描写江南的英语作文 江南水乡的风景作文500字

江南水乡所在的长三角、太湖水网地区,气候温和,四季分明,雨量充沛,塑造了极具魅力的江南民居风格和特色 。你想知道描写江南水乡英语作文写了什么吗?以下是边肖收集整理的一些关于江南水乡的英文作文 。让我们来看看!
As a well-known tourist site in East China's Zhejiang province, Wuzhen is often in the headlines – either for the World Internet Conference or for its theater festival.
作为中国东部浙江省的一个有名景点,不管是举办世界互联网大会还是国际戏剧节,乌镇总能占据新闻头条 。
But now, the water town is embracing contemporary art by holding its first International Contemporary Art Exhibition beginning March 27.
而如今,乌镇又将拥抱当代艺术,于2016年3月27日首度推出全球当代艺术展 。
The exhibition will display works by 40 influential artists from 15 countries and regions, including famous names like "the grandmother of performance art" Marina Abramovic, Damien Hirst, the father of the Rubber Duck Florentijn Hofman, Bill Viola and Araki Nobuyoshi.
本次艺术展将展示来自15个国家和地区的40位有影响力的艺术家的作品,名单相当华丽,包括如“行为艺术之母”玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇、达明安·赫斯特,“大黄鸭之父”弗洛伦泰因·霍夫曼、比尔·维奥拉和日本摄影大师荒木经惟等人 。
The works on show cover installations, sculptures, videos, performance art, photos, paintings and sound art. It will run through June 26.
展览作品包括装置、雕塑、影像、行为、摄影、绘画、声音艺术等多种媒介方式与类型 。艺术展为期三个月,将持续至6月26日 。
"The event will be either a biennial or triennial one. It's the first time for a small town in China to hold such a large-scale exhibition with so many star artists from across the globe," says curator Feng Boyi.
主策划人冯博一说,“本次活动将会两年或者三年举办一次 。在中国的小镇举办这样一个全球艺术明星云集的高规格艺术狂欢节当属首次 。”
Usually, biennial or triennial events are held in big cities in China like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. However, this event in the water town of Wuzhen can be seen as an attempt by a small town in China to attract art resources, says Feng.
冯博一还表示,这样的两年或三年举办一次的艺术活动通常都是在北京、上海、广州这样的大城市举行 。不过,从本次在水乡乌镇举办的活动可以看出,中国的小城镇也在尝试吸引艺术资源 。
Feng says that as many of the artists are creating works specially for this show they can make them blend with the ancient architecture of the water town.
他说,很多艺术家正在为本次展览进行特别的创作,以使作品能与水乡古建筑和谐共存,交相辉映 。
Given that visitors to the exhibition will mostly be tourists, the organizers have invited well-known and popular artists from around the world. The works that are exhibited should be easily accepted and understood by the public. "The exhibition will be held regularly, just like Wuzhen's theater festival and World Internet Conference. But, for the first year, we want big names to attract more tourists," says Feng.
考虑到参观的对象将主要是游客,主办方已经邀请了许多国内外知名的、且大受欢迎的艺术家 。展出的作品也应被大众所接受,通俗易懂 。冯博一说,“艺术展将会像乌镇的国际戏剧节和世界互联网大会一样定期举办 。但由于今年是第一届,所以我们需要知名人士来吸引更多的游客 。”

描写江南的英语作文 江南水乡的风景作文500字


China's water town often referred to as "Venices of the East," are famous for their ancient building bridge canal and ways of life that have not changed in centuries. If you want to escape from the hustle and bustle of your city life, water towns would be the best choice.
中国的水乡常被称为“东方威尼斯” 。它们皆以古老的建筑、桥梁、运河和数百年不变的生活方式而闻名 。如果你想逃离城市生活的喧嚣纷繁,水乡便是你最好的选择 。
Water towns are also perfect destinations for lovers of photography. The photo opportunities are endless. By taking a small water “taxi,” visitors can take a leisurely cruise through these village getting a different perspective on them. The gardens in the village although not as well known as the villages in Suzhou, are of the same style and no less grand.
水乡也是摄影爱好者的最佳游览地,拍摄机会无穷无尽 。只要坐上一艘小小的水上“的士”,游客们就能悠闲地漫游于村庄之间,从不同的角度欣赏美景 。村庄里的花园虽没有苏州园林名气大,但其形式并无二致,规模也毫不逊色 。
Why take a water town tour? Because life in these water towns seems to have stood still, and visitors can still see the unique traditional folk cultures of Southeastern China. It is easy to fall in love with a place where life still seems traditional and laid-back. If you take the time to visit these water town you will be surprised by what you discover.
为什么要游览水乡?因为在这些小镇里,生活静止不变,游客依然能够看到中国江南独有的传统民间文化 。人们很容易就会爱上一个生活似乎依然传统悠闲的地方 。如果能花点时间去游玩这些水乡小镇,你将会为发现到的一切惊讶无比 。
Situated in the north of Zhejiang Province, the beautiful water town of Wuzhen is one of those ancient towns. It is a charming place full of ancient bridge traditional hotel boutiques and restaurants all built around an amazing water network that is part of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal, the longest canal in the world.
乌镇位于浙江省北部,这个美丽的水乡就是众多古镇之一 。这个迷人的地方满是古老的桥梁、传统旅店、精致的精品店和饭馆,全都依着一片美丽动人的水网而建 。而这片水网便是世界上最长的运河——京杭大运河的一部分 。
Over the past thousand year Wuzhen has not changed its name, water system, or way of life. It is a living museum for an ancient civilization's history, food, and traditions.
在过去的一千年里,乌镇从未改变过它的名字、水系或是生活方式 。它是一座活生生的博物馆,记录着一段古老文明的历史、美食和传统 。
The buildings of Wuzhen are all a century or more old and built using traditional wood and stone architecture with tile roofs.
乌镇所有的建筑都有上百年历史 。它们是传统的木石结构,屋顶被瓦片覆盖 。
For centuries the local people of this area have been building their homes and markets along the river's edge. Spaciou beautiful courtyards are hidden by the thousands in between the building providing a delightful discovery at almost every turn.
数百年来,该地区的本地人沿着河边建起了住宅和集市 。数以千计宽敞而美丽的庭院藏身于房屋之间,让你几乎每次转弯都有惊喜的发现 。
In this ancient town there is plenty to do, or nothing at all if your aim is to relax. The place is quiet, yet also offers wine bar pottery and glass workshop theater and an open-air film pavilion.
在这座古镇里,可做的事情很多,或者你也可以什么都不做——如果你只想休闲放松的话 。这个地方宁静祥和,不过也有酒吧、陶器和玻璃作坊、戏院以及露天电影场 。
Take in the delightful town from the water on a traditional wood boat, and stay in one of the many luxurious hotels or guest accommodations in residents' homes for a true taste of Chinese village life.
你不妨乘一艘传统的小木舟沿水路游览这座讨人喜欢的小镇;还可以住在某间豪华宾馆或是当地居民的客房里,真实地体验一下中国的水乡生活 。
South, in the poetry filled over and over again you read, you want to face, walked into a palace miss heart, you is my woman on paper, gentle, soft between the lines all over, years later, still the scent of ink tempting. Deep and shallow, cloves Chou Yuan outlined under the umbrella, a look back, they lost in the Dai-colored tile eaves. Circulation Xianyin tell old times, like yesterday and introspective. I Qiannian rolled winter snows, light off, afraid to blow your mind made old love.
Delicious seafood i of course, a staple of this water town. Local favorites such as steamed fish shouldn't be missed; but non-seafood dishes are also popular, like the braised mutton.
美味的海鲜自然是这座水乡的招牌菜 。当地最受欢迎的美食,例如蒸鱼,是绝对不容错过的;不过非海鲜类美食也很受欢迎,譬如红烧羊肉 。
For dessert, try the delicious and beautifully presented Gusao Cake, served in a traditional red lacquered box.
至于甜点,不妨试试可口又好看的姑嫂饼,这些饼会被盛在一个传统的红漆盒子中端上来哦 。
Sanbai wine, a liquor distilled from rice or sorghum, is still made by hand in old-fashioned distilleries using the same methods that have been employed for centuries.
三百酒是一种由大米或高粱蒸馏而成的酒 。在老式酿酒厂里,人们仍然以纯手工的方式按数百年沿袭下来的方法酿酒 。
Also try the delectable chrysanthemum tea that is a specialty of the region.
你还得试试甘美的菊花茶,也是本地特产哦 。
Wuzhen has plenty of night life as well. Visit Chashi Jie for lively cafes and bars to enjoy your leisure time. For entertainment, take in a show on the ancient Xiuzhenguan Square stage, or the Xizha stage that floats on the water.
乌镇同样有丰富的夜生活 。到茶市街那些热闹的咖啡厅和酒吧享受休闲时光吧 。要找娱乐消遣则可以到修真观的古戏台,或是到西栅水上戏台看表演 。
With many sites of historical and cultural interest, the poetic town of Wuzhen deserves to be on your first touring destination in China.
【描写江南的英语作文 江南水乡的风景作文500字】乌镇这座充满了诗意的小城拥有众多历史和文化景观,值得成为你中国之旅的第一站 。