实用服装英语第二版包铭新翻译 实用服装英语第二版包铭新

出国旅游、留学的朋友都有一个切身体会:不懂英语或者英语不流利,在日常生活中会很吃亏,比如逛商场,买日用品、衣服 。以下是武汉韦博英语培训中心边肖为你整理的实用服装英语 。

实用服装英语第二版包铭新翻译 实用服装英语第二版包铭新


A: I'm gong to catch a fight tomorrow.Could you send someone to drive me to the airport?
B: Yes. What's the take-off time?
A: At 7:20.
B: So I'll tell the driver to wait for you at 5 o'clock outside, OK?
A: OK.
B: The driver's phone number will be sent to you. And you can call him in advance.
A: By the way, should I pay for it?
B: No, sir.
(the next day)
C: Good morning. Are you Mr.Carter?
A: Yes, I am.
C: I'm here to pick you up.
A: Could I put the luggage into the trunk?
C: Of course. Let me help you.
A: Is there anything I can do for you?
B: Yes, please. I want to buy a coat for myself.
A: The coats are over there. This way, please.
B: The black coat looks good. Can I try it on?
A: OK. The dressing room is on the left.
(a moment later)
A: Do you like it?
B: Oh, I do. But it is too small for me! Do you have a bigger one?
A: Of course, here you are.
B: Does this design suit me?
A: It looks good on you!
B: How much is it?
A: 230 dollars.
B: OK. I'll take it.
A: How will you pay, by cash or credit card?
B: Cash.
B:是的 。我想给自己买件外套 。
A:外套在那儿呢 。这边请 。
B:那件黑色外套看起来不错 。我能试穿一下吗?
A:好的 。更衣室在左边 。
B:噢 。我喜欢 。但这衣服对我来说太小了 。你们还有更大的吗?
A:当然 。给你 。
A:你穿上很好看 。
A: 230美元 。
B:好,我要了 。
【实用服装英语第二版包铭新翻译 实用服装英语第二版包铭新】B:现金 。