托福阅读多选题错一个 托福句子简化题汇总

在托福阅读中,一篇文章后会有12-14道不等的题目需要考生去回答 。这些题目所涵盖的题型和回答要点也因文章的内容不同而有所差异 。考生在考试的过程中,往往会出现对文章理解不到位或时间紧迫而造成的低分现象 。但总体来说,拿捏好阅读的题型,攻克其失分的关键,才是阅读制胜的关键 。小编为大家带来托福阅读句子简化题的错误选项特点分析 。

托福阅读多选题错一个 托福句子简化题汇总


托福阅读句子简化题顾名思义,即在原有的句子基础之上,用自己的话语将文章中涉及到得内容复述一遍,在复述的过程中,考生需要注意一定不要偏离了句子的主题,不能完全照搬原来的句子 。此类题型在托福阅读考试中相对重要,每篇文章可能要涉及到2-3道类似的题目 。
托福阅读句子简化题的错误选项的特点:①改变句子原意;②随意增减原文信息;③与原文信息相反;④省略重要信息内容 。通过例题来深刻认识一下这些错误点 。
Smart marketers should be less concerned with whether U.S. and European consumers are alike and more concerned with monitoring the variety of factors that account for potential similarities and differences. Attention to the dynamic nature of those factors will produce opportunities for the alert markerter.
Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A: a marketer who is not so smart should be more concerned with the difference of eating habits between U.S. and European consumers and less concerned with monitoring the variety of factors that account for potential similarities and differences.
B: It is not important whether U.S. and European consumers have a similar eating habit. It is the potential similarities and differences that people should be more concerned with.
C: Marketers should focus on the factors that account for differences rather than the differences themselves.
D: Monitoring the variety of foods could explain the potential similarities and differences.
此题正确答案为C,容易误选的选项为D,D的错误点在于使用了variety,并且和food连在一起,省略factor改变了句子的原意 。犯了上述失分点中的第一个错误 。
为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福阅读句子简化题,为大家带来托福阅读句子简化题错题原因一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助 。
托福阅读的句子简化题是很多同学在托福实际考试中出错频率较高的一个题型,一般情况下,培训老师给同学在讲解过程中,重点强调拆分结构,然后根据结构对选项进行辨析 。很多同学在实际操作中,按照老师的方法做题之后发现仍然在解题正确率上没有任何的变化,因而怀疑老师讲解方法的不实用而转向字面翻译来对选项进行选择但这仍然存在错误率居高不下的可能 。因此实际导致句子简化题争取率不高的原因主要有两个:
老师在授课过程中讲的解题方法和步骤更多是对于整个题型的体征,结合练习题作的高度概括,有些类似于中学数学老师的公式讲解 。而受限于课堂授课的有限时间,为了更清晰地讲清楚解题步骤,授课老师的授课更关注于解题方法即公式被例题的有效证明,进而很难面面俱到,把各种可能的命题要素都囊括进来,因此同学在实际练习中所遇到的题目与教师讲解的典型例题会具有很大的差异 。
根据笔者多年的实际教学经验发现,很多同学在面对这个类型的题目的时候习惯性地会选择按照字面意思来进行理解,进而根据理解来对选项进行辨析 。即便老师讲解的解题方法同学认为正确,但在实际操作过程中会下意识地回到习惯的解题方法上来,进而导致了错误的出现 。
针对以上两个原因,建议同学在实际解题过程中,在练习过程中,特别是针对错题复习或反思时,一定按照授课教师的要求,详细切分和精准实现解题方法在实际解题中的使用,关注句子成分,句子逻辑关系等;在理解老师讲授方法的同时,更要明确老师讲授方法背后的逻辑和理由,作到“知其然,知其所以然” 。
在解题过程中,注意翻译句子的习惯 。尽量避免翻译或用简单的字面翻译来对选项进行甄别 。考虑到母语对第二语言习得的负牵引的存在,即使翻译,也尽量与句子结构的拆解,分句与成分的拆解与选项对应的方面加以平行关注 。
托福阅读考试中有各种各样的题型,其中句子简化题是一种新题型之一 。对于句子简化题,有一些题目如果句子不长,我们做题的基本原则就是:同义替换 。
找到原句中的关键的词在选项当中进行同义替换 。例如In evolutionary history, the development of language set humans apart fromthe rest of the animal kingdom.
【托福阅读多选题错一个 托福句子简化题汇总】Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Humans evolved as the most powerful species after they are developed language.
B. The creation of human language has its origins in the language of animals.
C. The emergence of language distinguished early humans from other animals.
D. Humans and animals developed completed different systems of communication.
先来看题干:Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
该题要求从选项中选择一个能够表达原文阴影句子核心信息的句子 。很多同学采用翻译的方法做题,即首先翻译原句,然后逐个翻译四个选项 。这种做法不仅浪费时间,而且对我们的读句子的能力要求极高 。更好的做法是,首先判断句子的核心信息 。这是考题当中为数不多的原句比较简单的句子释义题,原句的核心概念在于强调区分(apart from) 。因此找到同义替换,即是C项当中的distinguished 。但是大多数题目的原文不会是一个简单句,多数是带有逻辑关系的复杂句 。那么简单的同义替换技巧就无法操作了 。如何快速解决这种题型呢?我们主要分两个部分来解析 。
其实,我们在读原句的时候并不需要完整的彻底的摄取信息,相反,我们通过快速浏览,只需要关注两个关键点:一是原句当中的表示程度,频率的词,二是原句当中的逻辑关系 。并不需要吸收所有信息,只需要快速浏览将所关注的信息点抓住即可,这样便节省了大量的时间 。
The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.
Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people.
B. Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth.
C. The spread of deserts is considered a very serious problem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in the effort.
D. Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected.
句子中最核心的信息首先就是该句的逻辑关系 。原句的逻辑关系可以由result from 来判断,为因果关系 。借此我们就可以缩小选项范围,首先排除掉C,D选项 。剩下的A,B两个选项均包含因果的逻辑关系 。接下来我们可以根据句子的第二种核心信息:主语,来判断 。原句的主语是Desertification沙漠化,而B项的主语是Slowing down the process of desertification减缓沙漠化进程 。所以排除掉B选项,A为正确答案 。
将通过程度词解题和借助逻辑关系解题结合起来,对于解答带有逻辑关系的复杂句的释义题很有帮助 。我们看一下下面这道题目:
It is one of the most important sensations because it is translated into a negative reaction, such as withdrawal from danger.

托福阅读多选题错一个 托福句子简化题汇总


Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Escaping from danger is a negative reaction, but it is the most important thing an individual learns.
B. The ability to sense pain is extremely important because pain signals the body to respond to a threat.
C. Experiencing pain is one type of reaction to a negative stimulus; another type is avoiding danger.
D. We experience a lot of sensations, and the most important ones are translated into appropriate actions.
浏览原句,从because可以看出逻辑关系为因果关系,并且原句当中有绝对化词汇most 。仅仅凭借most这个程度很强的词汇我们可以排除C选项 。因为原文当中带有绝对化词汇而选项中没有,那么这个选项为必错选项 。接下来利用逻辑关系排除A项,A中为转折关系 。而B恰恰有because 这个词,此外B中的extremely可以作为most的同义替换 。正确答案为B 。
几乎每一篇文章后面都会有一道释义题,因此考生应加强练习 。平时在阅读文章,或者报刊杂志的时候不仅仅要把注意力放在读懂原文上,还应该注意原文的逻辑关系,培养根据逻辑关系思考的习惯 。另外,一些程度词的存在也会影响我们对原文的精确理解,平时阅读的时候应当多加关注 。