百度英汉翻译 百度英汉翻译在线

百度英汉翻译 百度英汉翻译在线

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。百度英汉翻译在线,百度英汉翻译这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Dog for Sale 卖狗 A man walked into a pet shop one day with a large and very ugly dog. 一天 , 一个男人带着一只巨大而丑陋的狗来到了宠物店 。
2、 It had long hair, short legs, no tail and a very wet nose. 这狗有着长长的毛,短短的腿,没有尾巴而且鼻子潮湿 。
3、 “Good morning, sir,” the owner of the pet shop said. “How can I help you?” “早上好,先生,”宠物店主说,“我能帮你点什么?” “I want to sell this dog.” “我想要卖掉这条狗 。
4、” The pet shop owner looked at the dog and shook his head. 宠物店主看了看那条狗,摇了摇头 。
5、 “I’m sorry. I can’t give you anything for that animal. No one will want to buy him.” “对不起,我不能买这条狗 。
6、没人会要它的 。
7、” “Why not?” asked the man. “He’s clean, well-behaved and healthy.” “为什么不行?”男人问 。
8、“它干净整洁,守规矩而且很健康 。
9、” “Look at him, sir,” said the pet shop owner.“看看这狗吧先生,”宠物店主说 。
10、 “He hasn’t got a fall, his legs are too short and his hair’s too long. Who would want to buy such a dog?” “它缺了条尾巴,腿太短了,毛又太长了 。
11、谁会想买这样一条狗?” “Well, I guess you’re right,” the man said. “But he can talk.” “好吧,我承认你是对的 。
12、”男人说 。
13、“但是它能说话 。
14、” “What do you mean he can talk?” the pet stop owner asked. “你说它能说话?”店主问道 。
15、 “Yes, he can speak perfect English. Just listen,” the man answered. “是的,它能说纯正的英语 。
16、听,”男人答到 。
17、 The dog then spoke. 那条狗开始说话了 。
18、 “It’s true, sir,” he said. “I am the world’s greatest talking dog.“是真的先生,”它说 。
19、“我是世界上最好的会说话的狗 。
20、 I’ve been to America and talked to the President at the White House in Washington. 我到过美国,和华盛顿白宫的总统聊过天 。
21、I’ve talked to the Queen of England and the Emperor of Japan. 我还和英国女王还有日本天皇说过话 。
22、Please buy me, sir. This man is very cruel to me. He makes me work too hard and doesn’t feed me very well.请把我买下来吧先生 。
23、这个男人对我很凶,让我拼命干活却不给我东西吃 。
24、 He never takes me for a walk or gives me a bath. Sometimes he leaves me alone for weeks. I’m so unhappy, sir. Please buy me and find a good home for me.” 他从不带我散步,也不给我洗澡 。
25、有时他几个星期都不理会我 。
26、我很难受先生 。
27、请把我买下来,帮我找一户好人家吧 。
28、“ The pet shop owner could hardly believe what he was hearing. 店主简直不敢相信他听到了些什么 。
29、 “That’s amazing,” he said. “You’re right. He is a talking dog. But tell me, why do you want to sell him?” “太牛了,”他说 。
30、“你说得对,这是条会讲话的狗 。
31、但是请问一下,你为什么想卖掉它呢?” “Because I’m tired of all his lies,” the man said. “因为我对它的谎话已经感到厌烦了,”男人说 。
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