写一篇关于运动会的英语作文带翻译 有关运动会的英语作文带翻译

运动会是指体育比赛,如奥运会,但范围不同 。最早的运动会是古希腊的古代奥运会 。在英语中,还有一个关于写运动会的作文主题,那么你想知道如何写关于运动会的英语作文吗?这里有一些边肖收集的写运动会的英语作文带翻译 。我们来看看吧!
Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about September, I am very exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don't have class. My school's sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so nervous and yell out "come on" to my classmate, watching they get to the final line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me so many beautiful memories.
每年,我的学校都会大约在九月份举行运动会,对此我很激动,我可以观赏美妙的比赛和不用上课 。学校的运动会维持三天并停课,所有的学生都去操场上观看比赛 。作为一名观众,我很紧张,大声对同学喊“加油”,看着他们冲过终点线,为他们感到自豪 。我最喜欢的部分是接力比赛,很刺激,所有的学生大声呼喊,运动员一个追一个,没人可以肯定谁是冠军,直到最后的时刻 。运动会带给了我很多美好的回忆 。

写一篇关于运动会的英语作文带翻译 有关运动会的英语作文带翻译


Saturday,April 16th
【写一篇关于运动会的英语作文带翻译 有关运动会的英语作文带翻译】4月16日
Sports Meeting
Dear fellow students,
The Students' Union is going to hold asports meeting next Saturday, April 24th.It will take place in the sports arenafrom 9 a m. until 5 p.m. All freshmen undergraduates are allowed to enter.Competition forms can be found in the entrance hall of the Students'Unionbuilding. These must be returned by 7 p.m. Thursday evening at the latest. Inthe event of bad weather it will be held inside the sports centre.
学生会将于4月24日,也就是下周六举行一场运动会 。运动会将在体育场举行,时间为上午9点至下午5点 。所有本科大一新生都可以参加比赛 。参赛表可以在学生会大楼门口领取 。参赛表最晚在周四晚上7点之前上交 。天气不好的时候,赛事将会在体育中心内举行 。Peter彼得
The Spring Sports Meeting
Our school usually holds a spring sports meeting each year. The spring sports meet this year was held last Friday. Many students took an active part in it. So did I.
我们学校通常每年举办一次春季运动会,今年的春季运动会在上个星期五举行 。许多同学都积极参加,我也如此 。
The sports meet began at eight o'clock. After the opening, all kinds of races, both field-events and track-events, started one after another. I took part in the 1500-metre race. I felt a little nervous before the contest began because it was the first time that I had run at a school sports meet.
运动会八点开始,开幕式之后,各田赛和竞赛项目陆续开始 。我参加1500米长跑,比赛前我有些紧张,因为这是我第一次参加校运动会项目 。
My roommates stood around me, encouraging me," Come on. You were the winner of our grade in the Long-distance Competition last time. Be brave!" On hearing the shot of the starting gun, I shot from the starting point.
同学们围在我身边鼓励我:“振作精神,你是我们年级上次越野长跑冠军,勇敢些!”听到枪声,我从起跑线冲出 。
I ran at a medium speed at the beginning because there was a long way to go and I had to maintain my strength. As soon as there was only 400 meters left, I began to quicken my speed. I caught up with other runners soon and won first place in the end. There was only one step between the second place and me!
开始时我以中等速度跑着,因为前面的路还长,我得保持体力 。只剩400米时,我开始加速 。很快我赶上了其他对手,终于夺得第一名,与第二名仅差一步 。
My classmates ran to me, shouting and saying congratulations. I was very excited. It was also the last time for me to compete in my senior high school, for I will finish my high school in two months. I will never forget it.
同学们跑过来祝贺,我非常激动,这也是我高中阶段的最后一个运动会,因为再有两个月我就高中毕业了,这次运动会让我难以忘怀 。
The olympic games
The Olympic games are held every four years. The winter Olympics are usually held two years before the summerOlympics. The old Olympic games began around the year 776 B.C. in Greece. After about the year 393 A.D., the Olympic games stopped. The first Olympic games in modern times took place in 1896. 311 competitors took part in the games. In 1992, more than 8000 competitors from over 150 different counties went to Barcelona for the 25th Olympics. There were 250 different sports in the games. In Barcelona, the Chinese team got 16 golden metals of which 12 were won by women.
奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次,冬季奥运会一般在夏季奥运会的前两年举行 。以前的奥运会在公元前776年的希腊举行,差不多在公元393年的时候,奥运会停止了 。最初的现代奥运会在1896年举行,311位竞争对手选出一部分去参赛 。1992年,150个不同的国家的8000多位竞争对手到巴塞罗那参加第25届奥运会,一共有250个不同的运动项目 。在巴塞罗那,中国队得到了16块金牌其中12个是女运动员 。