
公历出间:1971年 4 12日 巳 10:00-10:59
农历出生时间亥年 三月 十七日 巳时
八字:辛亥 壬辰 丁卯 乙巳
五行:金水火木 木火
纳音:钗钏金 常流水 炉中火 佛灯火
本命属猪,钗钏金命 。五行,日主天干为【火】,生于【春季】 。
此命推来福不轻,自成自立显门庭 。从来富贵人钦敬,使婢差奴过一生
生日(阳历):1971年4月9日 19:00-19:59时 生肖为猪
(八字):辛亥年 壬辰月 甲子日 甲戌时
五行个数:1个金,2个木,3个水,0个火,2个土 。
五行是否所缺:您八字中的五行缺火 。

英语作文参文:Today it is March12th.It's Tree-planting Day. It isveryvery fine/sunny and windy. We, the students of Class 3 Grade 6, all went out. We were going to the West Hill to plant some young trees. After half an hour's walk, we got to the destination. As soon as we reached there, we started working at once. Some were digging, some were planting the young trees, and the others were carrying water to water the trees. Having been busy for about three hours, we finished our task. Thenwewent down the hillng talking and singing happily all the way.