初中英语中考时态历年真题 初中英语时态题目

动词是英语中最重要的语法考点,动词时态(和非谓语动词)是各类动词考点中最重要的 。以下是边肖收藏的初中英语时态真题 。我们来看看吧!
1.—Have you got any pieces of paper?
—Yes, I _____ .
A. have got B. have C. had one D. did
2.Have you ever _____ to a foreigner?
A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. to speak

初中英语中考时态历年真题 初中英语时态题目


3.Let’s forget _____ thing.
A. the all B. all the C. whole the D. the whole
4.Can you find the answer _____ the question?
A. to B. of C. in D. at
5.She’s never read the book before, _____ ?
A. has she B. hasn’t sheC. isn’t she D. wasn’t she?
构成:由“have /has been +现在分词”构成 。
用法:表示从过去某个时候开始一直延续到现在的动作 。强调现在依然在进行,并还可能继续延续下去 。如:
The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国人造纸有2000年了 。(2000年前中国人开始造纸,现在中国人还在造纸)

初中英语中考时态历年真题 初中英语时态题目


注:有的动词用现在完成时或现在完成进行时没什么差别 。如:
We’ve been living here since 1 990.
We’ve lived here since 1990. 从1990年起我们就在这里住了 。
但有些静态动词只能用于现在完成时,一般不能用于完成进行时 。如:
I’ve known him for many years. 我认识他有许多年了 。
过去完成时由“had+动词的过去分词”构成 。主要表示在过去某一时刻或某一动作之前已经完成了的动作,即“过去的过去” 。如:
The weather was worse than I had expected. 天气比我预料的要糟 。
When I turned around, the boy had disappeared. 我一转身男孩就不见了 。
He said he had come in through the window 他说他是从窗户进来的 。
有时表示从过去某一时刻开始一直延续到另一过去时刻的动作或状态 。跟现在完成时一样,也常与how long, for three days等表示一段时间的一类状语连用 。如:
He asked how long I had lived there. 他问我在那儿住过多久 。
have been to与have gone to:
前者表示“去过某地”,可以与次数连用;后者表示“到某地去了”(强调现在不在这里),通常不与次数连用 。如:
I have been to Japan three times. 我去过日本三次 。
The Smiths have gone to Canada for a holiday. 史密斯全家都到加拿大度假去了 。
但have gone to后接学校时则可意谓“上过学” 。如:
I’m the only one who’s gone to a public high school. 我是上过公立中学的人 。
另外,两者均可和不定式连用,但意思不同 。如:
He has never been to see me since I have been ill. 我生病以来他从未来看过我 。
【初中英语中考时态历年真题 初中英语时态题目】They’ve gone to live overseas. 他们到海外居住了 。