提到英语词组 提到英语怎么说

提到英语词组 提到英语怎么说


提到的英语:mention 。例句:Any identifiable reference to him would have been mortally dangerous.提到他会有丧命的危险 。
Any identifiable reference to him would have been mortally dangerous.提到他会有丧命的危险 。Refer to”参考,查阅,涉及,提到,把…提交”You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work你大可不必因为我提到你的工作就大发雷霆 。And, noting that many mothers are also malnourished, he said the humanitarian cost is enormous.他提到,很多母亲也有营养不良问题,这方面的人道援助耗资巨大 。Other members mentioned subsidies granted to the telecommunications, footwear, coal and shipbuilding sectors其他成员提到对电信、鞋类、煤炭和造船部门给予的补贴 。Thank you very much for your letter of May 26, in which you offer me a graduate assistantship.非常感谢您5月26日的来信中提到提供给我助教奖学金,你真是太好了 。To make references to the heroic deeds提到英雄事迹Individually mention一个个提到The facts mentioned above上文提到的事An unnecessary reference to his criminal past何必提到他的前科.
mention是什么意思:n. 提及,说起,通报表扬;提名表扬v. 提到,说起,提名表扬,传令嘉奖
【提到英语词组 提到英语怎么说】I mention it only as an aside.我只是顺便提及 。Did the concert get a mention in the paper?报纸上报道这次音乐会了吗?He mentioned it of his own accord.他自愿提到了它 。I prefer the former motivation that you mentioned.我更倾向于你说的前一种方式 。He forbore to mention the matter again.他克制住自己,不再提及此事 。