高中英语时态题目训练及答案 高一英语语法时态训练题

时态是在各种时间条件下表示行为、动作和状态的动词形式 。时态也是英语学习的重点内容 。这是边肖收藏的高中英语时态练习 。让我们来看看!
1、Let’s _______(carry) the boxes to the house.
【高中英语时态题目训练及答案 高一英语语法时态训练题】2、Yesterday she ______ (want) very much to see the film, but she couldn’t __(get) a ticket.
3、I _________(write) to you as soon as I get to Shanghai.
4、Mike ___________(visit) several places since he came to Beijing.
5、He ___________ (write) four letters to his wife every month.

高中英语时态题目训练及答案 高一英语语法时态训练题


6、Don’ t make any noise, Grandma ___________ (sleep).
7、His aunt ___________ (do) some cooking when he came in .
8、When they ___________ (reach) the station, the train had already left.
9、There ___________ (be) a meeting next Monday.
10、We ___________ (know) each other since our boyhood.
答案:1. carry 2. wanted , get 3. will write 4. has visited 5. writes 6. is sleeping 7. was doing 8. reached 9. will be 10. have known
1. 构成
will / shall+ have +过去分词 。
2. 基本用法
(1) 表示到将来某个时间已经发生或完成的动作 。如:
I shall have finished this book next week. 下周我就会读完这本书了 。

高中英语时态题目训练及答案 高一英语语法时态训练题


When we get there,she’ll have gone home. 我们到那里时她会回家了 。
On Monday he’ll have been in Britain for three years. 到星期一,他在英国就满三年了 。
(2) 有时表示推测 。如:
They will have arrived there by now. 这时候他们可能已到那儿了 。
(1) 总的说来,现在进行时表示将来时,主观性比较强,通常含有主观决定的意思;而一般现在时表将来,则客观性较强,往往含有客观环境如此的意思 。如:
I’m leaving tonight. 我今晚离开 。(此句含有我决定离开的意思)
I leave tonight. 我今晚离开 。(此句意指这是客观计划的要求)
(2) 当要描述多个安排或计划好的将来动作时,通常用一般现在时,因为此时用现在进行时会显得累赘 。如:
We leave at six, arrive in Dublin at ten and take the plane about two hours later. 我们6点出发,10点到达都柏林,大约2小时后乘飞机走 。
1. Listen! Someone ______ in the next room.
A. is crying B. was crying C. has cried D. cried
2. The population of the world ________ still ________ now.
A. has; grown B. is; growing C. will; grow D. is; grown
3. —It’s time for dinner. Where is your father, Emma?
—He ________ his bike in the yard.
A. clean B. cleaned C. is cleaning D. will clean
4. My friend ________ me. I have to leave now.
A. waits for B. waited for C. is waiting for D. was waiting for
5. Mr. Green ________ to the manager now. You’d better call him later.
A. talk B. talked C. is talking D. was talking
1. A 。根据句中的 listen(听)可知,“隔壁有人正在哭”,故用现在进行时 。
2. B 。根据句中的still(仍然)和now(现在)可知,句子应用现在进行时 。又如:She is still sleeping. 她还在睡觉 。
3. C 。说话者在找Emma的父亲,而Emma说她父亲在院子里擦自行车,显然动作正在进行,故用现在进行时 。
4. C 。根据后文的I have to leave now(我得马上走了)可推知,朋友的“等”正在进行,故用现在进行时 。
5. C 。根据句中的时间副词now(现在)可知,空格处应用现在进行时态 。