世上最美是什么?What’s the most beautiful in the world?
One is ladies and the other is characters.
When ladies were required to stay at home, characters freed ladies from lady ‘s private dwelling houses, who were no longer stuck in basic necessities of life, clothing, food, shelter and means of traveling. and also set free from wood, rice, oil and salt.
Characters got them out of the fetters from the mind. and allowed them to have a pure place to keep their own heart and soul joyful. It was Characters that let them live in the human world with graceful postures , shining in life with exceedingly fascinating and charming.
Li Qingzhao is one of those who are freed by Characters, becoming an extraordinary poet in the South Song Dynasty .
She is sentimental about life with
elegant and good looks . She is a melodic lady. She has talent for drawing ,handwriting and music as well.
Li Qingzhao will be always remembered as an marvellous lady in the long river of history .
女子与文字是世界上最优美的 。
当女子被要求必须呆在家里的时候,文字让女子不再被困于闺阁,不再被困于衣食住行和柴米油盐 。文字让她们挣脱了身上的枷锁 。
文字让女子有了一方净土,可以供养自己, 使自己精神快乐 , 在红尘里,以一种优雅的姿态,绽放万种风情 。
李清照就是女子中,被文字解放的杰出代表之一 。文字让她成为南宋著名词人 。李清照多愁善感,长相清丽娟秀,是一个曼妙的女子 。
她多才多艺,还擅长书画 , 兼通音律 。是在历史的长河中永远被铭记的奇女子 。
Please appreciate one of her poems. 请欣赏她的词作,
红藕香残玉簟秋 。轻解罗裳,独上兰舟 。云中谁寄锦书来,雁字回时,月满西楼 。花自飘零水自流 。一种相思,两处闲愁 。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头 。
Li Qingzhao is one of my favorite poets , whom I wrote full of feelings.









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