



韩语最好学 。韩国、日本和越南同属汉字文明圈文明邻近,一样平常韩剧、日剧看起来也比美剧更有感觉,文明的共通能够让你控制说话,以后更好学习一语言 。韩语的简略还在于韩语有70%都是汉字词,别的韩语是表音文字,学会发音以后,看到词就能够发进去 。扩展资料韩字在很短的时间内就被制定了出来,并且契合了中国古代哲学思想,是兼具哲学意象的拼音文字 。诞生时期为第一次世界大战到第二次世界大战之间,由当地文人、语言学家编译 。朝鲜半岛在14世纪以前都使用中文 。而其他国家的部分学者认为,韩字字母是受八思巴字影响创制出来的 。但是他们的学说不是以第一手资料为论举的,那第一手资料就是1940年发现的训民正音解例本制字解,所以有关韩字的其他所有学说在训民正音解例本的发现之后失灵,数年间的争论告终 。参考资料来源:百度百科-韩语
学习英语的重要性有哪些 为什么必须从小学习英语


1、儿童学习英语较少受到母语的影响成年人开始学习外语,很容易不自觉地用母语来衡量和接受他们所学的语言 。这种受到母语干扰的心理情绪,将直接或间接地影响第二语言的学习 。与成年人相比,儿童的母语习惯尚未发展或完全发展,因此母语对外语学习的干扰要比成年人小得多 。2、儿童英语学习的心理障碍较小在学习外语的过程中,成年人会在意他们的语法和意义是否正确,如果他们说错了,他们就不会有面子;但是孩子们的"语言自尊"还没有形成,他们也不会区分哪些是他们自己的母语,哪些不是他们的母语,所以他们自然不会抵制英语 。从幼儿的心理特点来看,他们对所有新事物都很感兴趣,所以他们在学习外语的过程中是非常活跃和自然的 。3、早期的英语训练有利于儿童各方面智力的发展学习英语对于培养儿童的语言、认知、思维和沟通能力是非常重要的 。在流畅性、灵活性、创造性和思维新颖性方面,双语儿童往往优于单语儿童 。4、另一方面,通过外语学习,儿童可以开阔视野,了解其他国家的人民和文化,这无疑将有利于培养跨文化人才,为今后更高水平的外语学习奠定初步基础 。扩展资料首先学习作为一种能力,早已是现代人必备的一种素质 。而在如今这个现代化的社会中,英语更是成为了一种日益重要的语言 。学习化社会,学习是人们的一种生存方式,语言学习更是必不可少 。在孩子们平时课堂有限的40分钟内,教师能教给学生的知识是有限的,如果能在有限的四十分钟内教给学生自主学习、探究发现、合作交流的方法,使学生形成持续的外语学习力,将为学生的后续发展提供广阔天地 。因此英语课的另一要务是培育学生持久的外语学习力 。

学习外语很重要的名言关于学习重要性的英语名言名句学习啦嘉欣2017-07-05 15:21:49学习不管是对我们的个人成长还是我们的人生都是具有重要作用的,很多的英语名言也都表达了学习的重要性,下面学习啦小编为你分享的是关于学习重要性的英语名言,希望你喜欢!关于学习重要性的英语名言(最新篇)知识分子优于文盲,如同活人优于死人 。Intellectuals is better than that of illiteracy, as is better than that of the living and the dead.掌握新技术,要善于学习,更要善于创新 。Master new technology, be good at learning, more must be good at innovation.有知识的人不实践,等于一只蜜蜂不酿蜜 。Not a man of knowledge practice, was equal to that the bees yield no honey.要不断的请教成功者,学习他们成功的方法 。To consult the successful, learn their successful methods.知识是宝库,但开启这个宝库的钥匙是实践 。Knowledge is a treasure, but the key to this treasure is practice.没有知识,就不可能对生活作出正确的解释 。Have no knowledge, it is impossible to make the interpretation of the right to life.知识是极优秀的著作的基础,同时也是源泉 。Knowledge is the foundation of excellent works, is also a source.良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的 。Conscience is by the knowledge of the people and the whole way of life.人生必须的知识就是引人向光明方向的明灯 。Life must be the ever-burning lamps of knowledge is an opening direction.我所学习到的任何知识,都是由自学中得来的 。I have learned any knowledge, are derived by self-study.学人一骄便不能为学,所以第一要去“骄”字 。Economist arrogant cannot learn a, so the first going to "arrogant" word.知识是垫脚石,多铺一块,你会站得更高一些 。Knowledge is a stepping stone, pave a piece more, can you stand higher.知识是学来的,能力是练出来的,胸怀是修来的 。Knowledge is learned, ability is trained, bosom is repaired.从经验中学习的是愚者,从历史中学习的是贤者 。Learning from experience is a fool, learn from history is the sage.女性的直观经常胜过男性为之骄傲的知识的自负 。Women's intuition is often better than men for the knowledge of the pride of the ego.关于学习重要性的英语名言(精选篇)自然赐给了我们知识的种子,而不是知识的本身 。Nature has given us the seeds of knowledge, rather than knowledge itself.永远向竞争对手学习,学习每一个先进的“细节” 。

"argue"的用法科学家们(提出理由或证据来)说明地球是圆的 。

即:科学家们同意地球是圆的 。

单词argue有哪些用法argue 的用法
argue可以用作及物动词或者不及物动词,表示“争辩,争论,主张”的意思 。如:
The boy arguedwith his teacher about his homework.
那个男孩因为作业与老师争执了起来 。

1. The United States should, he argues, attempt to remain aloof.
他认为,美国应保持超然态度 。

2. They argued the case for hours.
他们就这个案子辩论了几个小时 。

3. We argued her into joining us.
我们说服她参加了宴会 。

4. We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.

5. The couple next door are always arguing.

6. The lawyers argued the case for hours.

7. Let's not argue the toss we have to accept his choice.

8. He argues convincingly.

请问argue with sth和argue on sth有什么区别 argue还有哪些短语呢argue with 争论;和...争吵(与人的争吵用with)
argue about 争论;议论某事
argue for 赞成;支持
argue over 辩论某事
argue againest 反对
argue on 辩论(争论)某事(指的是事情用on)

请问这个几单词有什么区别? argue controversy dispute debate altercateargue
/ ˈɑːgjuː; ˋɑrɡju/ v
[I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (about/over sth) express an opposite opinion; exchange angry words; quarrel 争论; 争辩; 争吵: The couple next door are always arguing. 邻居的夫妇总吵架. * Don't argue with your mother. 不要和母亲争辩. * We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. 我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱.
[I, Ipr, Tf] ~ (for/against sth) give reasons for or against sth, esp with the aim of persuading sb 说理; 争辩; 辩论: He argues convincingly. 他的辩解很有说服力. * argue for the right to strike 为争取罢工权利而辩论 * I argued that we needed a larger office. 我据理力争我们需要大些的办公室.
[Tn] (fml 文) discuss (sth); debate 讨论; 辩论: The lawyers argued the case for hours. 律师们对那个案件辩论了几小时.
(idm 习语),argue the `toss say that one disagrees about a decision反对某项决定: Let's not argue the toss we have to accept his choice. 我们不必争论已经决定的事--只好听他的.
(phr v) argue sb into/out of doing sth persuade sb to do/not to do sth by giving reasons 说服、 劝说某人做[不做]某事: They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 他们说服他撤回了投诉.
> arguable / ˈɑːgjuəbl; ˋɑrɡjʊəbl/ adj
1 that can be argued or asserted 可论证的; 可断言的: It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff. 我们的职员少一些也能发挥同样效率, 这是言之成理的.
2 not certain; questionable 可疑的; 有问题的: This account contains many arguable statements. 这种说法含有很多疑点. arguably / -əblɪ; -əblɪ/ adv one can argue(2) that 可争辩地; 按理; 按说: John sings very well though Peter is arguably the better actor. 约翰唱得很好, 不过按理说彼得演得更好.

/ ˈkɔntrəvɜːsɪ, kənˈtrɔvəsɪ; ˋkɑntrəˏvəsɪ/ n [U, C] ~ (about/over sth) public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many people disagree with 公开辩论; 论战: The appointment of the new director aroused a lot of controversy, ie Many people publicly disagreed with it. 新负责人的任命引起了激烈的争论. * a bitter controversy about/over the siting of the new airport 对新机场选址问题的剧烈争论.
dispute 1
/ dɪˈspjuːt; dɪˋspjut/ n
[U] argument; debate 争论; 辩论: There has been much dispute over the question of legalized abortion. 堕胎合法化问题引起了许多争论. * It is a matter of dispute (whether they did the right thing). (他们做得对还是不对,)这是有争议之处. * Their conclusions are open to dispute. 他们的结论可供商榷.
[C] quarrel; controversy 争吵; 争论; 辩论: religious, political, industrial, etc disputes 宗教上的争论、 政治上的辩论、 劳资纠纷 * a border dispute that could easily become a war 容易引发战争的边界争端.
(idm 习语) beyond/past di`spute certain 无可争辩的; 确定无疑的: Her courage is beyond all dispute. 她的勇气是无可置疑的. in di`spute that can be or is being argued about 可以争论; 在争议中: The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute. 事故的真正起因仍有争议. * Your sincerity is not in dispute. 你的诚恳是无可置辩的. in dispute (with sb) involved in a (usu industrial) dispute 涉及(通常为劳资关系上的)纠纷: We're in dispute (with the management) about overtime rates. 我们正(与资方)交涉加班费问题. without di`spute certainly 毫无疑义; 无争论余地: He is without dispute the better player. 他无疑是较优秀的选手. dispute 2
/ dɪˈspjuːt; dɪˋspjut/ v
[I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) argue; debate 争论; 辩论: Some people love to dispute (with everyone). 有些人好(与人)争论.
(a) [Tn, Tw] argue about (sth) 争论(某事物): They disputed at great length what they should do. 他们对应该做什麽这一问题进行了长时间的争论. (b) [Tn] question the truth or validity of (sth) 对(某事物)的真实性或有效性提出质询: dispute a statement, claim, decision, etc 对某项陈述、 要求、 决定等提出质疑 * The election result was disputed. 有人对选举的结果提出了异议.
[Tn] try to stop sb winning (sth) from one; fight for (sth) 扞卫(某事物); 争夺(某物): Our soldiers disputed every inch of ground. 我方战士寸土必争.

/ dɪˈbeɪt; dɪˋbet/ n [C, U] (a) formal argument or discussion of a question, eg at a public meeting or in Parliament, with two or more opposing speakers, and often ending in a vote (正式的)辩论, 讨论(如在公众集会或议会中, 常以表决结束): After a long debate, the House of Commons approved the bill. 经过长时间的辩论, 下议院通过了议案. * to open the debate, ie be the first to speak 开始辩论(第一个发言) * the motion under debate, ie being discussed 在辩论中的动议. (b) argument or discussion in general (一般性的)辩论, 讨论: After much debate, we decided to move to Oxford. 我们经充分讨论决定迁往牛津. * We had long debates at college about politics. 我们上大学时曾长时间地辩论政治问题. * Her resignation caused much public debate. 她辞职一事引起群众议论纷纷.
> debate v
[I, Ipr, Tn, Tw, Tg] ~ (about sth) have a debate(2) about (sth); discuss (sth) 对(某事)进行辩论; 讨论(某事): What are they debating (about)? 他们在辩论什麽? * We're just debating what to do next. 我们正讨论下一步该做什麽事. * They debated closing the factory. 他们争论是否关闭工厂.
[Tn, Tw, Tg] think (sth) over in order to decide 考虑(某事物)以决定: I debated it for a while, then decided not to go. 我反覆考虑后决定不去. * I'm debating where to go on holiday. 我在琢磨到何处度假. * He debated buying a new car, but didn't in the end. 他思量很久是否买辆新汽车, 但最后还是没买. debater n person who debates (debate 1) 辩论的人.

To argue or dispute vehemently; wrangle.
1. Latin alterc³r&9{º}alterc³t- [to quarrel]
拉丁语 alterc³r&9{º}alterc³t- [争吵]
2. from alter [other] * seeal- 1
源自 alter [其它的] *参见 al- 1

这些动词均含“辩论,争论,说理”之意 。
argue → 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服 。
quarrel → 指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架” 。
debate → 侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩 。
dispute → 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味 。
discuss → 最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题 。
reason → 指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究 。
这组名词均有“争执、不和”之意 。
controversy → 侧重指深刻的意见分歧,多指对引起广泛兴趣或非常重要的问题的辨论 。
argument → 指辩论双方均以事实或理由来说服对方的辨论 。
conflict → 指双方坚持已见、互不妥协,怀有敌意的争论,多暗示分歧极为严重,有时用语言无法解决,只得诉诸武力 。
debate → 通常指经过仔细组织和计划的个人或团体之间的辩论 。
dispute → 普通用词,侧重指长时间,言词激烈,针锋相对的争辩 。
quarrel → 普通用词,既可指言词激烈的争吵,也可指温和的言词上的不和 。
strife → 指因不可缓和的矛盾而引起的争吵或斗殴 。


argue的名词词性argument [5B:^jumEnt] n. 争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, ~ (for,against), 意见 arguer n.

achieve的近义词 connection的近义词、形容词 observe的近义词 argue的近义词 devote的名词、形容词achieve: gain
connection: association; connected
observe: notice
argue: reason
devote: devotion, devoted





1、argue for,表示的含义是“赞成;支持;论证” 。例句:But there are many people who argue for changing their jobs, they argue that change means progress.但是许多人赞成换工作,他们辩解说改变就意味着进步 。2、argue over,表示的含义是“辩论某事,为…争论” 。例句:Let others argue over small things, but not you.让别人去为小事情争论不休,而不是你 。3、argue against,表示的含义是“反对;据理反对;争辩” 。例句:It is very difficult to argue against its use.想要反对使用维生素B,十分困难 。4、argue on,表示的含义是“辩论(争论)某事” 。例句:I never intended to argue on this topic of conversation.我并没有企图争论谁对谁错 。5、argue with,表示的含义是“争论;和…争吵” 。例句:You can actively argue with your mind.你可以积极地和你的思想争论6、argue about,表示的含义是“争论;议论某事” 。例句:You can argue about any of these assumptions.

argue的现在分词怎么写啊过去式argued 过去分词argued 现在分词arguing 名词arguer满意请采纳



一、with a grain of saltadv. 有保留地;持怀疑态度例句:用作副词 With reservation I will recommend this film.我将有保留地推荐这部影片 。二、with one accordadv. 一致地;一致同意地例句:用作副词 These adjustments with the wrist and forearm are difficult to do consistently.这些用手腕和前臂调整难以一致地如此作 。三、with thatadv. 于是;接着;这样说着例句:用作副词The bank gave him a loan and that did the business.银行给他提供了一笔贷款,问题于是行到了解决 。四、with itadj. 最近的例句:用作形容词It is better than nine miles to the nearest shop.最近的商店离这儿九英里多 。五、in withadj. 与 ... 合伙例句:He kept chiming in with his own opinions.他不断插话发表意见 。
argue about 辩论[争论]某事
argue on 辩论[争论]某事
argue over 辩论[争论]某事
argue against 反驳 显示出与...相反的结论, 证明...是站不住脚的
argue down 驳倒某人
argue sb. down 驳倒某人
argue for 赞成; 为...而力争
argue round and round (the subject) 只在问题表面兜圈子而不深入实质
argue sb. into 说服某人(做某事或接受某种意见)
argue sb. out of 说服某人不做某事, 打消某种念头
argue sb. round 说服某人相信或放弃(某种看法), 把某人说服过来
argue sth. away 提出论据消除某问题; 驳倒某事
argue sth. off 提出论据消除某问题; 驳倒某事
arguement due
spirited arguement
get into arguement

with him是argue的状语,argue about是动词词组,it是不定式的宾语 ?首先,第一个it指代的是后面to argue with hime about it.后面的it指代前文的事件 。
句子的主干是She thought it unnecessary.