物竞天择,适者生存,都透露着淘汰和竞争的含义 。淘汰的英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

英 [??l?m?ne?t] 美 [??l?m??net]
vt. 排除,消除; 淘汰; 除掉; <口>干掉;
变形 过去分词: eliminated 过去式: eliminated 现在分词: eliminating 第三人称单数: eliminates
1. In the present climate, owners are hanging on to old ships.
在目前的形势下,船东们都不愿淘汰掉旧船 。
2. Thousands of Europe's tanks and guns are going to the scrap heap.
欧洲成千上万的坦克和枪支将被淘汰 。
3. They'll meet the winners of the first round tie.
他们将迎战第一轮淘汰赛中的胜者 。
4. Newcastle went out of the competition, losing 2-1 on aggregate.
纽卡斯尔队以1比2的总比分被淘汰出局 。
5. Of the 10 starters, four were eliminated or retired.
10名参赛者中有4名被淘汰或自行退出了 。
6. Another Spaniard, Emilio Sanchez, put out Jens Woehrmann in three sets.
另一个西班牙人,埃米利奥·桑切斯三局淘汰了延斯·韦尔曼 。
7. The aircraft was nearing obsolescence by early 1942.
这种飞机在1942年年初就濒临淘汰了 。
8. The weapons had gone out of use.
这些武器已经被淘汰了 。
9. With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.
随着技术的革新,许多传统技艺已被淘汰 。
10. players who fail at the pre-qualifying stage
weed out
die out
Cow culling rate
She's out of the tournament.
她已淘汰出局 。
Electronic equipment quickly becomes obsolescent.
When did the first generation computers become obsolete?
In Women's Singles, Juliane Schenk of Germany eliminated seeded Tine Rasmussen of Denmark
女子单打被淘汰的种子选手是丹麦的蒂·拉斯穆森,她被德国的尤·申克击败 。
This system is still used today, and only the sixteen teams left after elimination actually compete for the Cup.
这个制度一直沿用到今天,即淘汰赛后,仅仅剩下十六支球队角逐世界杯 。
Roma went out of the UEFA Cup on away goals after a 2-2 draw over the two legs against Middlesbrough.
在以总比分2:2战平米德尔斯堡后罗马由于客场进球少已经被淘汰出了本赛季的欧洲赛场 。
Survival of the fittest
The company abhors mediocrity.
这家公司淘汰庸才 。
The farmer rogued the seed.
农夫淘汰了劣种 。

to die out
to eliminate (in a competition)
natural selection
wash out
她在比赛的第一轮比赛中遭淘汰 。
She went out in the first round of the tournament/went out of the tournament in the first round.
How many pilots in training were washed out in the last examination?
太阳队在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了 。
The Sun Team was washed out in the first round.
他们队在第一轮就被淘汰了 。
Their team was eliminated in the first round.
只有通过淘汰它的对手,马克思主义才能淘汰自己 。
Only by superannuating its opponent can it superannuate itself.
征兵站把身体不合格的人统统淘汰了 。
The recruiting station combed out all those those who were physically unfit.
她们都很努力,就怕被淘汰 。
They have made great efforts for fear of elimination.
Without knowledge we can not exist in the society and will be obsolete.
这个测验是用来淘汰不适合的求职者 。
The test is used to filter out candidates who may be unsuitable.
我队在第一轮比赛中就被淘汰 。
Our team was eliminated from the competition in the first round.
【你被淘汰了英文口语 淘汰英语咋说】淘汰出局的英语怎么说
weed out
He bowled me with the very first ball
他那真正第一球就使我淘汰出局了 。
We were knocked out after penalties and i made the final mistake
点球战后我们被淘汰出局,而我犯了最后那个错误 。
He was out of the game
他被淘汰出局 。
Once a player has lost all their lives they are removed from the game
当某名游戏者丢了所有的“命”以后,他她就被淘汰出局 。
The insurance companies with low efficiency will he driven out of the market
激烈的市场竞争最终会将低效率运营的保险公司淘汰出局 。
Without it ,it can be difficult for one to get employment or for an enterprise to survive
不讲诚信,任何人都难以就业,任何企业都将被淘汰出局 。
I watched robots that others had created battle it out ,then designed my own strategy
我看着其他人创建的机器人把它淘汰出局,然后设计了我自己的战略 。
The dream outcome ( victory for us coupled with elimination for barcelona ) was not to be
梦想中最完美的结局(切尔西小组第一出线,同时巴萨被淘汰出局)并没有出现 。
" crush your enemies ,see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women .
New york was eliminated monday by the cleveland indians ,the yankees ' third straight exit in the first round
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