问路英语口语对话四人 问路英语口语对话十六句

有时 , 我们去外地出差 。到了一个地方 , 我们不知道自己在哪里 , 也无法到达目的地 。这时候我们就要向别人问路了 。这是问路英语口语对话.让我们来看看:

问路英语口语对话四人 问路英语口语对话十六句


A:Excuse me, is this the way to the Great Wall?
劳驾 , 请问去长城是这么走的吗?
B:Oh, it is really far from here. You’re going in the wrong direction actually.
长城离这儿可远着呢 , 你走错方向啦 。
A:I must have taken a wrong turn.
哦 , 刚才一定是拐错弯了 。
B:It doesn’t matter. Go back the way you came. After about five kilometers, you’ll see a hotel on the side of the road. It’s a big one. You can’t miss it.
没事 , 你可以原路返回 , 开5公里 , 会看见路边有个酒店 , 挺大的 , 你应该能看见 。
A:And then?
好的 , 然后呢?
B:Take the next right. Drive about one click further, and you’ll see the entrance of the highway to the Great Wall.
在下一个路口右拐 , 再开一公里左右 , 就会看见去长城的高速公路入口了 。
A:Thanks a lot.
B:You’re welcome.
不客气 。
A:By the way, how long does it take?
对了 , 这大概得花多长时间?
B:Without traffic, it takes about an hour.
不堵车的话 , 一个小时吧 。
A:I heard the Great Wall closes early in the afternoon. Do you think I can make it before closing?
听说长城下午关的挺早的 , 我能在关门前赶到那儿吗?
B:Yes, I think so. It doesn’t close until 5 o’clock. You still have plenty of time.
嗯 , 下午5点才关门 , 还早着呢 。
A:Great! Thank you!
太好了 , 谢谢!
B:My pleasure, and have a good time!
不客气 , 玩得开心 。
A:Excuse me, do the buses stop here?
打扰了 , 公车在这里停吗?
B:Yes, they all stop at this corner.
是的 , 他们都在这个角落停 。
A:I want to go to Broadway and 82nd Street. Can I take any bus that comes along?
我想去百老汇和第82街 。有没有公车到同时到这两个地方的?
B:You can take any bus except the Number 9.
你可以搭任何一路公车 , 除了9路之外 。
A:How often do the buses run?
B:They run about every five minutes.
每5分钟一班 。
A:Fine.How long does it take to get to 82nd Street?
好的 。去第82街要多久?
B:About fifteen minutes. It's not far.Are you a stranger in New York?
大概15分钟 。不远 。你刚来纽约吗?
A:Yes, I am. I arrived only three days ago from Japan.
是的 , 我三天前刚从日本过来 。
B:How do you like New York city?

问路英语口语对话四人 问路英语口语对话十六句


A:I like it very much, but it's a little confusing to me.
我非常喜欢它 , 但是对我来说有点混乱 。
B:You'll soon get accustomed to it. It's not difficult. Well, here's the bus.Fortunately, it's not full.
你很快就会习惯的 。这并不难 。额 , 公车来了 。很幸运 , 人未满 。
A:Thank you for the information.
谢谢你提供的信息 。
B:Don't mention it.
不客气 。
A:Hi Michael.
你好!迈克尔 。
M:Hi Amy. What's up?
你好!艾米 , 你好吗?
A:I'm looking for the airport. Can you tell me how to get there?
我要去机场 , 你能告诉我怎么去吗?
M:No, sorry. I don't know.
哦 , 很抱歉 , 我不知道 。
A:I think I can take the subway to the airport. Do you know where the subway is?
我觉得我可以坐地铁去机场 , 你知道地铁在哪儿吗?
M:Sure, it's over there.
当然知道 , 就在那边 。
A:Where? I don't see it.
在哪儿?我没看到 。
M:Across the street.
在街的对面 。
A:Oh, I see it now. Thanks.
哦 , 我看到啦 , 谢谢 。
M:No problem.
不客气 。
A:Do you know if there's a restroom around here?
哦 , 你知道附近哪儿有厕所吗?
M:Yes, there's one here. It's in the store.
知道 , 这边就有一个 , 在这个商店里 。
A:Thank you.
好的 , 谢谢 。
再见 。
A:Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the railway station?
B:Just go straight along this street, turn left at the first crossing and walk straight ahead about 100 meters. You can’t miss it.
沿着这条街一直往前走 , 到第一个十字路口向左拐 , 然后再往前走100米 就是了 。你一定能看到 。
A:About how long will it take me to get there?
B:It’s about 20 minutes’ walk, I think.
步行大概要二十分钟 。
A:I see. Is there a bus I can take?
我明白了 , 可以乘公共汽车去吗?
B:Yes, you can take the No. 5 bus over there. Get off at the next stop.
可以 , 你可以在那儿乘5路车 , 在下一站下车 。
A:Thank you so much for your help.
非常感谢你的帮助 。
B:It’s my pleasure.
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