sat阅读理解 sat阅读文章

SAT写作范文|关于知识就是力量的SAT范文与解析, ACT和SAT被称为“美国高考” 。它们不仅是美国大学的录取条件之一,也是大学发放奖学金的主要依据之一,是学生综合能力的测试标准 。以下由广州伊藤教育边肖为您整理:SAT写作范文| SAT范文及解析关于知识就是力量 。
【sat阅读理解 sat阅读文章】Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment belowKnowledge is power. In agriculture, medicine, and industry, for example, knowledge has liberated us from hunger, disease, and tedious labor. Today, however, our knowledge has become so powerful that it is beyond our control. We know how to do many things, but we do not know where, when, or even whether this know-how should be used.Assignment: Can knowledge be a burden rather than a benefit? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.题目翻译:知识就是力量 。例如,农业、医学、工业等方面的知识使我们从饥饿、疾病和单调的劳作中得到了解放 。然而,如今我们的知识变得如此强大,以至于超出了我们的控制范围 。我们知道如何去做很多事情,但我们不知道何地、何时,甚至是否需要将这种认识付诸于实际运用 。命题:知识有可能成为一种负担,而不是福祉吗?二、6分范文Knowledge is power; it liberates us, enlightens us, and allows us to grow and expand and better our conditions. Today, our knowledge of the world has grown immensely, and could be seen as “beyond our control”,and even a burden. However, history shows us that while great knowledge can sometimes be a heavy burden, it always has outweighing benefits.History is rife with examples of knowledge being a burden, but ultimately proving to be beneficial. For instance, Galileo, a 17th century astronomer and scientist, was arguably the greatest contributor to science of our time. His diligent research of our Earth and solar system led to groundbreaking discoveries that, at the time, were extremely controversial. Galileo was the first scientist, and person, to question the Church's statement that the Earth was the center of the solar system, and all other planets and the Sun revolved around it. He instead argued, and proved through research, that the Sun was the center of our galaxy, and Earth just another planet in its orbit. This knowledge was profound, enlightening, and powerful; it was also a great burden.Galileo's theory was met with disbelief, outrage, and violent opposition; it was an extreme burden to him. The Church was furious at Galileo for disproving its teachings because at the time, the Church's word was law. Never before had its teachings been so scientifically and poignantly questioned. To think that the Earth wasn't the center around which all things revolved was a shocking and humbling fact that those so fervently set in their beliefs couldn't accept. Galileo was immediately attacked and interrogated because of his powerful knowledge. He was declared a heretic, and excommunicated from the Church. Galileo was a very religious man; this social and spiritual ostracizing broke him completely. Even still, he knew that although his knowledge was a heavy and painful burden, it was true, and would later benefit generations of scientists to come. Today, we attribute Galileo's discoveries as some of the most important scientific findings of the Common Era.Galileo's story is a historical example of powerful knowledge being a burden, but ultimately having extremely positive benefits. If it weren't for great minds constantly expanding our knowledge of the world, we would be a stagnant people, never moving forward and creating new and marvelous things. Knowledge truly is a tool that can change the world and although it may sometimes be inconvenient, it is the most powerful thing we have.知识就是力量 。它解放我们,启迪我们,使我们成长,改善我们的条件状况 。如今,我们对世界的了解得到了极大的提高,可以视为“超出了我们的控制范围”,甚至成了一种负担 。然而,历史表明,尽管伟大的知识有时会成为一种沉重的负担,但它总会带来更多的福祉 。历史上,知识给人带来负担,但终被证明对人有益的事例并不鲜见 。以17世纪的天文学家和科学家伽利略为例,他或许是历史上对科学贡献人之一 。他对于地球和太阳系的辛勤研究带来了突破性的发现,而这种发现在当时极具争议性 。当时教会认为,地球是太阳系的中心,其他行星和太阳都围绕地球运动 。伽利略是质疑这一说法的第一位科学家,第一个人 。他辩称太阳是星系的中心,地球只是运行在其轨道上的行星之一,并通过研究证明了这一点 。这项知识意义深远,富于启迪,力量强大 。同时,它也是个巨大的负担 。伽利略的理论遭遇了怀疑,愤怒,和暴力反对;它成了他极大的负担 。教会对伽利略感到愤怒,因为他反驳了教会的学说,而在当时,教会的话语就是法律 。在此之前,它的教义从未遇到如此尖锐的科学的质疑 。想一想,地球不是宇宙的中心,万物并不围绕地球转动,这种事实太令人震惊,太令人羞辱了,这些热烈地抱持自己信念的人是无法接受的 。因为他的知识,伽利略立刻遭到了攻击和审讯 。他被宣布为异教徒,并被驱逐出教会 。伽利略笃信宗教;这种社会和精神上的放逐彻底击垮了他 。即使如此,他知道,他的知识尽管是一种沉重而痛苦的负担,却是真理,将惠及以后的科学家 。如今,我们把伽利略的发现归于纪元以来重要的科学发现之一 。伽利略的故事是知识成为负担,终却带来非常积极的影响的历史证据 。如果没有智者不断扩展我们对世界的知识,我们将会成为僵化的民族,永远不能前进,创造出非凡的作品 。知识确实是一种可以改变世界的工具,尽管有时它会带来不便,它仍是我们所有的强大的东西 。三、得分点详解1.effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position围绕论题有效、深刻地发展一个论点,运用贴切的事例、因果分析和其他证据支持论点,从而展示出色的思辨能力 。针对命题“知识有可能成为一种负担,而不是福祉吗?”,本文提出论点:“尽管伟大的知识有时会成为一种沉重的负担,但它总会带来更多的福祉 。”(while great knowledge can sometimes be a heavy burden, it always has outweighing benefits.) 。为了证明这一论点,作者用夹叙夹议的手法展开伽利略发现和宣传“地心说”的事例 。在论证过程中,作者很好地做到了抽象概念具体化 。“Knowledge”在此具体指伽利略提出的日心说:“太阳是星系的中心,地球只是运行在其轨道上的行星之一 。” (the Sun was the center of our galaxy, and Earth just another planet in its orbit.) 日心说推翻了地球是太阳系中心的错误认识,却给伽利略带来了极大的负担:“因为他的知识,伽利略立刻遭到了攻击和审讯 。他被宣布为异教徒,并被驱逐出教会 。” (Galileo was immediately attacked and interrogated because of his powerful knowledge. He was declared a heretic, and excommunicated from the Church.) 接下来作者笔锋一转,谈到了知识带来的福祉:“即使如此,他知道,他的知识尽管是一种沉重而痛苦的负担,却是真理,将惠及以后的科学家 。如今,我们把伽利略的发现归于纪元以来重要的科学发现之一 。” (Even still, he knew that although his knowledge was a heavy and painful burden, it was true, and would later benefit generations of scientists to come. Today, we attribute Galileo's discoveries as some of the most important scientific findings of the Common Era.)在结尾段,作者把伽利略例子的启示推广到人类获得的一切新知识的意义:“如果没有智者不断扩展我们对世界的知识,我们将会成为僵化的民族,永远不能前进,创造出非凡的作品 。知识确实是一种可以改变世界的工具,尽管有时它会带来不便,它仍是我们所有的强大的东西 。” (If it weren't for great minds constantly expanding our knowledge of the world, we would be a stagnant people, never moving forward and creating new and marvelous things. Knowledge truly is a tool that can change the world and although it may sometimes be inconvenient, it is the most powerful thing we have.)这句话实现了从个体到一般,从特殊到普遍的升华,使得伽利略的单个事例具有了代表性 。整篇文章事例贴切,分析深刻有力,展现了出色的思辨能力 。 well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas结构合理,中心明确,思路连贯,衔接自然 。文章采用总-分-总的结构,首段提出论点,中间段用事例证明论点,末段总结事例和升华主题 。在叙述事例的时候,作者综合运用了表示转折、让步的“however”,“while”,“but”,“Even still”,表示举例的 “for instance”,表示时间的 “today”,“at that time”等等 。在段与段之间,作者以过渡句衔接 。如第二段开头引出事例的“历史上,知识给人带来负担,但终被证明对人有益的事例并不鲜见 。”( History is rife with examples of knowledge being a burden, but ultimately proving to be beneficial.)和第二段末的“这项知识意义深远,富于启迪,力量强大 。同时,它也是个巨大的负担 。”(This knowledge was profound, enlightening, and powerful; it was also a great burden.)全文紧扣论点,不枝不蔓,起承转合十分得体 。3.exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary显示运用语言的技巧,词汇丰富、准确、恰当4.demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure运用多种句子结构 free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics在语法、用法和技巧上错误很少本篇范文表达极富文采 。文章以谚语开头: “Knowledge is power”,显得简洁有力 。接下来是一个不规则的排比:“它解放我们,启迪我们,使我们成长,改善我们的条件状况 。”(it liberates us, enlightens us, and allows us to grow and expand and better our conditions.) 类似的排比在文章中多次出现,如第二段末的 “This knowledge was profound, enlightening, and powerful;” 以及第三段开头的 “Galileo's theory was met with disbelief, outrage, and violent opposition;”文章的末段还使用了“借代”(metonymy)的修辞手法–用 “伟大的头脑”(great mind)代指有智慧的人 。作者对各种句式的运用也很熟练 。如倒装句: “Never before had its teachings been so scientifically and poignantly questioned.” 不定式做主语: “To think that the Earth wasn't the center around which all things revolved was a shocking and humbling fact that those so fervently set in their beliefs couldn't accept.” 虚拟语气: “If it weren't for great minds constantly expanding our knowledge of the world, we would be a stagnant people, never moving forward and creating new and marvelous things.”等等 。全文长短句结合,参差有序 。以上就是广州易藤教育小编为您整理的:SAT写作范文|关于知识就是力量的SAT范文与解析多看多读多练才能写好SAT作文,所以各位有意冲击名校的同学加油喽 。