淮安金湖水上森林公园停车场须知 淮安市金湖水上森林景区

淮安金湖水上森林公园停车场须知 淮安市金湖水上森林景区

一、禁停对象 。严禁停放无牌、漏水、漏油及载有易燃、易爆、有毒、有害等物品车辆进入本停车场 。
1. Forbidden vehicles. Unlicensed, water-leaking and oil-leaking vehicles, and vehicles loaded with inflammable, explosive, toxic or harmful goods are prohibited from entering the park.
二、自觉缴费 。按照规定缴纳停车费,并索取停车票据 。
2. Please take the initiative to pay charges. Please pay parking fees according to the rules, and remember to ask for parking tickets.
三、遵守规则 。按区域行车、停车,关闭电源,拉紧手闸,严禁吸烟、加油等行为,自觉维护停车秩序 。
3. Observe the rules. Please drive and park vehicles only in specified areas. Please turn off the power and pull on the handbrake when parking. Behaviors like smoking and refueling are prohibited. Please make a conscious effort to maintain parking order.
四、限速行驶 。限速5公里/小时,出现安全责任事故均由车主负责 。
4. Drive at the speed limit. Please drive at the speed limit of 5km/h. Any security liability due to negligence arising from the driver’s violation will be borne by them.
五、财物保管 。关锁好门窗,贵重物品随身携带,丢失或损坏与景区无关 。
5. Look after your property. Make sure you close and lock the doors and windows of your vehicle when leaving. Please carry your valuables with you. The scenic spot shall take no responsibility for any of your loss.
六、保持整洁 。瓜果纸屑等垃圾入箱,保持环境卫生 。
6. Keep tidy. Rinds and skins of melons and fruits, paper scraps, and other such wastes should be thrown into dustbins to keep the environment clean.
七、保护设施 。爱护设施设备,损坏照价赔偿 。
7. Protect facilities. Please take good care of facilities and equipment. Any damage shall be compensated at the original price.
【淮安金湖水上森林公园停车场须知 淮安市金湖水上森林景区】景区救援电话:0517-86812999
Emergency telephone: 0517-86812999
Inquiry hotline: 0517-86898888
Complaint hotline: 0517-86853333