在我看来英语高级表达from my 在我看来英语高级表达concern

在我看来英语高级表达from my 在我看来英语高级表达concern


在我看来的英语高级表达:As far as I can see/If you ask me/to the best of my belief/In my opinion/As I see it/In my mind 。
【在我看来英语高级表达from my 在我看来英语高级表达concern】参考例句:
“In my mind, they are fabulous,” she said.她说:“在我看来,它们非常完美 。”They all looked alike to me.在我看来他们都是一样的 。Her shoes looked cheap and nasty to me.她的鞋在我看来很不值钱 。This distinction seems to me to go to the root of the matter在我看来,这就是根本的区别This attitude seemed to me unduly fussy.在我看来这种态度过于大惊小怪 。In my opinion, both of the drivers were at fault.在我看来,两位司机都有责任 。In my opinion, essay is more readable than poem.在我看来,散文比诗歌更具可读性 。In my opinion, the proposal is quite unacceptable.在我看来,这建议是很难接受的 。As I see it, meeting people is very important in modem life.在我看来,同人们接触在现代生活中是很重要的 。”It all looks damned fishy to me,” he said.“在我看来,这件事非常可疑,”他说 。
can是什么意思:v. 能够,可以(情态动词)n. 罐头;容器v. 把(食品等)装罐保存
Canning Canning Beef can be satisfactorily preserved by canning if the proper procedures are used.装罐如果装罐步骤正确,牛肉可很好地保存起来 。Dark thoughts can be softened when they can not be brightened.阴郁的思绪在无法变得快活的时候可以获得安抚 。He that can have patience can have what he will.唯坚忍者始能遂其意志 。
see是什么意思:v. 看见,参看;遇见;接见;领会;设想;经历;处理或照看n. 主教或大主教的辖区、职务或管辖权
This is positive, you see? This is affirmative, you See? This is final, you see?这是明确的,你懂吗?这是肯定的,你懂吗?这是不容更改的,你懂吗?On seeing us, they hastened over.他们看到我们,赶紧走了过来 。See to it personally, Commander.你要亲自去处理,指挥官 。
you是什么意思:pron. 你,您;你们,您们;各位,大家