is The Real Hero | 1971-73: 33 In A Row! | 1973-75: Wilt Retires, West Shortly Follows Suit | 1975-79: Los Angeles Trades For Jabbar | 1979: The Beginning Of The Buss Era | 1979-82: "Showtime" Arrives | 1982-83: A Worthy Draft Pick | 1983-84: Abdul-Jabbar Becomes NBA's All-Time Leading Scorer | 1984-86: Finally! Lakers Beat Celtics In Finals | 1986-87: A Very Magic Year | 1987-88: Lakers Fulfill Riley's Prophecy | 1988-90: Kareem Calls It A Career | 1990-91: Riley Steps Down, But L.A. Still Advances To Finals | 1991-92: Magic Shocks The World | 1992-93: Not A Very Pfund Year For The Lakers | 1993-94: Not Even A Little Magic Can Lift The Lakers | It looked as if the Knicks would be without Reed in the deciding game. Then, moments before tip-off amid a deafening roar from the crowd at Madison Square Garden, Reed hobbled onto the court. He then scored the first two baskets of the game before returning to the bench, but the damage was done. With the crowd and Reed's teammates inspired, the Lakers fell, 113-99. For the seventh time in nine years the team had reached the Finals and come away empty. The 1970-71 season saw the league expand to 17 teams and four divisions. Los Angeles was put into the Pacific Division alongside San Francisco, the San Diego Rockets, the Seattle SuperSonics, and the Portland Trail Blazers. The Lakers had Wilt Chamberlain back and healthy, but Elgin Baylor played in only two games because of ongoing knee problems. The team was helped by the addition of Harold "Happy" Hairston, who had joined the club midway through the previous season, and Gail Goodrich, who returned to Los Angeles after two years in Phoenix. Future Lakers Coach Pat Riley was acquired from Portland as a player. With Baylor missing, West (26.9 ppg), Chamberlain (20.7 ppg), Hairston (18.6 ppg), and Goodrich (17.5 ppg) picked up the scoring slack. Chamberlain led the league in rebounding with 18.2 boards per game. The Lakers finished 48-34 and won the Pacific Division, seven games ahead of second-place San Francisco. Los Angeles squeaked by the Chicago Bulls in a tough conference semifinal series, then fell to Lew Alcindor (soon to be known as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and the Milwaukee Bucks in the Western Conference Finals. Return to top of page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1971-73: 33 In A Row!Owner Jack Kent Cooke replaced Head Coach Joe Mullaney in 1971-72, bringing in former USC star and Celtics standout Bill Sharman. The team had to make do without Baylor, who retired early in the season after realizing that his legs were not going to hold up through another year. The Lakers may have lost Baylor, but they did have a balanced, mature, and experienced team with Hairston and second-year player Jim McMillian as forwards, Chamberlain in the pivot, and West and Goodrich at the guard spots. The Lakers went 6-3 through the first month of the season. On November 5 they beat Baltimore, 110-106, marking the first of 14 straight wins in November. December saw them take 16 games without a loss. Along the way, the Lakers shattered the NBA mark of 20 consecutive victories set by the Milwaukee Bucks just one season before. Los Angeles won three straight to open the new year before the Bucks finally ended the string on January 9, besting the Lakers, 120-104. At that point the Lakers had rung up a 33-game winning streak, an American professional sports record. 1973-75: Wilt Retires, West Shortly Follows SuitChamberlain, now 37 years old, retired. He left the NBA with a career average of 30.1 points per game. Of the 57 top scoring performances in NBA history, he had accounted for 47. In 14 years he had accumulated more than 31,000 points and had pulled down more than 23,000 rebounds. He was elected to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1978. For the 1973-74 season the Lakers picked up promising young defensive center Elmore Smith to plug the hole in the middle, and they also acquired Connie Hawkins to add some punch to the offense. But the team was hampered by the loss of Jerry West, who lasted only 31 games before his 35-year-old legs finally gave out. By that point the team's real star was Gail Goodrich, who averaged 25.3 points and helped engineer a late-season surge. 1975-79: Los Angeles Trades For JabbarDuring the offseason the Lakers made an acquisition that laid the foundation for yet another championship-caliber squad. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the league's premier big man, made it known that he would not return to Milwaukee after the 1974-75 season, demanding instead to be traded to either New York (where he had grown up) or Los Angeles (where he had attended college). He ended up going to the Lakers for Elmore Smith, Brian Winters, Junior Bridgeman, and Dave Meyers.Abdul-Jabbar had an MVP season for Los Angeles in 1975-76. He led the league in rebounding, blocked shots, and minutes played and finished second in scoring and field-goal percentage. But the big trade paid higher short-term dividends for Milwaukee than it did for Los Angeles-the Bucks went from last to first in the Midwest Division. The Lakers stumbled through a 3-10 January and finished out of the playoffs with a 40-42 record. At season's end, Abdul-Jabbar won the fourth of six career NBA Most Valuable Player Awards. 1982-83: A Worthy Draft PickJamaal Wilkes left the Lakers before the 1985-86 season. (He played only 13 games with the Clippers before retiring.) Los Angeles continued to rebuild, adding 33-year-old Maurice Lucas, who gave the team some muscle, and rookie A. C. Green. The Lakers also had power forward Kurt Rambis, a bespectacled, blue-collar fan favorite who had joined the team in 1981. Rambis spent seven seasons in a Los Angeles uniform. The team got off to a blazing start, with records of 11-1, 19-2, and 24-3 early in the season. Los Angeles won 62 games for the second year in a row and finished 22 games ahead of second-place Portland in the Pacific Division. Abdul-Jabbar was playing in an unprecedented 17th season, and he set new NBA career records for minutes and games played while averaging 23.4 points. Johnson paced the league in assists (12.6 apg) for the third time in six seasons. The Lakers seemed headed for an NBA Finals rematch with the Boston Celtics, who had ripped through the Eastern Conference with a 67-15 record. The Celtics lost only one game en route to the Finals, but the Lakers failed to hold up their part of the bargain. After eliminating San Antonio and Dallas in the first two rounds, Los Angeles met Houston in the Western Conference Finals. Led by twin towers Hakeem Olajuwon and Ralph Sampson, the Rockets took a surprising series lead after four games. But the teams headed back to Los Angeles for Game 5, where the Lakers expected to regain the momentum. Instead, Sampson stunned the Lakers with a miraculous turnaround jump shot at the buzzer, breaking a 112-112 tie to give Houston the series victory. The Rockets managed two victories against the Celtics in the Finals but lost the series. Return to top of page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1986-87: A Very Magic YearOnce again the Lakers made a couple of key offseason moves, letting go of Maurice Lucas, moving A. C. Green into the starting lineup, and picking up Mychal Thompson from San Antonio. Head Coach Pat Riley also made a tactical adjustment in 1986-87 by shifting the offensive focus from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to Magic Johnson.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1990-91: Riley Steps Down, But L.A. Still Advances To FinalsAfter winning the NBA Coach of the Year Award for 1989-90, Pat Riley stepped down during the offseason. His nine-year reign in Los Angeles had yielded incredible numbers: a .733 regular-season winning percentage, a 102-47 playoff record, nine Pacific Division titles, and four NBA Championships. Mike Dunleavy was appointed to fill Riley's shoes, and the team signed free agent Sam Perkins from Dallas. 2000-01: Back to Back-to-BackWith a nucleus that included two of the NBA's best players in Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant and a head coach that has won seven NBA titles in Phil Jackson, the Lakers began the season with aspirations of winning a second consecutive NBA Championship.After struggling to contain the Western Conference's high scoring power forwards in the playoffs, Los Angeles dealt Glen Rice and Travis Knight to the New York Knicks in a three-way deal involving the Seattle SuperSonics, which netted power forward Horace Grant and center Greg Foster. Having played under Jackson earlier in their careers, both Grant and Foster were skilled in running the Lakers triangle offense, and Grant was to provide a solid defensive and rebounding presence. Derek Fisher began the season on the injured list after being diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot and would miss the first 62 games of the season. The rest of the team also got off to a slow start and was 31-16 at the All-Star break, already picking up one more loss than during the entire 1999-2000 campaign. The Lakers battled through injuries to Fisher, O'Neal and Bryant, but as the club returned to full health, the Lakers began to pick up steam heading into the postseason. After a 96-88 win over the Utah Jazz at the Delta Center on April 3, the Lakers ran off eight consecutive victories, their longest winning streak of the season, and were able to claim their second consecutive Pacific Division title, edging out the Sacramento Kings in the last week of the season. Los Angeles would not lose another contest until Game 1 of the NBA Finals against the Philadelphia 76ers, sweeping Portland, Sacramento and San Antonio. Philadelphia surprised the Lakers with a 107-101 overtime victory at STAPLES Center, but Los Angeles went on to victories in each of the next four games to claim a second consecutive NBA title. O'Neal was named Finals MVP after averaging 33.0 points and 15.8 rebounds against Philadelphia and was again a First Team All-NBA selection. Fisher returned from injury to convert 35 three-pointers throughout the playoffs, setting an NBA record with 15 threes in the four-game series against San Antonio. Bryant earned Second Team All-NBA and Second-Team All-Defense honors. Return to top of page --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2001-02: Thrice as NiceWith a third consecutive NBA Championship squarely in their sights, the Los Angeles Lakers opened the 2001-02 regular season much like they ended the 2000-01 campaign, with a flourish. Despite injuries to Derek Fisher (stress fracture; right foot) and Mark Madsen (fractured left wrist and abdominal strain), the team registered victories in their first seven games and 16-of-17 to start the season. The Lakers became only the 11th team to start a season with wins in 16 of their first 17 games and the first since the 1996-97 Chicago Bulls.Gone from the 2001 Championship team were Ron Harper, Horace Grant, Tyronn Lue and Greg Foster, to be replaced by Lindsey Hunter, Samaki Walker and Mitch Richmond. Led by Richmond, a six-time All-Star, the Lakers acquired three veterans who had combined for 28,040 points and 26 seasons of experience. Those new faces would be relied upon early as Walker was immediately installed into the lineup at power forward and Hunter was counted on to replace Fisher until he recovered from injury. After their quick start, the Lakers pace slowed as they went 17-12 over their next 19 games and with a mark of 33-13 at the All-Star Break, trailed the Sacramento Kings by 2 ½ games in the Pacific Division standings. Shaquille O’Neal, who had been battling a foot injury throughout the season, returned from a stint on the injured list shortly after the All-Star break and earned Western Conference Player of the Week honors in two of the first three weeks after his return. He and Kobe Bryant finished third and sixth respectively among league leaders in scoring and propelled the Lakers to a 58-24 regular season mark, second best in the NBA. The Lakers entered the postseason as the number three seed in the Western Conference and met up with the Portland Trail Blazers for the third consecutive season. Up two games to zero, Robert Horry connected on a three-pointer with 2.1 seconds remaining to give the Lakers a three-game sweep. In the Western Conference Semifinals, Los Angeles defeated the San Antonio Spurs 4-1 to set up a series between the teams with the league’s two best regular season records, the Lakers and the Pacific Division Champion Sacramento Kings. In one of the most exciting playoff series in recent memory, the Lakers emerged victorious, 4-3, after a 112-106 overtime victory at ARCO Arena in game seven. Los Angeles faced the New Jersey Nets in the 2002 NBA Finals and won the series in four games. Averaging 36.3 points and 12.3 rebounds, O’Neal was named NBA Finals MVP for the third consecutive season, joining Michael Jordan as the only players to have accomplished that feat. O’Neal and Bryant were both named First Team All-NBA, becoming the first tandem to receive that honor since Chicago’s Jordan and Scottie Pippen in 1996. Phil Jackson earned his ninth NBA Championship as a head coach and surpassed Pat Riley for most playoff wins all-time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2002-03: In and Out, Heartbrrrrrrreak!After celebrating back-to-back-to-back NBA championships, there appeared to be no end to the Lakers impressive run of titles. And if a Robert Horry three-pointer from the wing in the final seconds of Game Five of the Western Conference Semifinals had gone in-and-out and back in again, perhaps the run might not have ended, at least this season. Opportunity, for the first time in three years, had passed the champions by. The Lakers title defense ran into a number of obstacles abnormally early in the season. From Shaquille O’Neal missing the first 12 games due to off-season toe surgery to Mark Madsen straining a hamstring to Rick Fox being suspended for six games after a preseason fight, the new campaign began somewhat precariously for the three-time defending champs. Shorthanded throughout the first half of the season while players were out or just returning to form, Kobe Bryant carried the team early on. Bryant, who entered the season adding fifteen pounds of mass to his frame over the summer, became youngest player in NBA history to reach 10,000 career points. Night in and night out, Bryant seemingly rewrote the record books. He established a new NBA record with 12 three-pointers in a game, tied the NBA record for most three-point field goals in a half with eight 3/28 vs. Washington, established a new franchise record with 42 points in a half 3/28 vs. Washington and tallied an NBA season-high 55 points in the same game, recorded nine consecutive games scoring 40 or more points, the 4th longest streak of its kind in NBA history (Wilt Chamberlain – 14 twice, Chamberlain – 10, Michael Jordan – 9), recorded 13 consecutive games scoring 35 or more points, the fourth longest streak of its kind in NBA history with all three others belonging to Wilt Chamberlain, by averaging 40.6 points in the month of February, became only the third player in NBA history to average 40 or more points in a month and became the first Lakers player since Magic Johnson in 1991 to record triple-doubles in consecutive games. Named Western Conference Player of the Week five times while being named Western Conference Player of the Month for January, Bryant elevated his play in pursuit of a fourth straight championship. 2003-04: A season unlike any other Following the All-Star break, the Lakers entered the second half of the season poised to regain their championship luster of prior years, winning seven of their first eight games after the layoff. During that stretch, Kobe Bryant recorded his ninth career triple-double with 25 points, 14 rebounds and 10 assists in a 122-110 win over the Washington Wizards. The Lakers entered the playoffs as winners in 14 of their final 17 regular season games and with a great deal of momentum thanks in large part to the heroics of Kobe Bryant on April 14th in Portland. Behind a pair of Bryant buzzer-beating three-pointers, the first to send it to overtime and the second for the win in double-overtime, the Lakers clinched their 18th Pacific Division Championship with a 105-104 victory over the Trailblazers, finishing the season with a record of 56-26. 2005-06: Jackson and Playoffs Return to Los Angeles while 81 Becomes a Household Number The 2005-06 season saw the return of Phil Jackson - and with him, the return of the Lakers’ winning tradition. Following six seasons, four NBA Finals appearances and three consecutive championships, Phil Jackson took one year away from the team before signing on once again to coach the league’s most storied franchise. Bryant’s milestone season, however, was only beginning to gather steam. Entering the team’s March 3 match-up at Golden State, Bryant needed just 10 points to become the youngest player in NBA history to reach 16,000 career points. Bryant more than reached the mark as his 42 points propelled the team to a 106-94 victory over the Warriors. Nearly one month later on April 2, Bryant tied Elgin Baylor’s Lakers franchise record with his 23rd 40-plus point game of the year – leading his squad to a104-88 victory over Houston. Just four days later at Denver, Bryant surpassed the Baylor mark with his 24th 40-point game of the season, but the Lakers would fall to the Nuggets in a 108-110 overtime thriller. Bryant once again took aim at another Lakers’ record prior to their April 14 contest versus Portland. Needing 16 points to surpass Baylor’s franchise record of 2,719 points established more than four decades earlier during the 1962-63 season, Bryant erupted for 50 points en route to a 110-99 victory. Despite a disappointing end to the season, the return of Jackson coupled with the historic brilliance of Kobe Bryant and a memorable playoff series against Phoenix made for one of the more memorable Lakers seasons of all-time while providing new-found momentum for future success to come.
用英语介绍洛杉矶湖人队【洛杉矶湖人英文】The Los Angeles Lakers are a National Basketball Association (NBA) team based in Los Angeles, California. The Lakers play their home games at Staples Center, which they share with their local NBA rival, the Los Angeles Clippers, the Los Angeles Kings of the NHL, and the Los Angeles Sparks of the WNBA.The Lakers are the reigning NBA champions after defeating the Boston Celtics in the 2010 NBA Finals 4–3. The Finals victory gave the franchise their 16th championship, placing them second in NBA history behind the Celtics' 17. As of 2011, the Lakers are the second most valuable NBA franchise according to Forbes, having an estimated value of $643 million.

The franchise started with the 1947 purchase of a disbanded team, the Detroit Gems of the NBL. The new team began play in Minneapolis, Minnesota, calling themselves the Lakers in honor of the state's nickname, "Land of 10,000 Lakes". The Lakers won five championships in Minneapolis, propelled by center George Mikan, who is described by the NBA's official website as the league's "first superstar".[4] After struggling financially in the late 1950s following Mikan's retirement, they relocated to Los Angeles before the 1960–61 season.

洛杉矶湖人队资料7 拉玛尔-奥多姆4年3280万,2009/7/31签,2013夏到期

6 亚当-莫里森4年1692万, 2006/7/7签,2010夏到期

18 萨沙-武贾西奇3年1500万,2008/7/25签,2011夏到期

4 卢克-沃顿6年3000万,2007/7/12签,2013夏到期

12 香农-布朗2年414万,2009/7/8签,2011夏到期,2010夏球员选项

1 乔丹-法玛尔4年498万,2006/7/5签,2010夏到期

28 DJ-姆本加2年底薪,2008/9/24签,2010夏到期

21 约什-鲍威尔2年底薪,2008/8/14签,2010夏到期

全称是Los Angel Laker

为什么NBA里洛杉矶要叫湖人队呢?传承的火炬,生生不息 。
用英文翻译句子:他效力于洛杉矶湖人队 。He played for the Los Angeles Lakers.

湖人简称是什么?湖人简称是LAL 。杉矶湖人队(L.A. Lakers),是一只位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的篮球俱乐部,1947年成立于明尼阿波利斯,1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶 。湖人这个名字来源于明尼阿波利斯的别称——千湖之地,指在美国东北五大湖工作或者居住的人 。截止2014-15赛季,湖人队史共56次进入季后赛、31次获得西部冠军、16次获得总冠军,仅次于波士顿凯尔特人队;最高连胜纪录为33场(NBA历史最高) 。
洛杉矶湖人英文Los Angeles Lakers

洛杉矶湖人队的英文简介Lakers history
Lakers is a famous nba team in nba.It joined in nba in 1948. At that time the team were called Minneapolis Lakers.But now they changed there name to Los Angeles Lakers because of the aircraft(飞机 事故) in 1960.
The honor of Lakers
Lakers won the nba final champions in 1949,1950, 1952,1953,1954,1972, 1980,1982,1985,1987, 1988,2000,2001,2002 and 2009.
The famous star of lakers
Miken:help Lakers won nba final champions in 1949 . This is the first nba final champions Of lakers.
Wilt Chamberlain:get 100 points in a game and helped lakers Won two nba final champions.
Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant:They helped the lakers to win nba final champions for three times. In 2000-2002 they built lakers dynasty,Kobe and O'Neal called OK team because they Were so powerful in the nba. Now in new season Lakers is powerful than ever before. Because they have lots Famous stars like, Kobe ,Odom, Gassol, Bymum, Artest and Fisher.We all hope they can Get the champion again in 2010.
At last let us show you some pictures of the stars
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湖人队,NBA湖人队,洛杉矶湖人队介绍洛杉矶湖人队的介绍:洛杉矶湖人队:是一个位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的篮球俱乐部,1947年成立于明尼阿波利斯,1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶 。湖人这个名字来源于明尼阿波利斯的别称——千湖之地,指在美国东北五大湖工作或者居住的人 。湖人队于1948年加入美国职业篮球联赛(NBA) 。球队的最大特点是总有球星跟他们联系在一起 。乔治·迈肯是球队早期主力中锋,在他的带领下,湖人很快成为了NBA的豪门球队 。1960年代,埃尔金·贝勒与杰里·韦斯特的到来,使湖人队在整个60年代从未缺席过季后赛 。1976年,湖人队得到了绰号“天勾”的卡里姆·阿布杜尔-贾巴尔 。1979-80赛季,湖人选中新秀埃尔文·约翰逊,他在该赛季总决赛中顶替受伤的贾巴尔并带领球队夺冠 。1996年夏天,湖人得到“大鲨鱼”沙奎尔·奥尼尔,并与夏洛特黄蜂队交易得到新秀科比·布莱恩特,两人带领湖人队在1999-2002年间取得了三连冠 。2007年,保罗·加索尔加入湖人队,球队又于2008-2010年三度进入总决赛并2次夺冠 。但是伤病开始袭击湖人,导致球队不得不进入重建时期 。截至2016-17赛季结束,湖人队史共56次进入季后赛、31次获得西部冠军、16次获得总冠军,仅次于波士顿凯尔特人队(17次);最高连胜纪录为33场(NBA历史最高) 。


NBA球队及英文简写:菲尼克斯太阳(Phoenix Suns): PHO圣安东尼奥马刺(San Antonio Spurs): SA西雅图超音速(Seattle Supersonics): SEA达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks): DAL萨克拉门托国王(Sacramento Kings): SAC休斯敦火箭(Houston Rockets): HOU孟菲斯灰熊(Memphis Grizzlies): MEM洛杉矶湖人(L.A. Lakers): LAL明尼苏达森林狼(Minnesota Timberwolves): MIN丹佛掘金(Denver Nuggets): DEN洛杉矶快船(L.A. Clippers): LAC波特兰开拓者(Portland Trail Blazers): POR犹他爵士(Utah Jazz): UTAH金州勇士(Golden State Warriors): GS新奥尔良黄蜂(New Orleans Hornets): NO迈阿密热火(Miami Heat): MIA底特律活塞(Detroit Pistons):DET波士顿凯尔特人(Boston Celtics):BOS克里夫兰骑士(Cleveland Cavaliers):CLE华盛顿奇才(Washington Wizards): WAS奥兰多魔术(Orlando Magic): ORL芝加哥公牛(Chicago Bulls): CHI费城76人(Philadelphia 76ers): PHI印第安纳步行者(Indiana Pacers): IND新泽西网(New Jersey Nets): NJ密尔沃基雄鹿(Milwaukee Bucks):MIL纽约尼克斯(New York Knicks): NY多伦多猛龙(Toronto Raptors): TOR夏洛特山猫(Charlotte Bobcats): CHA亚特兰大老鹰(Atlanta Hawks):ATL扩展资料:NBA(National Basketball Association)是美国职业篮球联赛的简称,于1946年6月6日在纽约成立,由北美三十支队伍组成的男子职业篮球联盟,汇集了世界上最顶级的球员,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一 。NBA一共有30支球队,分为东部联盟和西部联盟,每个联盟又被划分为3个赛区,每个赛区由5支球队组成 。NBA每年赛季结束之后,下赛季开始之前都会举行NBA选秀,选秀之后有各球队新秀的夏季联赛,10月上旬季前赛开始,(季前赛包括中国赛)10月中下旬开始常规赛,此外在2月中下旬时有一项特殊的表演赛事NBA全明星赛,4月中下旬后常规赛结束后,东西部前八名的球队开始季后赛的争夺,决出东西部冠军,晋级NBA总决赛 。NBA总决赛中表现最优秀的球员获得总决赛MVP荣誉,一般得分最高者得FMVP 。参考资料:NBA--百度百科


1、太阳PHO、2、马刺SAS、3、小牛DAL、4、超音速SEA、5、国王SAC、6、火箭HOU、7、灰熊MEM、8、湖人LAL、9、快船LAC、10、森林狼MIN、11、开拓者POR12、掘金DEN13、山猫CHA、14、老鹰ATL、15爵士UT、16、勇士GS 、17、黄蜂NO、18、热火MIA、19、活塞DET 、20、凯尔特人BOS、21、骑士CLE 、22、奇才WAS、23、魔术ORL 、24、公牛CHI、25、76人PHI 、26、步行者IND 。27、篮网NJ、28、雄鹿MIL、29、尼克斯NY、30、猛龙TOR、扩展资料:北京时间4日中午,在与金州勇士的比赛中场休息时,达拉斯小牛在主场的大屏幕上播放了一段视频,正式宣布球队中文名将更改为达拉斯独行侠 。伴随着中国球迷数十年的中文队名“小牛”正式退出历史舞台 。NBA历史上改名的球队还真不少,其中故事也是颇为丰富 。1、老板嫌中文名不够霸气从“小牛”到“独行侠”,老板库班在这次球队中文名的变更中起到了很大的影响 。当第一次听说球队的中文名是“小牛”时,库班就直言,这个队名翻译并不准确,“小牛”这个词和英文队名“Mavericks”的意思没有任何联系 。“我们是达拉斯,我们曾经赢得过冠军,能量、力量、以及受人尊重——这是我们希望新中文队名能够传达的意思 。在我看来,Maverick 代表着强壮、创新、力量、胜利 。我们希望能够通过新的中文队名,传达出 胜利、强大、强壮 的意思 。”库班说道 。为了获得满意的新中文名字,小牛队在2017年9月11日面向全球征集全新中文队名,活动为期半个月,并在各大平台收到了几万条关于小牛队新队名的建议 。经过仔细地筛选,小牛队相继挑出了三个候选名字——达拉斯独行侠、达拉斯烈驹和达拉斯狂马 。而最终“独行侠”的结果,也是通过网友投票产生 。随着在与勇士的比赛中场时,视频中的诺维斯基举着一块写有“达拉斯独行侠”的标牌正式向外界公布结果,达拉斯小牛的中文名就此成为历史 。2、此“黄蜂”非彼“黄蜂”目前在联盟中飞人乔丹所拥有的这支夏洛特黄蜂,可并非NBA历史上最初的那支夏洛特黄蜂 。1988年,当时的夏洛特黄蜂队正式加入NBA,并在随后的14个赛季当中7度闯入季后赛,可谓是当时的一支劲旅 。不过,由于经营不善、上座率持续走低等原因,一度在东部赛区打出一片天地的夏洛特黄蜂队于2002年迁至新奥尔良,成为新奥尔良黄蜂队 。而在2013年一月,球队又正式宣布将更名为更具当地特色新奥尔良鹈鹕 。虽然夏洛特在2004年迎来了一支新的NBA球队夏洛特山猫,但成立9个赛季以来,山猫队的战绩并不理想,鲜有能够闯入季后赛的经历 。在新奥尔良黄蜂改名为鹈鹕一年之后,乔丹便立刻向联盟申请要回“黄蜂”的所有权 。在当了多年的“专业鱼腩”后,夏洛特人仿佛是铁了心要通过改名字来一扫晦气了,“夏洛特黄蜂”的队名时隔12年再次回归了这个城市 。3、谈判破裂 老板带球队“净身出户”许多新球迷可能不知道的是,在NBA历史上有一支底蕴丰厚的球队——西雅图超音速队 。由于球队老板本内特与西雅图市之间关于新球馆的谈判破裂,他公开表态将会把球队搬到他自己家乡俄克拉荷马城 。2008年,由本内特领导的专业篮球俱乐部有限公司在诉讼中和西雅图市达成了一份和解协议,他最终将西雅图超音速队迁往俄克拉荷马城并改名为俄克拉荷马雷霆队 。这这也宣告西雅图超音速队41年的NBA历史暂时被终结 。作为补偿,雷霆队将支付给西雅图市7500万美元,其中4500万美元会立刻支付,如果5年内西雅图市没有建立起另外一支NBA球队,雷霆将会支付剩余的3000万美元给西雅图 。与此同时,虽然球队即将搬离这座城市,但雷霆将超音速原有队名、配色都留给西雅图,以便这座城市未来建立新的NBA球队 。有球迷曾调侃道:“谈判破裂之后,为了成就一番新的事业,雷霆选择了‘净身出户’ 。”“id”被抢先注册 丹佛被迫改名在中国有着极高的人气的休斯顿火箭队本赛季表现非常出色,但鲜为人知的是,他们并非联盟历史上唯一一支“火箭队”;而另外一支火箭队的就是现在NBA球队丹佛掘金的前身——丹佛火箭队 。1967-68赛季,丹佛火箭队加入ABA联盟,但在他们进入联盟的七年之后,在1974年ABA宣布将与NBA进行合并 。而这个时候,掘金队发现了一个问题:他们无法再使用丹佛火箭队这个名字进入到NBA联盟中,因为联盟中已经有了一支火箭队,那就是比他们早进入联盟7年的圣地亚哥火箭队,也就是现在休斯顿火箭队的前身 。由于火箭队这一“id”已经被抢先注册,丹佛的球队不得不改变自己的名字 。当时他们综合了多方面的因素,决定将自己的球队的名字叫做掘金队 。因为丹佛是美国中部的高原地区,这个地方盛产金矿,在19世纪的时候,科罗拉多地区曾爆发了淘金热,采金业也是他们地方经济的第一大产业,所以掘金队的名字也就因运而生了 。参考资料来源:人民网-小牛远去,独行侠出世……NBA球队改名那些事儿


各队英文简称如下:纽约尼克斯队:New York knicks布鲁克林篮网队:Brooklyn nets波士顿凯尔特人队:Boston celtics多伦多猛龙队:Toronto raptors费城76人队:Philadelphia 76ers底特律活塞队:Detroit pistons印第安纳步行者队:Indiana pacers克里夫兰骑士队:Cleveland cavaliers密尔沃基雄鹿队:Milwaukee bucks芝加哥公牛队:Chicago bulls迈阿密热火队:Miami heat奥兰多魔术队:Orlando magic华盛顿奇才队:Washington wizards亚特兰大老鹰队:Atlanta hawks夏洛特黄蜂队:Charlotte hornets明尼苏达森林狼队:Minnesota timberwolves丹佛掘金队:Denver nuggets犹他爵士队:Utah jazz波特兰开拓者队:Portland trail blazers俄克拉荷马雷霆队:Oklahoma city thunder萨克拉门托国王队:Sacramento Kings洛杉矶湖人队:Los Angeles lakers菲尼克斯太阳队:Phoenix SUNS金州勇士队:Golden state warriors洛杉矶快船队:Los Angeles clippers圣安东尼奥马刺队:SAN Antonio spurs休斯敦火箭队:Houston rockets达拉斯独行侠队:The Dallas rangers孟菲斯灰熊队:Memphis grizzlies新奥尔良鹈鹕队:New Orleans pelicans扩展资料:名称来源:1、菲尼克斯太阳(PhoenixSuns):球队建于1968年,菲尼克斯是亚利桑那州的首府,位于美国西海岸的沙漠中,年降水量稀少,阳光充足,以“太阳”为队名最有代表意思 。SonicUnderwaterNavigationSystem声纳水下导航系统2、圣安东尼奥马刺(SanAntonioSpurs):NBA的创始球队之一,最早时球队大本营在达拉斯,队名为“达拉斯橡木队”,1970年更名为“得克萨斯橡木队”,1973年移师圣安东尼奥后改名为“马刺队” 。“马刺”是骑马者钉在鞋后跟上的一种铁制的刺马针,以此为队名,可以反映出美国西部大开发的时代特征 。SpacePowerUnitReactor宇宙飞行电源装置用的反应 。3、西雅图超音速(SeattleSupersonics):球队诞生在西雅图,是世界上最大的飞机制造商波音公司的总部所在地 。1967年球队建立的时候,波音公司正在开发制造超音速客机,而在波音公司帮助下创立的球队也选择了“超音速”这个名字 。参考资料来源:百度百科-NBA球队
NBA各支球队的英文缩写?比如湖人用LAL,太阳PHO表示!那鹈鹕用什么表示呢?不要又回答成黄蜂的了!鹈鹕队全称New Orleans Pelicans,要是像别的队一样缩写估计就是NOP了吧.....

美国洛杉矶湖人队 英文名洛杉矶湖人(L.A. Lakers):1948年加盟NBA时,湖人队还在明尼苏达阿波利斯,但是一次飞机失事,使湖人老板痛下决心,于1960年搬迁到了洛杉矶 。队名也是征集来的名字,大意是在美国东北部五大湖工作或者居住的人 。

湖人队的简介~用英语The Los Angeles Lakers are a National Basketball Association (NBA) team based in Los Angeles, California. The Lakers play their home games at Staples Center, which they share with their local NBA rival, the Los Angeles Clippers, the Los Angeles Kings of the NHL, and the Los Angeles Sparks of the WNBA.The Lakers are the reigning NBA champions after defeating the Boston Celtics in the 2010 NBA Finals 4–3. The Finals victory gave the franchise their 16th championship, placing them second in NBA history behind the Celtics' 17. As of 2011, the Lakers are the second most valuable NBA franchise according to Forbes, having an estimated value of $643 million.

The franchise started with the 1947 purchase of a disbanded team, the Detroit Gems of the NBL. The new team began play in Minneapolis, Minnesota, calling themselves the Lakers in honor of the state's nickname, "Land of 10,000 Lakes". The Lakers won five championships in Minneapolis, propelled by center George Mikan, who is described by the NBA's official website as the league's "first superstar".[4] After struggling financially in the late 1950s following Mikan's retirement, they relocated to Los Angeles before the 1960–61 season.这样可以么?