雅思话题shopping 雅思教育类话题词汇

雅思话题shopping 雅思教育类话题词汇


必备词汇百货公司department store.百货商店general store.折扣店discount store.大型超市supermarket n.便利店convenience store.连锁店chain store.专卖店exclusive shop/store.花店flower shop.菜市场food market.服装店clothing store.书店bookstoren.粮店grain store.食品店food store.煤店coal store.杂货店groceryn.酒吧bar n.烤肉店roast meat shop.卤味店sauced meat shop.饮食店food and drink shop.小吃店snack bar.冷饮店cold drinks shop.蔬菜水果店green grocery.鞋帽店shoes and hats store.药店drug store.儿童用品商店children-s goods shop.妇女用品商店women-s goods shop.钟表店watch and clock shop.五金商店metal products shop.家具店furniture shop.眼镜店eyeglasses store.电器商店electrical appliance shop.油漆店paint shop.旧货店second一hand goods store.
选记词汇家乐福Carrefour易初莲花LOTUS沃尔玛Wal-Mart折扣discountn.小册子brochuren.邮寄deliver n.促销promotionn.排队queue up.信用卡credit card.网上购物online shopping.带大量现金carry large amounts of cash.
情景对话1 Which do you think are better, big shops such as department stores or small shops?【经典回答】I like both of them. If time is available, I would like to do shopping in department stores with a supermarket,restaurants and a cinema. Maybe because it is a one'stop shopping. However, I prefer to buy some necessities like food and beverages(饮料)in small shops near my home on weekdays so that I can save more time to have a rest.
2 Do you think it's good for young people to have credit cards?【经典回答】It's hard to say. On one hand, credit cards can make it easier to buy things and young people don't need to carry large amounts of cash with them. Besides, some credit cards offer additional benefits, such as discounts from particular stores or companies. On the other hand, credit cards may blow their budget, because credit cards encourage people to overdraft. In a word, credit cards can make life easier and be a great tool, but if they aren't used wisely they will bring a huge financial burden to young people.
3 Do you think online shopping will become more popular in the future?【经典回答】In my opinion, online shopping will become more popular in the future. ThatUs because prices are often lower online.People don't have to queue up in busy shops and they can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few clicks of the mouse..
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