
|||eI| AaHh Jj Kk
|i:| Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz
|e| Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz
|ju:| Uu Qq Ww
|ai| Ii Yy
|?u| Oo
|a:| Rr
labor 劳动
name 名字
be 是
these 这些
I 我
die 死
nice 好的
fire 火
no 没有
whole 整个
mu 希腊字母μ
cue 线索
use 使用
a /?/ thank plant
e /ε/ get pen
i /?/ wish silly
o /α/ stop box
u /?/ up but
al /?/ call fall small tall wall
ai /e/ mail maid rain bait
ay /e/ bay stay hay tray
ar /αr/ dark hard barn farm are
air /εr/ air chair fair hair
are /εr/ care dare hare
au /?/ caught taught
aw /?/ law saw paw draw
ea /i/ pea read Jean heat meal
/ε/ bread dead death head weather read
ear /?r/ pioneer engineer
ei /i/ receive seize /e/ eight neighbor
er /?/ her mermaid /?/ winter mother painter
ir /?/ fir shirt
oa /o/ coat road soap soak toast goal loaf
oi /??/ join noise
oo /u/ moon noon school soon too /?/ book cook foot good /?/ blood
oor /or/ door floor
or /?r/ fork Ford born storm
ore /or/ before more
ou /a?/ house our mouth loud thousand found /?/ enough touch trouble young /?/ could
our /or/ course four fourth
ow /a?/ wow clown crown
oy /??/ boy enjoy joy toy
ur /?/ purse burn
b /b/ able baby bad big black
c /s/ city certainly receive /k/ car catch class come cup
ck /k/ back black check kick
ch /t?/ charge check children /k/ Christmas chemical school
dg /d?/ bridge judge
dr /dr/ drink driver dry
g /g/ egg get give /d?/ German giant large
gh /f/ enough laugh
h /h/ have head hope hot how
k /k/ keep kind kite
n /n/ naked near night son /?/ thank ink think English language
ng /?/ thing song
ph /f/ phase phone photograph
s /s/ same sea sun /z/ has reason /?/ sugar sure /?/ television revision
sh /?/ shame she sheep shine wish
t /t/ little sit tea /?/ action nation
th /θ/ both think three /e/ the they this those
tr /tr/ train travel trip
b comb climb tomb debt doubt
c indict scene pick lick
ch yacht
g gnash design gnarled paradigm
gh eight high night dough bought caught
h hour honest rhyme khaki oh ah Fahrenheit shepherd exhaust
k knight knife knock know
n column
p pneumonia psychology receipt
s island aisle Arkansas Illinois
t listen castle depot ballet
w write wrong two answer sword who whom whole
||eI| AaHh Jj Kk
|i:| Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz
|e| Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz
|ju:| Uu Qq Ww
|ai| Ii Yy
|?u| Oo
|a:| Rr