
美国西点军校 校歌Hail, Alma Mater dear,
To us be ever near,
Help us thy motto bear
Through all the years.
Let duty be well performed,
Honor be e'er untarned,
Country be ever armed,
West Point, by thee.
亲爱母校 , 
永驻心头 , 
校训铭记 , 
岁月悠悠 。
职责毋忘 , 
荣耀闪光 , 
西点西点 , 
戍吾家乡 。
Guide us, thy sons, aright,
Teach us by day, by night,
To keep thine honor bright,
For thee to fight.
When we depart from thee,
Serving on land or sea,
May we still loyal be,
West Point, to thee.
日夜教诲 , 
您之赤子 , 
珍惜荣誉 , 
为之战之 。
吾等毕业 , 
卫戍海空 , 
西点西点 , 
报国尽忠 。
And when our work is done,
Our course on earth is run,
May it be said, 'Well Done;
Be Thou At Peace.'
E'er may that line of gray
Increase from day to day,
Live, serve, and die, we pray,
West Point, for thee.
离校之日 , 
祝愿母校 , 
鸿运高照 。
多多益善 , 
为您而生 , 
为您而死 。


西点军校里背景音乐叫什么名字 。。。the mass
【O Fortuna 哦 , 命运】
【velut luna 就像月亮】
【statu variabilis 总是变化】
Semper crescis 始终满盈
Aut decrescis 或又虚亏
Vita detestabilis 可恶的生活
Nunc obdurat 时而铁石心肠
Et tunc curat 时而又关心抚慰
Ludo mentis aciem 当作游戏一般
Nunc obdurat 时而铁石心肠
Et tunc curat 时而又关心抚慰
Ludo mentis aciem 当作游戏一般
Egestatem 穷困
Potestatem 权力
Dissolvit ut glaciem 被它如冰雪般融化
Divano 圣哉
Divano me 圣哉 , 弥
Divano messi 圣哉 , 弥赛
Divano messia 圣哉 , 弥赛亚(救世主)
Divano messia 圣哉 , 弥赛亚
Divano me
Divano messia
Divano messia

那里下载西点军校校歌下载的只找到这个 要用迅雷等工具下的http://www.equn.com/forum/thread-936-1-1.html 顺带的找了歌词 West Point Anthem 西点军校校歌Hail, Alma Mater dear, To us be ever near, Help us thy motto bear Through all the years. Let duty be well performed, Honor be e'er untarned, Country be ever armed, West Point, by thee. 亲爱母校 ,  永驻心头 ,  校训铭记 ,  岁月悠悠 。职责毋忘 ,  荣耀闪光 ,  西点西点 ,  戍吾家乡 。Guide us, thy sons, aright, Teach us by day, by night, To keep thine honor bright, For thee to fight. When we depart from thee, Serving on land or sea, May we still loyal be, West Point, to thee. 日夜教诲 ,  您之赤子 ,  珍惜荣誉 ,  为之战之 。吾等毕业 ,  卫戍海空 ,  西点西点 ,  报国尽忠 。And when our work is done, Our course on earth is run, May it be said, 'Well Done; Be Thou At Peace.' E'er may that line of gray Increase from day to day, Live, serve, and die, we pray, West Point, for thee. 离校之日 ,  事业之始, 祝愿母校 ,  鸿运高照 。多多益善 ,  莘莘学子, 为您而生 ,  为您而死 。

Hail, Alma Mater dear,
To us be ever near,
Help us thy motto bear
Through all the years.
Let duty be well performed,
Honor be e'er untarned,
Country be ever armed,
West Point, by thee.
亲爱母校 , 
永驻心头 , 
校训铭记 , 
岁月悠悠 。
职责毋忘 , 
荣耀闪光 , 
西点西点 , 
戍吾家乡 。
Guide us, thy sons, aright,
Teach us by day, by night,
To keep thine honor bright,
For thee to fight.
When we depart from thee,
Serving on land or sea,
May we still loyal be,
West Point, to thee.
日夜教诲 , 
尔之赤子 , 
珍惜荣誉 , 
为之战之 。
吾等毕业 , 
卫戍海空 , 

西点军校校歌的歌名是什么西点军校校歌的歌名是《West Point Anthem》


Hail, Alma Mater dear,
To us be ever near,
Help us thy motto bear,
Through all the years.
Let duty be well performed,
Honor be e'er untarned,
Country be ever armed,
West Point, by thee.
亲爱母校 , 
永驻心头 , 
校训铭记 , 
岁月悠悠 。
职责毋忘 , 
荣耀闪光 , 
西点西点 , 
戍吾家乡 。
Guide us, thy sons, aright,
Teach us by day, by night,
To keep thine honor bright,
For thee to fight.
When we depart from thee,
Serving on land or sea,
May we still loyal be,
West Point, to thee.
日夜教诲 , 
尔之赤子 , 
珍惜荣誉 , 
为之战之 。
吾等毕业 , 
卫戍海空 , 
西点西点 , 
报国尽忠 。
And when our work is done,
Our course on earth is run,
May it be said, 'Well Done;
Be Thou At Peace.'
E'er may that line of gray
Increase from day to day,
Live, serve, and die, we pray,
West Point ,  for thee.
离校之日 , 
事业之始 , 
祝愿母校 , 
鸿运高照 。
多多益善 , 
莘莘学子 , 
为您而生 , 
为您而死 。


West Point Anthem 西点军校校歌

求音乐:美国陆军西点军校校歌Hail, Alma Mater dear,To us be ever near,Help us thy motto bearThrough all the years.Let duty be well performed,Honor be e'er untarned,Country be ever armed,West Point, by thee.亲爱母校 , 永驻心头 , 校训铭记 , 岁月悠悠 。职责毋忘 , 荣耀闪光 , 西点西点 , 戍吾家乡 。Guide us, thy sons, aright,Teach us by day, by night,To keep thine honor bright,For thee to fight.When we depart from thee,Serving on land or sea,May we still loyal be,West Point, to thee.日夜教诲 , 尔之赤子 , 珍惜荣誉 , 为之战之 。吾等毕业 , 卫戍海空 , 

美国西点军校校歌是啥啊?在哪能找到?急用 , 谢谢!西点军校校歌
Hail, Alma Mater dear,
To us be ever near,
Help us thy motto bear
Through all the years.
Let duty be well performed,
Honor be e'er untarned,
Country be ever armed,
West Point, by thee.
亲爱母校 , 
永驻心头 , 
校训铭记 , 
岁月悠悠 。
职责毋忘 , 
荣耀闪光 , 
西点西点 , 
戍吾家乡 。
Guide us, thy sons, aright,
Teach us by day, by night,
To keep thine honor bright,
For thee to fight.
When we depart from thee,
Serving on land or sea,
May we still loyal be,
West Point, to thee.
日夜教诲 , 
您之赤子 , 
珍惜荣誉 , 
为之战之 。
吾等毕业 , 
卫戍海空 , 
西点西点 , 
报国尽忠 。
And when our work is done,
Our course on earth is run,
May it be said, 'Well Done;
Be Thou At Peace.'
E'er may that line of gray
Increase from day to day,
Live, serve, and die, we pray,
West Point, for thee.
离校之日 , 
祝愿母校 , 
鸿运高照 。
多多益善 , 
为您而生 , 
为您而死 。

美国西点军校校歌West Point Anthem下载义勇军进行曲

西点军校校歌 英文版Hail, Alma Mater dear, To us be ever near, Help us thy motto bear Through all the years. Let duty be well performed, Honor be e'er untarned, Country be ever armed, West Point, by thee.
亲爱母校 , 永驻心头 , 校训铭记 , 岁月悠悠 。
职责毋忘 , 荣耀闪光 , 西点西点 , 戍吾家乡 。
Guide us, thy sons, aright, Teach us by day, by night, To keep thine honor bright, For thee to fight. When we depart from thee, Serving on land or sea, May we still loyal be, West Point, to thee.
日夜教诲 , 您之赤子 , 珍惜荣誉 , 为之战之 。
吾等毕业 , 卫戍海空 , 西点西点 , 报国尽忠 。
And when our work is done, Our course on earth is run, May it be said, 'Well Done; Be Thou At Peace.' E'er may that line of gray Increase from day to day, Live, serve, and die, we pray, West Point, for thee.
离校之日 , 事业之始, 祝愿母校 , 鸿运高照 。
多多益善 , 莘莘学子, 为您而生 , 为您而死 。

西点军校 军歌西点军校校歌

Hail, Alma Mater dear,
To us be ever near,
Help us thy motto bear
Through all the years.
Let duty be well performed,
Honor be e'er untarned,
Country be ever armed,
West Point, by thee.
亲爱母校 , 
永驻心头 , 
校训铭记 , 
岁月悠悠 。
职责毋忘 , 
荣耀闪光 , 
西点西点 , 
戍吾家乡 。
Guide us, thy sons, aright,
Teach us by day, by night,
To keep thine honor bright,
For thee to fight.
When we depart from thee,
Serving on land or sea,
May we still loyal be,
West Point, to thee.
日夜教诲 , 
您之赤子 , 
珍惜荣誉 , 
为之战之 。
吾等毕业 , 
卫戍海空 , 
西点西点 , 
报国尽忠 。
And when our work is done,
Our course on earth is run,
May it be said, 'Well Done;
Be Thou At Peace.'
E'er may that line of gray
Increase from day to day,
Live, serve, and die, we pray,
West Point, for thee.
离校之日 , 
祝愿母校 , 
鸿运高照 。
多多益善 , 
为您而生 , 
为您而死 。

