开心的其他表达 表达欢乐喜悦的心情

开心的其他表达 表达欢乐喜悦的心情

有时候,你想表达你真的,真的非常想做某事的程度 。换句话说,你要表达你的热情,那么下面这些表达你都用得到 。
to be pumped = to be very excited and physically ready to do something激动=非常兴奋,实际上已经准备好做某事
I’m pumped to welcome to the Mario to the stage!我非常激动地欢迎马里奥来到舞台!
Are you pumped for vacation next month?你对下个月的假期兴奋吗?
to be stoked = to be very enthused about something振奋=对某事非常热心
She’s stoked about her trip to Tahiti next week.她对下周去塔希提的旅行感到兴奋 。
No, I’m not stoked about the test. I hate tests!不,我对考试不感兴趣 。我讨厌考试!
这些表达式用来表达和你自己有关的事 。你还可以使用这些表达来表明其他人对他/她自己的事感到兴奋 。
S + be + (really, very, quite) excited + about something主语 + be +(really, very, quite) excited + about something
Use this form for a special event or opportunity:使用此结构来表达对特殊事件或机会的激动:
I’m very excited about working with Tom on the new project.我很高兴能和汤姆在新项目上合作 。
I’m quite excited about my new car!我很兴奋拥有了一辆新车 。
S + be + (really) looking forward to something主语 + be + (really) looking forward to something
Use this form when you are anticipating a meeting or other event in the future. This expression is common in business settings:当你期待会议或其他未来的事件时,请使用此结构 。这种表达在商业环境中是很常见的:
I’m really looking forward to opening the new store next week.我对下星期开这家新商店真的很期待 。
She’s looking forward to taking some time off work.她期待着休假一段时间 。
S + feel confident that …主语 + feel confident that …
Use this form to express that you have confidence that something will happen in the future:使用这个结构来表达你对将来会发生某事有信心:
I feel confident that I’ll get the position.我相信我能得到这个职位 。
We feel confident that our son will succeed.我们确信我们的儿子会成功 。
S + cherish主语 + cherish
Use cherish on special occasions as this form is quite strong:在特殊场合使用cherish,因为这种结构情感很强烈:
I cherish the time I spend with you.我珍惜与你共度的时光 。
Jack cherishes every opportunity to speak to a client.杰克珍惜每一个与客户交谈的机会 。
Expressing Enthusiasm with Adjectives用形容词表达热情
有些形容词用在恰当的时刻,增加了特别的强调,用来表示热情和喜悦 。注意不要过度使用,因为它们在过度使用时会失去它们的影响力 。下面是使用这些形容词的适当时机的几个例子:
Wow, that’s amazing! I’ve never seen a sunset like that before!哇,太棒了!我以前从未见过这样的日落!
Look at that mountain. It’s awesome!看那座山 。太棒了!
I Can’t Believe It!我不敢相信!
The phrase I can’t believe is often used to express something that surprises you in a good way:I can’t believe这个短语经常用来表达一些让你惊讶的好的事物:
I can’t believe how much fun that ride was!我简直不敢相信那是多么有趣啊!
I can’t believe how much I love you!我不敢相信我有多爱你!
Expressing Enthusiasm for Someone Else表达对别人的热情
Here are a number of phrases used to express enthusiasm when we hear someone’s good news.当我们听到某人的好消息时,这里有一些表达欣喜的短语 。
S + be + (so, really, very) happy / excited / delighted + for you / them / him / her主语 + be + (so, really, very) happy / excited / delighted + for you / them / him / her
Use these adverbs and adjectives in combination to express happiness for someone:用这些副词和形容词组合来表达某人的祝福:
I’m really delighted for you. Good luck!我真为你高兴 。祝你好运!
She’s so excited for her husband.她为丈夫感到开心 。
Congratulations! / Congratulations on the / your …祝贺你!祝贺你的…
You can express enthusiasm for special achievements by beginning with congratulations:你可以从祝贺开始,来表达对特殊成就的喜悦:
Congratulations on your new house!恭喜你有了新房子!
Congratulations! You must be a proud father!祝贺你!你一定是个令人骄傲的父亲!
S + must + be + (so, really, very) happy / excited / delighted主语 + must + be + (so, really, very) happy / excited / delighted
Use the modal verb of probability must to express your belief that what you say about someone else is true:使用表达可能性的情态动词must来表达你相信别人说的是真的:
You must be so excited!你一定很兴奋!
She must have been thrilled!她一定很兴奋吧!
That’s great / fantastic / wonderful!太棒了/太好了/太赞了!
When someone shares their enthusiasm they expect you to react to their good news. Here are some phrases to help you spread the joy:当某人分享他们的热情时,他们期望你对他们的好消息做出反应 。这里有一些短语可以帮助你传播快乐:
Your wife is pregnant. That’s fantastic!你妻子怀孕了 。太棒了!
That’s great! You should be proud of yourself.那太好了!你应该为自己感到骄傲 。
I’m (so, very, really) happy for you.我真的为你感到非常高兴 。
Use this phrase to express that you truly wish someone the best:用这个短语来表达你真诚地希望某人一切都好:
I’m really happy for you. I’m sure you’ll be great at your new job.我真为你高兴 。我相信你会在新工作上越来越棒 。
I’m so happy for you and your husband. Would you like a boy or a girl?我为你和你的丈夫感到高兴 。你想要男孩还是女孩?
You deserve it!你值得这一切!
Use this phrase to express joy when someone has worked hard for an achievement. You deserve it is also used to say that someone deserves a special gift or consideration.用这个短语来表达当某人为一项成就努力工作时的喜悦 。你应得的,它也被用来说,某人值得特别的礼物或关注 。
I heard about your new job. Congratulations! You deserve it.我听说你的新工作了 。祝贺你!这是你应得的 。
【开心的其他表达 表达欢乐喜悦的心情】Let’s go out to dinner. You deserve it.我们出去吃饭吧 。这是你应得的 。