鼓掌英文口语怎么说 鼓掌用英文怎么说

英语口语教学的意义在于让学生运用所学知识与周围的人交流,获取信息 。鼓掌用英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

鼓掌英文口语怎么说 鼓掌用英文怎么说


clap one's hands;
The audience warmly applauded the performers .
观众向演员们热烈鼓掌 。
The spectators warmed themselves with applause .
观众鼓掌鼓得浑身热乎乎的 。
Let us all give her a big hand .
让我们大家为她热烈鼓掌 。
The singer got a ten-minute standing ovation .
观众起立向那位歌手鼓掌达十分钟 。
The house rose at the actors .
全场起立对演员鼓掌喝彩 。
The president appeared, thereupon the people applauded .
总统一出现,人们随即就鼓掌 。
Sometimes people will clap wildly after you dance .
有时候,你跳完舞后人们会疯狂地鼓掌 。
The dragoon officers and foker clapped their hands furiously .
龙骑兵军官和福克发疯似地鼓掌 。
They clapped their hands and went frantic with admiration .
他们噼噼啪啪地鼓掌,如痴如狂地赞美 。
Let's all give them a big hand for their marvellous creations .
让我们大家为他们的精彩杰作向他们鼓掌祝贺 。
warm applause
There was a spirited burst of handclapping .
爆发出一阵热烈的掌声 。
She was received with warm applause .
大家以热烈的掌声欢迎她 。
The last words produced a burst of handclapping .
最后的这句话博得一阵热烈的掌声 。
The speech was received with hearty rounds of applause .
听众对演说报以阵阵热烈的掌声 。
There was loud applause, a general raising of glasses, and shouts of "your health! "
爆发了一阵热烈的掌声,大家一致举起杯来,高声欢呼着:“祝你健康!” 。
Ladies and gentlemen , it gives me great pleasure
Everybody , big roundofapplause forthe garden boys
The applause generated at that moment was warm and intense
全场报以热烈的掌声 。
The audience applauded master s explanation
听众对师父的解释报以热烈的掌声 。
Let ' s give it up for pop diva coco lee

鼓掌英文口语怎么说 鼓掌用英文怎么说


At the fifty-fifth, a loud cry was heard in the street, followed by applause, hurrahs, and some fierce growls
到了第五十五秒钟的时候,只听见外面人声雷动,掌声、欢呼声,还夹杂着咒骂声,这片乱哄哄的声音越来越大,此起彼伏,接连不断 。
"Therefore, here today in this basilica, I solemnly entrust the world to divine mercy," he said among loud applause from the disciples
他在信徒如雷的掌声中说:「因此今天在此教堂内,我要庄严地将世界托付给神恩 。」
A studio audience(to provide applause,laughter,etc)
Warm applause,congratulations,thanks
A ripple of laughter, voices,applause
As the President's car arrived,the crowd broke into loud applause.
Thunderous applause.
Only one response to the 1987 performance of our operating managers is appropriate: sustained, deafening applause.
对于1987年旗下子公司整体的表现,我们只能报以热烈的掌声,而且是震耳欲聋的掌声 。
When he heard the thunderous applause,his heart swelled with pride.
他听到雷鸣般的掌声时,心里充满豪情 。
Tremendous applause
applaud v
His opening remarks are applauded by the audience
他的开场白受到听众的鼓掌欢迎 。
She ' s a good singer . let ' s clap her on
她歌儿唱得好,咱们鼓掌欢迎她来一个 。
And with rousi ng applause receive the man of god
And with rousi ng applause receive the man of god
He got the longest stand ovation i have ever seen
他受到了我所见到的最长时间的起立鼓掌欢迎 。
【鼓掌英文口语怎么说 鼓掌用英文怎么说】His appearance on the stage was applauded by the audience
他在台上一露面 。就受到观众的鼓掌欢迎 。
One evening , ralph articulated his love to the princess
并且现在,格蕾丝的第二次表演赢得了观众的鼓掌欢迎 。
His appearance on the stage met with warm applause from the audience
他在台上一露面,就受到了观众的鼓掌欢迎 。
The astronauts were greeted with cheers and applause of an enthusiastic crowd
太空人受到热情群众欢呼及鼓掌欢迎 。
Everywhere on the streets there were romans who applauded the passing troops
大街上到处都有罗马人向经过的军队鼓掌欢迎 。