

《灵异第六感》讲述一个九岁小男孩柯尔自称能见到死人,他的心理医生在一年前曾经遭到他以前一个治疗失败的病人的枪击,因此发誓要尽力帮助这个男孩的故事 。以下是学习啦小编为你精心整理的关于《灵异第六感》语录,希望你喜欢 。
1.你将一切置于其次 包括我
that you have put everything second, including me
2.相同的动作和表情 也有同样的心理问题
The same mannerisms, same expressions, same things hanging over their head
3.但我觉得这是我弥补的机会 我不想错失它
feel like I'm being given a second chance, and I don't want it to slip away
4.别相信别人说的话 那全是屁话
Don't you believe anybody that tries to convince you of that. That's bullshit
5.就像有些人会故意丢东西 让人找到
For example, a person might leave something on the desk for someone else to find
from the first time she met you on the street.She'd do anything for you
7.他们像我们一样走来走去,互相看不见对方,他们只看得到他们想看到的 。
Walking around like regular people,They don't see each other,They only see what they wanna see.
8.有时你会有种感觉,好像坠入万丈深渊,但你其实根本没动 。
Sometimes you feel it inside,like you're falling down real fast,but you're really just standing still.
I think this piece, um, communicates a longing
10.当人们死后 他们所拥有过的东西,上面都会留下他们的痕迹 。
I think maybe when people own things and then they pass away a part of themselves gets printed on those things
11.只有心无邪念的人 才能拔出石中剑
Only he who is pure of heart can take the sword from the stone
12.你对我一直都是最重要的永远都是,我爱你好好睡吧,明早开始一切都会改观的 。
You were never second Ever I love you You sleep now Everything will be different in the morning
how can you help me ,if you don't believe me
影片讲述一个九岁小男孩柯尔,自称能见到已故的人,麦克医生(一位儿童心理医生)想要为他治疗,却不被柯尔接受,柯尔认定没有人可以帮助他脱离现状 。在麦克医生不断坚持下,柯尔终于放下心防,让医生了解自己的问题,也慢慢地接受他的建议 。可就在问题即将得到解决的时候,麦克医生却在柯尔的引导下发现了一个惊天秘密 。