
1、There is good luck in all the mountains and rivers.
【简短高级治愈文案英文】万水千程,皆有好运 。
2、Even if you are as sharp as a hedgehog,someone still hugs and loves you .
纵使你满身尖锐如刺猬,仍有人拥抱爱你不避讳 。
3、Im afraid to look back  , leave behind the mountains and oceans .
我害怕回头望 , 身后遗落下山川和海洋 。
4、We all come ashore , sunny miles of roadside flowers blooming .
我们都会上岸 , 阳光万里路边鲜花开放 。
5、When you come ,the rainstorm will stop and the wind will stay.
愿你来的时候,暴雨骤停,长风栖歇 。