crazy什么意思英语 crazy的汉语

Do you ever feel like you are going crazy? Is it your colleagues that drive you crazy, or is it a noisy neighbour? You might have your hands full with too much work and too short a time to complete it. Or you may be stuck in a traffic jam and late for a job interview.你觉得自己疯了吗?是你的同事把你逼疯了 , 还是你的邻居吵吵闹闹?你可能手忙脚乱 , 工作太多 , 完成时间太短 。或者你可能陷入交通堵塞 , 面试迟到了 。
Below you will see some of the most common English idioms you can use when feeling angry, frustrated or irritated with something.下面你将看到一些最常见的英语习语 , 当你对某件事感到愤怒、沮丧或恼火时 , 可以使用这些习语 。
Idioms for Going Crazy表示疯狂的习语
1. go bananas
I’ll go bananas if you ask me that question one more time.如果你再问我一次那个问题 , 我会发疯的 。
2. go nuts
We’ve got so many complaints today, I think I’ll go nuts.我们今天抱怨太多了 , 我想我会发疯的 。
3. lose it
When Erica asked Tim to leave, he just lost it and started shouting at her.当艾丽卡叫蒂姆离开的时候 , 他像疯了一样 , 开始冲她大喊大叫 。
4. go mental
Have you gone mental? Why do you keep arguing with the boss? You’ll get fired.你疯了吗?你为什么一直和老板争论?你会被解雇的 。
5. freak out
Mum, don’t freak out! I’ve just crashed the car.妈妈 , 淡定!我刚把车撞坏了 。
6. go bonkers
When I was told to wait for another hour, I just went absolutely bonkers.当我被告知再等一个小时时 , 我简直疯了 。
7. go berserk
The crowd went berserk when they were told that all the flights had been cancelled.当他们被告知所有的航班都被取消时 , 人群变得狂怒起来
8. blow one’s top
I think he’ll blow his top when you give him the news.当你告诉他这个消息时 , 我想他会大发雷霆的 。
9. fly off the handle
My dad flies off the handle anytime someone mentions politics.每当有人提起政治 , 我爸爸总是大发雷霆 。
10. hit the ceiling/ hit the roof
I can’t be late. My parents will hit the roof.我不能迟到 。我父母会大发雷霆的 。
11. go ballistic
My new neighbours throw parties every night. It just makes me go ballistic.我的新邻居每晚都开派对 。这让我很生气 。
12. go off the deep end
I’ll go off the deep end if I get fired because of someone else’s mistake.如果我因为别人的错误而被解雇 , 我会勃然大怒的 。
13. blow up
When I saw the look on Helen’s face, I just knew she’d blow up.当我看到海伦脸上的表情时 , 我就知道她会发火的 。
14. pop one’s cork
I have something to tell you. Please, don’t pop your cork.我有话要告诉你 。请不要暴跳如雷 。
15. go ape
Susie will go ape if she ever hears about it.如果苏西听到这件事 , 她会大发雷霆的 。
【crazy什么意思英语 crazy的汉语】Unfortunately, getting angry is part of our everyday lives. I hope that enriching your vocabulary will help you make light of your problems. And to forget about all your problems, check out these fun idioms you can use when you’re really happy. Keep learning and let us know if you have any questions.不幸的是 , 生气是我们日常生活的一部分 。我希望丰富你的词汇量能帮助你解决问题 。为了忘记你所有的问题 , 看看这些有趣的习语 , 当你真的很高兴的时候你可以使用 。继续学习 , 如果您有任何问题 , 请告诉我们 。