关于北极的英语作文 描述北极的英语作文

北极地区是指北极附近、北纬66 34北极圈以内的地区 。在英语中,也有关于北极的作文 。你想知道描写北极的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于北极的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
The Arctic ice is melting at a dangerous speed and may completely disappear by the end of this century. This is according to scientists at America’s National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC). Experts said recent satellite images showed the volume of sea ice was the lowest it has ever been. An area five times larger than the UK has disappeared since 1978 and the melting is getting faster. This year was the warmest Arctic summer in 400 years. Dr. Mark Serreze from the NSIDC said the worrying trend of melting ice caps is because of global warming.
The NSIDC’s leader Dr. Ted Scambos said the Arctic Circle is melting so quickly that it may never recover. He said the Arctic is caught in a dangerous process that man cannot reverse. Less sea ice means the Earth cannot reflect the suns rays and cool itself. Warmer seas then melt more ice. The loss of sea ice in one year increases the loss in the next year. Current ice loss is estimated at eight percent per decade. This means there may be no ice at all during the Arctic summer of 2060. Dr. Scambos warned: “It is pretty certain a long-term decline is underway.”
北极冰层正在以加速融化,或将在本世纪末彻底消失 。这是“美国国家冰雪数据中心”得出的结论 。据研究专家表示,通过近期卫星图像显示,北极海冰覆盖面创历史新低 。自1978年以来,超英国国土面积五倍多的冰雪开始融化,且速度逐渐加快 。北极遭遇400年来最温暖夏天 。来自“冰雪数据中心”的马克·赛瑞兹博士表示,冰层融化速度因全球变暖而起 。
“美国国家冰雪数据中心”主任泰德·斯坎姆波斯表示,因北极圈融化速度太快,或将无法修复 。称北极正遭遇危险,且人力无法回天 。因海冰覆盖面减少,导致地球无法反射太阳光降温 。随着海水温度升高,冰面融化速度加快 。每年消失的冰面会增加下一年融化可能性 。预计现阶段融化速度为每十年8% 。这就意味着到2060年,北极夏季将永无冰面 。斯坎姆波斯博士警告称:“冰面正在慢慢融化,且周期很长,这点已确定无疑 。”

关于北极的英语作文 描述北极的英语作文


In the cold North there is always snow on the ground.
在寒冷的北极常年冰雪覆盖 。
Even in summer it is very cold, as great blocks of ice float about in the sea.
即使在夏天气温也很低,因为到处可见漂浮在海上的巨大冰块 。
Here is the home of the Polar Bear.
北极熊正是安居于此 。
He does not mind the cold; for God has given him a coat of thick fur to keep him warm.
因为上帝赐的一件厚厚的毛皮大衣,他不畏寒冷 。
He enjoys the sharp air as much as you do the warm sunshine.
他漫步于凛冽的寒风中好似沐浴在温暖的阳光下 。
He never slips on the ice, as you do; for the soles of his feet are covered with long hair.
和人类不同,因脚底覆满长毛他从不会在冰面上滑倒 。
He walks as softly as if he had a pair of fur boots on.
他走路轻盈,就好像蹬有一双皮靴子 。
The bear lives near the sea; for he likes to swim in the water.
北极熊临海而居,因为他喜欢在水里嬉戏玩耍 。
And there, too, he generally finds plenty to eat.He is very fond of catching a seal for his dinner.
在那里,有很多食物尤其是他喜欢吃的海豹 。
He roams over the ice till he comes to a place where he sees that the ice is melted.
他在冰上转悠直到发现有冰块消融的地方 。
He knows that this is a likely place for a seal to pop up its head.
他知道海豹很可能从这里上来透气 。
So he sits down and watches.By-and-by, up comes the round head of the seal.
于是他坐下来观望,不一会,一个圆圆的脑袋便伸了出来 。
The bear pounces upon it. He drags the seal out of the water, tears it to pieces, and eats it.
熊猛扑上去,他把海豹从海里拖出来,撕成碎片后开始享用 。
Sometimes he dives into the water after a fish, and is so quick, that he catches it before it can escape.
有时他会潜入水中追鱼,在鱼还没反应过来时就将其抓住 。
Sometimes he comes upon a bit of dead whale, and thinks it a great treat.
有时他也会发现一条死鲸鱼,觉得是一顿大餐 。
When he cannot find food on the coast, he goes to some spot where the snow has melted, and feeds on berries.
当他在岸上找不到食物时,他就会去找冰雪消融的地方挖些浆果为食 。
If he is very hungry indeed, he is glad to eat even the sea-weed on the shore.
如果他真的特别饿,吃到海边的水草对他来说也是一件高兴事 。
American researchers spent two summers studying polar bears on the Arctic sea ice. They found that sea ice, where polar bears spend much of their lives, is melting faster than experts predicted it would. The researchers say this change in the animals' home territory is threatening their survival.
The scientists published a report on their study in the journal Science. The report says polar bears face a difficult future unless countries reduce air pollution.
Polar bears live on the ice. It is where they hunt, mate and raise their young. But a team of researchers has found that the animals' ice habitat is warming up, and shrinking.
The team was from the University of Wyoming. Its members worked in the Arctic between 2008 and 2010. Merav Ben David was among the researchers. She says they learned that polar bears often have trouble finding food. She says the lack of food can affect their mental health.
"So if shortening of the spring hunting season, lengthening of the summer season where they are food-deprived and still experiencing difficulties in getting food in the winter, polar bears are stressed physiologically."
Ms. Ben David says if the animals do not eat enough food in the spring, they are in poor health when winter arrives.
The researchers traveled on helicopters and ships. They captured more than 20 polar bears, and tested their blood. Before releasing the animals, the researchers equipped them with devices to measure temperature. They then followed the movement of the polar bears on ice and on land.
Other studies had suggested that the bears could deal with a lack of food in the summer by reducing their activity — like the animals do when they hibernate in the winter. But Ms. Ben David says the researchers discovered that did not happen.
"We found that polar bears — like their nearest relatives the brown bears — are incapable of reducing their metabolic rate to the level that we see during winter hibernation. So there are limits on how long they can go without feeding in the summer."
Ms. Ben David says 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears live in the Arctic. She says the world should take action to protect them.
"If we want to be responsible citizens of this planet, we have to do everything in our power to stop, reverse the trend of sea ice loss."
She says countries must work to limit the greenhouse gases that studies have linked to rising temperatures. She says if that does not happen, polar bears could one day disappear from our planet.
The global polar bear population could decline by more than 30 percent in as little as 35 years. That's according to a new study in The Royal Society's Biology Letters.
全球北极熊数量在35年内可能下降超过百分之30 。这是根据英国皇家学会生物学快报的一项新研究 。
Researchers looked at climate change effect on the Arctic Sea and calculated the likelihood of this projected population drop is 71 percent.
研究人员观察气候变化对北极海的影响,并计算出预计种群下降的可能性为百分之71 。
That's because polar bears stand on Arctic Sea ice when hunting for seals. According to NASA, even the thickest ice in the Arctic Ocean has "either thinned or melted away."
这是因为北极熊捕猎海豹时站在北极海的冰上 。美国国家航空航天局表示,甚至北冰洋最厚的冰要么变薄或要么融化了 。
And just this week, scientists reported sea ice levels in the area were at a record low for this time of year.
就在本周科学家报告称,该地区的海冰水平创下一年中这个时候的历史新低 。
This all adds up to not great news for polar bears. With an estimated population of 26,000, the bears are already listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
【关于北极的英语作文 描述北极的英语作文】这对北极熊不是什么好的消息 。现估计有26,000头北极熊,已被国际自然保护联合会列为易危物种 。