堵车用英语怎么翻译 堵车用英语怎么讲

今天 , 我和约翰约好打车去市里买电脑 , 但是现在是高峰时间 。真的很不吉利 。我想现在去那里已经晚了.
1.We're stuck again.
我们又塞车了 。
2.I am really fed up with traffic jams.
我对堵车真是烦透了 。
3.I've been used to the traffic jam.
所以我已经习惯了塞车 。
4.How can we avoid a traffic jam?
5.The car hasn't moved for nearly half an hour.
车已经半个小时没动了 。
6.The traffic is moving at a snail's pace.
车辆行驶慢得像蜗牛一样 。
7.There is always traffic problem in big cities.
大城市总有交通问题 。

堵车用英语怎么翻译 堵车用英语怎么讲


It's no quicker than a bus.还不如乘公共汽车快呢!
John:Gosh, another stop. It seems the cars ahead of us have to stop every two minutes.It's no quicker than a bus.
quick as buses.
Jasmine:That's true. During rush hour, taxis are just as.
John:It was silly of me to have taken a taxi.
Jasmine:At least, it can free you from the crowd.
约翰:哎呀 , 又要停车 。好像前面的车每隔两分钟就停一次 。还不如乘公共汽车快呢!
茉莉:确实是这样 , 在交通高峰期 , 的士和公共汽车一样快 。
约翰:我选择了的士真是办了一件傻事 。
茉莉:至少你不用在公共汽车上挤了 。
rush hour高峰时段
【堵车用英语怎么翻译 堵车用英语怎么讲】sillya.傻的 , 糊涂的