It is difficult to know when the Spring Festival originated. There are many myths to explain the origin of the Spring Festival. However, it is generally believed that the Spring Festival originated from the activities of offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors at the end of the year in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. It is said that there was a custom of celebrating the Spring Festival as early as Yao and Shun, and now it is also an important festival in China.
【春节这一习俗源自何时很难考究 春节的由来英文】汉语翻译:新春佳节这一风俗习惯源于什么时候难以讲究,有很多神话传说来说明春节的来历,不过一般觉得春节起源于中国殷商时期的年分年末祭神、拜祖主题活动;传奇最开始在尧舜禹时就会有过年的风俗,现在也是在我国关键节日 。
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