英文“衣架”怎么说【衣架英文怎么说?,衣架英文表达】衣架 英文:clothes stand [hanger]; clothes tree; hanger; clothes-rack clothes rack He disentangled his overcoat from the coat - hanger.他从衣架上取下他的大衣.He went over and took his jacket from the co 。
衣架 的英语怎么说hanger挂物的东西;尤指衣架,挂衣钩 coat hanger 衣架;挂衣钩 clothes rack ; clothes tree 衣架 屋子犄角里有一个衣架 。
A clothes tree stands in a corner of the room 我把外衣挂在衣架上 I hang my coat u 。
衣架 翻译英文名怎么写衣架的英文名:衣架 Coat hanger 很高兴为你解答!如果觉得满意请采纳,谢谢!
衣架的英文英文“衣架”怎么说? 不是clothes rack 上次我出差跟酒店服务员说,她都听 。hanger 老友记第一季有一集Rachel形容Monica笑得合不拢嘴就说You look like have a hanger in your mouth all night.
衣架用英语怎么说hanger 就可以了 前面不用加东西
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