买东西时打折怎么个算法 买东西时打折怎么个算法

买东西时打折怎么个算法 买东西时打折怎么个算法

Is there any instance in which you do not want to get a good deal? One of the best things that you can do is go through a store and pick out the things that you love, and have enough money to buy them all!有没有你不想得到一件实惠商品的例子?你能做的最好的一件事就是去商店挑选你喜欢的东西,并且有足够的钱买所有的东西!
Getting a great deal, or finding things on sale, is a great way to stretch the money that you have. Other than earning more, you can definitely save more to end up with more money left!买很多东西,或是找到打折的东西,是一个很好的方式来扩展你的钱 。除了挣更多的钱,你绝对可以存更多的钱,最后剩下更多的钱!
In some countries, haggling and talking to someone to get a bargain is part of the consumer culture. The vendor will almost always quote you a price that is higher than it should be because he expects you to ask for a bargain.在一些国家,讨价还价和找人讨价还价是消费文化的一部分 。卖主几乎总是会给你报一个高于预期的价格,因为他希望你讨价还价 。
It then becomes almost like a dance, where you have to give a price that you are willing to pay (it should be lower than you are prepared to pay) and then see how the shop owner responds.然后,它几乎变成了一场舞蹈,你必须给出一个你愿意付出的价格(应该低于你准备付出的价格),然后看看店主如何回应 。
Usually, you are able to eventually come to an agreement – but do not be afraid to walk away from the deal if it is not to your liking! You do not have to buy from anyone if you do not want to. These kinds of practices are common in parts of the developing world, including Southeast Asia, for example, when prices that someone initially present to you can be more than 200% more expensive than they are willing to sell it for.通常,你可以最终达成协议,但如果协议不符合你的意愿,不要害怕放弃!如果你不愿意,你不必向任何人购买 。这类做法在包括东南亚在内的一些发展中国家很常见,例如,当某人最初向你提供的价格比他们愿意出售的价格高出200%以上时 。
Sometimes, you just have to know what kind of tourist scams people often try to pull on you, and be aware of them.有时候,你只需要知道人们经常试图利用什么样的旅游骗局来欺骗你,并且要意识到这些骗局 。
In most developed countries, or at least if you go to a physical store, pricing is much more transparent. If you want to browse the items that are available, you can. When you do that, you also can see tags or signs that say the price of each item.在大多数发达国家,或者至少如果你去实体店,定价要透明得多 。如果要浏览可用的项目,可以 。当你这样做的时候,你也可以看到标签或标志,上面写着每件商品的价格 。
For these kinds of stores, the prices are usually fixed, meaning there is no negotiation welcome. However, you can find special deals, or sales.对于这些类型的商店,价格通常是固定的,这意味着没有谈判欢迎 。然而,你可以找到特别的交易,或销售 。
This is because, for one reason or another, the store owner is willing to give you a lower price so that they can get rid of the items faster. This is common in places like clothing stores, where the item selection is seasonal.这是因为,出于某种原因,店主愿意给你一个较低的价格,这样他们就可以更快地把商品处理掉 。这在服装店这样的地方很常见,那里的商品选择是季节性的 。
If you go in winter, you probably want to buy large coats and thick pants. For the summer, you might be looking for a bathing suit or sleeveless top.如果你冬天去,你可能想买大外套和厚裤子 。夏天,你可能要找一套泳衣或无袖上衣 。
When it gets to the end of those seasons, the store will often discount their stock to make room for the clothes they have for the new season.当季节结束时,商店常常会打折出售存货,为新季节的衣服腾出地方 。
That is why the best time to buy winter clothes in the Northern Hemisphere is in March or April, and the best time to buy summer clothes is in January or December.这就是为什么在北半球购买冬装的最佳时间是在3月或4月,而购买夏装的最佳时间是在1月或12月 。
Some stores – including restaurants – will have special discounts to entice you to come to their store on a particular day, or to try a new product.一些商店,包括餐馆,会有特别的折扣来吸引你在某一天来他们的商店,或者尝试新产品 。
If you want to take advantage of these sales, these are some of the questions that you can ask!如果你想利用这些销售,这些是一些问题,你可以问!
1. What are the specials?1.有什么特色菜?
Typically, when asking about a special, you are in a restaurant. Restaurants, ranging from fast food to high end fancy ones, often have something that they want to nudge you towards ordering.通常情况下,当你询问一个特别的,你在一家餐厅 。从快餐店到高档高档高档餐厅,通常都会有一些他们想让你点的东西 。
(Sometimes this is because they have extra of a particular ingredient.)(有时这是因为它们含有额外的特殊成分 。)
For most restaurants where you sit down to eat, they will have specials that are priced lower. You can always ask your server to introduce them to you, and try something new!对于大多数你坐下来吃饭的餐馆来说,他们会有价格更低的特色菜 。你可以随时要求你的服务器向你介绍他们,并尝试一些新的东西!
What are the specials for today, sir? I am a vegetarian so please let me know the ones without meat only.先生,今天有什么特色菜?我是素食主义者,所以请告诉我那些没有肉的 。
Does this restaurant have any specials for appetizers? We would like to hear the options.这家餐馆有开胃菜的特色菜吗?我们想听听选择 。
2. Can I get a discount?2.我可以得到折扣吗?
Sometimes, you can ask for a discount directly. This does not often work, but you would be surprised when it might get you a good deal. Discounts usually come in two different forms: fixed rate and fixed amount.有时,你可以直接要求折扣 。这并不经常奏效,但当它可能给你带来一笔好交易时,你会感到惊讶 。折扣通常有两种形式:固定利率和固定金额 。
The fixed rate discount is a discount that varies by the amount of money that you plan on spending. If you have different options for things, the amount that you can save is higher if you spend more.固定利率折扣是一种折扣,根据你计划的消费金额而变化 。如果你有不同的选择,如果你花更多的钱,你可以节省更多的钱 。
This kind of discount is usually presented as a percentage or fraction. For example, if the discount is 10%, you can save $10 if you buy something for $100, or $20 if you buy something worth $200.这种折扣通常以百分比或分数表示 。例如,如果折扣是10%,如果你花100美元买东西,你可以省10美元;如果你花200美元买东西,你可以省20美元 。
The other type of discount, the fixed amount, is the same for both. If you have a $10 discount, you will save $10 if the item is $100 or $200.另一种类型的折扣,固定金额,两者相同 。如果你有10美元的折扣,你将节省10美元,如果项目是100美元或200美元 。
Sometimes, you can ask for a discount if you buy more than one thing (buy in bulk). Some people are willing to give you a discount if you buy 3 shirts, but not if you buy just 1.有时,如果你买的东西不止一件(批量购买),你可以要求折扣 。有些人愿意给你折扣,如果你买3件衬衫,但不是如果你只买1件 。
I hate to ask this, but can I get a discount?我不想问这个,但我能打折吗?
If I buy 5 bags, can I get a discount?如果我买5个包,可以打折吗?
3. Are there any discounts available?3.有折扣吗?
Sometimes, the salespeople that you talk to are happy to tell you what kind of deals their store is having. This is especially true if they earn money by commission, meaning they earn a portion of what you spend.有时候,和你交谈的销售人员很乐意告诉你他们的商店有什么样的交易 。如果他们靠佣金赚钱,这一点尤其正确,这意味着他们从你的支出中赚取一部分 。
Though you will spend less, you are more likely to actually buy something, which can be a challenge in the first place. If you are very friendly with a salesperson, they may even use their friends and family discount code to get you a great deal.虽然你会花更少的钱,但你更有可能买一些东西,这首先是一个挑战 。如果你对销售人员非常友好,他们甚至可以使用他们的朋友和家人的折扣代码来帮你大赚一笔 。
Before I pay, are there any discounts available?在我付款之前,有折扣吗?
4. Is there anything on clearance?4.有没有清仓的货物?
Clearance is what happens when a store really wants to get rid of certain items. This is often because there are only one or two of the items left, they are about to expire (food items), or they are out of season (like clothes).当一家商店真的想甩掉某些商品时,就会发生清仓 。这通常是因为只剩下一两件物品,它们即将过期(食品),或是淡季(如衣服) 。
In this case, most stores will have a special clearance section, where all of these kinds of merchandise are stored. Ask about them to be shown what the deals are! Take note that many of these items are out of style, or close to expiring.在这种情况下,大多数商店都会有一个特别的清关区,所有这些商品都存放在这里 。询问他们,让他们知道什么是交易!请注意,其中许多项目已过时,或接近过期 。
This does not make them bad, but there is a reason that they are on clearance! Often, however, you can find discounts of 30% or more.这并没有让他们变得糟糕,但他们有理由被清除!然而,通常你可以找到30%或更多的折扣 。
Excuse me, is there anything on clearance here?对不起,这里有清仓的东西吗?
5. Where is the clearance section?5.哪里是清仓区域?
The clearance section is where all the items on clearance are stored. This is a great place to browse, even if you are not sure that you want to buy anything.清仓区是所有清关物品的存放处 。这是一个很好的地方浏览,即使你不确定你想买什么 。
Special sections with all the items on clearance are common in clothing stores, but other types of stores have them as well.在服装店,所有物品都在清关的特殊区域很常见,但其他类型的商店也有 。
I am looking for the clearance section. Where is it?我正在找清仓区,请问在哪里?
6. What all is on sale?6.有什么特价商品?
If you are looking for a sale, just ask for it! There may not things on clearance, but most places you can shop have things on sale. There are some small variations of this question, including:如果你想减价,就要它!可能没有清关的东西,但大多数你可以购物的地方都有打折的东西 。这个问题有一些小的变化,包括:
What all is on sale?有什么特价商品?
What things do you have that are on sale?你们有什么特价商品?
Do you have any items that are on sale?你们有特价商品吗?
7. Is anything being liquidated?7.有没有清盘的货物?
A liquidation is what happens when a business needs to sell a large amount of its inventory, usually because it is going out of business or moving to a smaller location. To liquidate something means to turn it into cash.清算是指企业需要出售大量存货时所发生的情况,通常是因为企业倒闭或转移到较小的地点 。清算某物意味着把它变成现金 。
This means that the store owner usually just wants to get some money out of the things that they still have left, and you can find amazing deals. Often, everything in the store is included in the sale, so you can buy all kinds of things at once!这意味着,店主通常只想从他们剩下的东西中得到一些钱,你可以找到惊人的交易 。通常,商店里的所有东西都包括在减价中,所以你可以一次买到各种各样的东西 。
I heard this store is being closed down. Is anything being liquidated?我听说这家商店关门了 。有什么东西要清算吗?
8. Is this a closing out sale?8.这是一次清仓甩卖吗?
Another term for a liquidation is a closing out sale. For these, almost everything is price at the wholesale price that the store gets it from, so you can save a lot!清算的另一个术语是终止出售 。对于这些,几乎所有的东西都是按批发价来定价的,所以你可以省很多钱!
I saw a going out of business sign on the front door! Is this a closing out sale?我看到前门有个停业的牌子!这是一次清仓甩卖吗?
9. Are there any coupons that I can use for this?9.有我可以用的优惠券吗?
Some stores have their own coupons. These are slips of paper that you can bring with you to the store to get a cheaper price on items!有些商店有自己的优惠券 。这些是纸条,你可以把它们带到商店里,以获得更便宜的价格!
For the stores that do not have their own coupons, you might be able to find a manufacturer’s coupon – or a discount that is given by the company that makes the products.对于没有自己优惠券的商店,您可能可以找到制造商的优惠券,或者是生产产品的公司提供的折扣 。
Companies that want to introduce their new product or help get them into different stores can offer these, and then reimburse the company when the coupons are redeemed.公司如果想介绍他们的新产品或帮助他们进入不同的商店,可以提供这些,然后在兑换优惠券时偿还公司 。
My friend said that she got this item for 50% off last week, I think with a coupon. Are there any coupons that I can use for this?我朋友说她上星期买了这个东西,我想是有优惠券的 。有我可以用的优惠券吗?
10. Does the store have any special offers on their products?10.这家商店的产品有特价吗?
This is another question that you can ask the salesperson that you meet in the store.这是另一个你可以问你在商店遇到的售货员的问题 。
11. Are you able to give me a better price than that?11.你能给我一个更好的价格吗?
To be able to ask this question, you usually have to talk to a manager or owner. The person has to have the power to give you discounts, so that means it has to be someone with some authority.要问这个问题,你通常必须和经理或老板谈谈 。这个人必须有权力给你折扣,所以这意味着它必须是有某种权威的人 。
However, you could also use this sentence when bargaining with a street vendor. Usually, they are in charge of their stalls, and decide on each of the transactions that they conduct with their customers. When I travel, I almost always ask this after they give me an initial price!不过,你也可以用这个句子与街头小贩讨价还价 。通常,他们负责自己的摊位,并决定与客户进行的每一笔交易 。当我旅行时,我几乎总是在他们给我一个初始价格后问这个问题!
This is also a useful sentence for when multiple people are “bidding” for you. When there are several people asking you to buy from or do business with them, you can get an offer from one and ask this question to the other.这也是当多重人群被“欺骗”时的一个用处 。当有很多人要求你从他们那里买东西或做生意时,你可以从一个人那里得到这个问题,并向另一个人提出这个问题 。
Come on, I saw someone else offer that lady $3 lower than yours! Are you able to give me a better price than that?拜托,我看到有人给那位女士比你低3美元!你能给我一个更好的价格吗?
She offered me $20 per hour, are you able to give me a better price than that?她每小时给我20美元,你能给我一个比那更好的价格吗?
12. Do you have any packages that I can consider?12.有更优惠的套餐吗?
Often times, the more volume you buy, the lower the cost of something. This is because people are more willing to give you a lower price per unit since they can make up that revenue by selling you more.通常情况下,你买的东西越多,价格就越低 。这是因为人们更愿意给你一个较低的单价,因为他们可以通过出售你更多来弥补收入 。
Even though they make a little less for each thing they sell, they can make more overall. That also explains why buying a 20 pack of water bottles at Costco comes to $0.50 each while if you buy just one bottle, it costs $2.尽管他们每卖一件东西赚得少一点,但他们可以赚得更多 。这也解释了为什么在好市多买20包水瓶的价格是0.50美元,而如果你只买一瓶,就要2美元 。
In many service-based businesses, the vendor is more than willing to give you a better deal if you buy more of them. For example, a language tutor might charge you $20 per hour.在许多基于服务的企业中,如果你购买更多的服务,供应商非常愿意给你一个更好的交易 。例如,一个语言家教可能每小时收费20美元 。
However, if you book ten lessons at once, they might only charge you $190 out of the $200 that the lessons are worth. If you know that you are going to use up those things anyways, it only makes sense to buy them or pay for them in advance! That way, you can get a discount!但是,如果你一次订十节课,他们可能只收你200美元中的190美元 。如果你知道你无论如何都要用光这些东西,那就买它们或者提前付款才有意义!这样,你可以得到折扣!
I would be interested in taking more classes with you. Do you have any packages that I can consider?我有兴趣和你一起上更多的课 。有更优惠的套餐吗?
My thinking is that having classes every month will be a great way to make sure that I practice. Do you have any packages that I can consider?我的想法是每个月都上课是确保我练习的好方法 。有更优惠的套餐吗?
13. Are you going to have a markdown on this soon?13.你很快就要降价了吗?
A markdown is also known as a markdown in prices. In other words, it is a discount! If you have something that is made cheaper, that is a markdown.降价也可以说markdown in prices 。换句话说,这是一个折扣!如果你有便宜的东西,那就是降价 。
If you are shopping in a store for something, but you do not need it right away, you can always ask whether there will be a markdown on that item later.如果你在商店里买东西,但你不需要马上买,你可以随时问,以后是否会有降价 。
If there will be, you can wait a little bit to buy that item and save some money in the meantime!如果有的话,你可以等一段时间再买那个东西,同时省点钱!
There might be another month before I need the tent to go camping. Are you going to have a markdown on this soon?再过一个月我就需要帐篷去露营了 。你很快就要降价了吗?
Are you going to have a markdown on this soon? If you are, I think I am willing to wait until then to buy the item.你很快就要降价了吗?如果是的话,我想我愿意等到那时候再买 。
14. Do you price match with other stores?14.你的价格和其他商店相匹配吗?
If a store is willing to price match, that means that they will match the lowest prices of another store for the same product. This is really useful if you only want to or have time to go to a single store.如果一家商店愿意匹配价格,这意味着他们将匹配同一产品的另一家商店的最低价格 。如果你只想或有时间去一家商店,这真的很有用 。
You should be able to talk to them about getting the price match, so that you only have to make one stop to get the cheapest prices for items.你应该可以和他们谈价格匹配的问题,这样你只需要停一站就可以得到最便宜的商品价格 。
In the United States, Walmart is sometimes willing to do this. If you bring in the advertisements of other stores, and show it to the employees there, they should be willing to change the prices for you!在美国,沃尔玛有时愿意这样做 。如果你把其他商店的广告带进来,给那里的员工看,他们应该愿意为你改变价格!
While this is not exactly a discount, because you could just go to the other store to get that price, it does save you time. Because time is money, sometimes it really is worth doing!虽然这不是一个折扣,因为你可以去另一家商店得到这个价格,它确实节省了你的时间 。因为时间就是金钱,有时候真的值得去做!
I found this item on discount at the grocery store down the street and brought in their ad for it. Do you price match with other stores?I think it would benefit both of us to make this the only place that I shop, so do you price match with other stores?我在街对面的杂货店找到了这件打折的商品,并带来了他们的广告 。你的价格和其他商店相匹配吗?
Other Places to Look for a Sale其他打折的地方
Sometimes, the best way to get a sale is to go to a place that is made for sales. A lot of times that means buying something second hand, when it has been gently used by someone else.This is good not only for the environment (the other person is able to sell their item instead of throwing it away or just letting it sit there) but also for both of you! The buyer can get a lower price, and the seller can get some money for that item.有时,最好的销售方式是去一个地方,是为销售 。很多时候这意味着买一些二手货,当它被别人轻轻地使用时 。这不仅对环境有利(对方可以卖掉他们的东西而不是扔掉或只是让它坐在那里),而且对你们两个都有利!买方可以得到一个较低的价格,而卖方可以得到一些钱的项目 。
Garage sale车库甩卖
A garage sale is something that you will sometimes see in the suburbs, where people have their own houses and yards. For a garage sale, they will put some things that they are looking to sell in their garage, and all the neighbors are welcome to come and browse their items. These are a great way to find good deals, because most people are just trying to clear out the things that they have in their homes.车库甩卖是你有时会在郊区看到的东西,那里的人们有自己的房子和院子 。对于车库销售,他们会把一些他们想卖的东西放在车库里,欢迎所有邻居来浏览他们的物品 。这是一个很好的方式找到好的交易,因为大多数人只是试图清除他们在家里的东西 。
Do you have time to come with me to the garage sale this weekend?这个周末你有时间和我一起去车库大甩卖吗?
Look at this great painting that I found in a garage sale last week!看这幅我上周在一次车库拍卖会上发现的伟大的画!
Moving sale搬家贱卖
If someone is moving, especially if they are going to another country, they sometimes will have a moving sale. This is a good way for them to put almost everything that they have on sale, in the hopes that they will be able to get rid of it.Considering that shipping things is very expensive, especially if they are large, it is not worth it to ship them. Selling them for cash and then buying replacements is much more economical.For moving sales, that usually means that things like furniture (beds, couches, bookshelves etc.) and cars are included in the sale.You might be able to get amazing deals, because the other choice that the people holding the sale have are to throw the items away or put them in long term storage.如果有人要搬家,特别是他们要去另一个国家,他们有时会有一个搬家出售 。对他们来说,这是一个很好的方法,可以把他们所有的东西都卖了,希望他们能摆脱它 。考虑到运输物品非常昂贵,特别是如果它们很大,不值得运输它们 。以现金出售然后再购买替代品要便宜得多 。对于移动销售,这通常意味着家具(床、沙发、书架等)和汽车等物品都包含在销售中 。你可能会得到惊人的优惠,因为举办销售的人的另一个选择是把这些物品扔掉或放好长期储存 。
I spent almost $1000 at the moving sale down the street, but I got almost all the household items I will ever need!我花了将近1000美元在街上的移动销售,但我得到了几乎所有的家庭用品,我将永远需要!
When we held our moving sale, we spent almost a month planning it to make sure that we could get rid of all our things.当我们举行搬家大甩卖时,我们花了将近一个月的时间来计划,以确保我们能摆脱所有的东西 。
Yard sale庭院拍卖
A yard sale is also similar to a garage or moving sale. Instead of putting the items for sale in the garage, however, you usually put them in the yard directly. This is not a considerable difference when you talk about the contents of the sale, however.庭院拍卖也类似于车库或搬家拍卖 。然而,你通常不是把要出售的东西放在车库里,而是直接放在院子里 。不过,当你谈到销售的内容时,这并不是一个很大的区别 。
Amanda is holding a yard sale to raise money for charity, would you like to stop by?阿曼达正在举行一场庭院拍卖会,为慈善事业筹款,你想顺便来看看吗?
My father used to spend his Saturday mornings going to different yard sales in the neighborhood, looking for fish tanks that people no longer want. He found dirt cheap tanks and never bought one new.我父亲过去常常在周六早上去附近的不同的庭院销售,寻找人们不再想要的鱼缸 。他找到了便宜的脏坦克,但从未买过新的 。
A bazaar is a type of market. In the Middle East, it is like any type of street market. In other parts of the world, bazaars are usually used to raise money for something.For the most part, the cause is a charity, and people bring their items to donate so that there will be things to sell. In that way, it is like a garage sale, but on a much larger scale and for a good cause!集市是一种市场 。在中东,它就像任何类型的街市 。在世界其他地方,集市通常是用来筹款的 。在很大程度上,慈善事业是一种慈善事业,人们带着他们的物品去捐赠,这样就有东西可以卖了 。这样,它就像一个车库出售,但在更大的规模和一个好的理由!
When I was in Girl Scouts, we used to hold a holiday bazaar every year to raise money for orphans who needed new winter clothes.我在女童子军的时候,我们每年都会举办一个节日义卖会,为需要新冬装的孤儿筹款 。
Shopping at a bazaar is a good deal for everyone, since you can get a great deal, get rid of things that you do not want, and raise money for a good cause.在集市上购物对每个人来说都是一笔好买卖,因为你可以得到很多,摆脱你不想要的东西,为一个好的事业筹集资金 。
Flea market跳蚤市场
A flea market is similar to a bazaar in that there are multiple stalls where people sell items. It is a little different, because people who are at the flea market sometimes accept trades.Rather than having to buy things, you might be able to trade your items or services for them. The items also tend to be cheap, so they are places to find affordable things. In addition, if you are lucky, you might be able to find antiques or collectibles!跳蚤市场类似于集市,有多个摊位供人们出售物品 。这有点不同,因为跳蚤市场的人有时会接受交易,你可以用你的物品或服务来交换,而不必买东西 。这些东西也往往很便宜,所以它们是找到便宜东西的地方 。此外,如果你幸运的话,你可能会找到古董或收藏品!
Do you know if there is a flea market in town? I am looking for a place to get a cheap new cabinet.你知道城里有没有跳蚤市场?我在找一个地方买一个便宜的新橱柜 。
【买东西时打折怎么个算法 买东西时打折怎么个算法】I found this great rug at the flea market; it was a little dirty but it works just as well as any other rug after I cleaned it up a bit!我在跳蚤市场找到了一块很好的地毯,它有点脏,但洗了一点后,它的效果和其他地毯一样好!