柜台销售英文 销售柜姐英文

在进行日常生活英语口语的学习中,我们可以从网上下载的听、说、读、写的英语材料来进行学习 。通过用生动的形象,真实的画面,优美动人的语言和音乐,刺激学习的兴趣和求知欲 。而多学多练,进行英语口语的练习必不可少,汉普森英语小编为大家整理一些生活英语口语对话,希望大家可以从中获得需要的知识,本篇为您整理柜台销售的商务英语对话 。
This one is of the highest quality.
这件的质量高 。
This is made of genuine leather , so it will wear well.
这些是真皮做的,所以很耐穿 。
These are more expensive,but they are of super quality.
这些要贵一些,但质量很好 。
These, loaves sandwich bread are fresh out of the oven.
这些三明治面包是新出炉的 。
This suit is made of selected material with exquisite workmanship.
这套西服选料考究、做工精细 。
What price range slid you have in mind?
The price depends on the quality.
按质论价 。
If you buy a new bicycle,it will cost more than double.
如果你买新的自行车,价格要贵一倍多 。
They are on special this week .We have reduced the price by 20 percent.
这些商品本周特价优惠,我们已经降价20% 。
A:They're good in material,fashionable in design and superb inworkmanship.
B:I see.The quality seems all right,but your prices are too high.
A:Will you supply spare pads if we want them?
B:Certainly .We always have the interest of the customers at heart.
A:How long is the warranty?
B:We guarantee our product for two years.
A:How about repairs after the warranty expires?
B:All repairs are billed at cost.
A:材料很好、设计时尚、做工出色 。
B:是的 。质量看上去不错,但你们的价格太高了 。
B:当然,我们时刻考虑顾客的利益 。
B:我们的产品保修两年 。
【柜台销售英文 销售柜姐英文】B:所有的修理都是成本价 。