长颈鹿,生活在非洲的稀树草原,是一种食草动物,以树叶和树枝为食 。英语里也有关于长颈鹿的作文 。你想知道描写长颈鹿的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于长颈鹿的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Millions of people have been eagerly waiting for April, a giraffe living at a zoo in New York State, to have her baby. Viewers were rewarded on Saturday: at about 10 a.m. April gave birth to a male calf.
The birth was filmed and shown live on YouTube. About 1 million people watched it.
The zoo first posted live video of pregnant April in her pen on YouTube in late February. People who object to zoos complained to YouTube, which took down the video. But stopping the video attracted even more interest.
After investigating, YouTube returned the video and allowed it to remain online.
The New York Times called April "an internet star." Millions of people have checked on April at some point in the last two months. At its peak, April's live camera on YouTube had almost 5 million viewers per day.
But after a while, many people wondered if the baby giraffe would ever be born. Some even proposed April was not really pregnant.
One fan said he followed April's story for 10 weeks.
David Chase used Facebook to write: "I've been watching 10 weeks, who says guys can't commit?"
After the birth, many people just simply wrote: "Finally!"
The zoo said the baby and April are doing fine. The calf weighs 58.5 kilograms and is just under 1.8 meters tall.
The calf stood up about 45 minutes after he was born.
The zoo, called Animal Adventure Park, is located about 200 kilometers northwest of New York City. It is currently closed but fans of April and her new baby will be able to visit when the park re-opens in mid-May.
The zoo has not yet announced the calf's name.
数百万人热切期盼着“四月”分娩,“四月”是纽约州动物园的一只长颈鹿 。周六,人们终于如愿以偿,上午十点左右,“四月”诞下一只雄性长颈鹿 。
“四月”分娩全程被拍摄并在YouTube上直播 。约一百万人观看了直播 。
今年2月底,动物园开始在Youtube上对围栏里怀孕的“四月”进行直播 。遭到不满动物园做法的网友投诉后,YouTube下架了该视频 。不过视频遭下架后,反而让更多网友对此产生了兴趣 。
经过调查后,YouTube恢复了该视频,允许该视频长期在线 。
《纽约时报》称“四月”为“网红” 。过去两个月里,关注“四月”的网友一度达到上千万人 。在顶峰时期,“四月”在YouTube上的直播每天的点击量多达五百万 。
过了不久,网友们纷纷好奇长颈鹿宝宝是否降生 。一些人甚至怀疑“四月”并不是真的怀孕 。
一位粉丝表示,自己已经关注“四月”10周了 。
大卫·蔡斯(David Chase)在Facebook上写道:“我已经关注10周了,谁说人们不爱它了?”
长颈鹿宝宝出生后,许多网友感慨:“尘埃落定了!” 。
动物园方面表示,“四月”和宝宝一切安好 。长颈鹿宝宝重58.5千克,身高不到1.8米 。
长颈鹿宝宝出生后站立了约45分钟 。
该动物园为探险类公园,距纽约市西北200公里 。目前动物园已暂停营业,不过等五月中旬开园后,喜欢“四月”和宝宝的粉丝可以前去观看 。

A giraffe is the tallest animal on earth.
长颈鹿是世界上最高的动物 。
It is sixteen to eighteen feet tall.
它的身高大约在16-18英尺之间 。
It weighs about 3,800 pounds.
体重大约是3800磅 。
Male giraffes are usually taller and heavier than female giraffes.
雄性长颈鹿通常比雌性长颈鹿高,也比它们重 。
The tallest giraffe in history was 19.2 feet tall and weighed 4,400 pounds.
历史上最高的长颈鹿高约19.2英尺,重达4400磅 。
Do you know that giraffe sleep only about two hours a day?
The world's tallest land mammal is slowly dying off — but you may not have realized it.
世界上最高的陆地哺乳动物正在慢慢地消失,但你可能没有意识到 。
Giraffes have been marked "vulnerable" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature "Red List," which tracks species threatened with extinction.
国际自然保护联盟红色名录已经将长颈鹿标记为“易危物种”,邻近濒临灭绝物种 。
Giraffe numbers have dropped up to 40 percent in the past 30 years. There were more than 150,000 giraffes in 1985. That number sat around 97,000 in 2015.
长颈鹿的数量在过去的30年中下降了百分之40 。1985年有超过150,000只长颈鹿,2015年有97,000只左右 。
The IUCN says illegal hunting and habitat loss from humans caused the drop.
IUCN表示,人类非法狩猎和栖息地的丧失是导致下降的原因 。
The lanky animals have gone somewhat under the radar over the past few decades — mainly because scientists focused more on rhino and elephant extinction.
长颈鹿在过去几十年里不引人注目地消失,主要因为科学家更多的关注犀牛和大象的灭绝 。
Poaching has decimated those populations. The black rhino population alone is down almost 98 percent since 1960.
偷猎已经摧毁了这些族群 。自1960年以来,仅黑犀牛种群数量就下降了近百分之98 。
And African elephant numbers dropped 30 percent from 2007 to 2014.
从2007年到2014年,非洲大象数量下降了百分之30 。
As for giraffes, the IUCN calls the current population loss a "devastating decline."
至于长颈鹿,IUCN称当前的种群损失是“破坏性的下降 。”
A zoo called the Animal Adventure Park has a pregnant giraffe named April. The zoo is in Harpursville, a small community just north of the state's border with Pennsylvania.
Doctors expect April, the giraffe, to give birth to a calf any day now. This will be her fourth calf.
Workers have set up a camera, called a "giraffe cam," to watch April.
According to the zoo, since the camera has been in place, millions of people have tuned in to the live video on YouTube.
The Animal Adventure Park shared some interesting facts about giraffes.
The average calf is about 2 meters tall at birth, and weighs about 70 kilograms.
A giraffe's pregnancy usually lasts about 15 months.
Viewers from around the world are watching the live video feed to see if April had the baby yet.
One person wrote on Twitter: "all I want is for this giraffe to give birth already."
Another wrote about waking up early on Thursday to see if she missed the birth or not.
But some people were worried when they looked at the park's YouTube channel and saw a message that it had been taken down because of a violation.
Park officials said YouTube was hearing from people who do not like seeing animals in captivity. They said the video showed "nudity or sexual content."
But after a short delay, the live video was operating normally.
Jordan Patch is the zoo's owner. He went on Facebook Live to explain what happened.
Patch said the protests "pulled an educational tool away from tens of millions of viewers." He added that people should work to protect the natural habitat for animals instead of criticizing his zoo for its camera.
“动物冒险乐园”里有一只怀孕的长颈鹿名叫“四月” 。该动物园位于纽约与宾夕法尼亚交界北部的一个名为哈珀斯维尔的小社区 。
医生表示,长颈鹿“四月”随时可能分娩,这是它的第四胎 。
工作人员安装了一台摄像头以直播的方式照看“四月” 。
据该动物园介绍,自从安装了摄像头后,已有数百万人在YouTube上观看了直播 。
“动物冒险乐园”还分享了一些关于长颈鹿的趣事 。
长颈鹿宝宝出生时身高约为2米,体重约为70公斤 。
长颈鹿的孕期通常为15个月 。
全球网友通过直播来了解“四月”的分娩情况 。
有网友在推特上写道:“我只希望这只长颈鹿已经安全分娩了 。”
还有网友表示,周四一早醒来生怕错过幼崽降生的时刻 。
一些网友在YouTube上观看直播时,看到该直播因违规被删除的消息,他们非常担心 。
动物园工作人员解释称,YouTube收到不喜欢动物被圈养的网友投诉,他们认为视频传播了裸露和色情等内容 。
不过经过短暂延播后,直播恢复正常 。
乔丹·帕齐(Jordan Patch)是该动物园的园长 。他通过Facebook Live解释了事情的原委 。
【我喜欢的动物长颈鹿英语作文 描写长颈鹿的英语作文不少于五句话】帕齐表示,抗议者们让“数百万观众失去了一个教育工具” 。他还表示,人们应该努力保护自然栖息地,而不是借摄像头抨击动物园 。
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