大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。take care of和look after的区别,take care of这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、look after 与take care of 的用法区别?答:take care of作“照顾、照料”解,相当于look after. 如: ① I believe that neighbors can take care of your son while you are out.相信我外出期间我的邻居们会照顾我的儿子的 。
2、 ② The boy is very young. He can’t take care of himself. 这男孩很?。?不可以照顾自己 。
3、 take care of作“保管、保护”解 。
4、如: ① The teacher told the students to take care of the new books.老师告知学生要保护好新书 。
5、 ② Can you take care of your thing? 你会保管你的物品吗?
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