一张照片雅思 一张喜欢的照片雅思口语

She treasures her photo album which is beautifully bound.她非常珍爱她漂亮的影集 。
He was conscious of the artistic value of his plays.他知道他剧作的艺术价值 。
In the background of this photo you can see a few of my old college friends.在这张照片的背景中,你可以看到我大学时的几个老朋友 。
Developing is an important part of making an excellent picture.冲印底片是制出一张好照片的重要工序 。
This photograph probably won't enlarge well.这张照片放大了很可能不太好 。
Make sure that it's dark enough here, or you may expose the film.要确保这里的光线足够暗,否则你的胶卷会曝光 。
I feel unhappy because I missed all the old negatives.由于弄丢了所有的旧底片,我感到非常难过 。
The best part of the trip was the fantasti.
奇妙的景色是这次旅行精彩的部分 。
His report is really sensational!他的报告真是妙极了!
She is a shopaholic.她是一个购物狂.
When I see the photographs of the journey, memories come flooding inmy mind.每当我看到那次旅行的照片时,回忆就涌上心头 。
The play of light and shadow is terrific in this painting.明暗对比在这部绘画作品里运用得很好 。
She adopted an elegant pose.她摆了一个优美的姿势 。
【一张照片雅思 一张喜欢的照片雅思口语】以上是由合肥沃尔得教育小编为您整理的关于照片的雅思常用句子的全部内容 。